Beauty secrets: how to eat pasta and lose weight


"One of the most beloved dishes of our family is a real Italian pasta. Always eat it with great pleasure, absolutely not surviving that it somehow will negatively affect our appearance. Why? The secret is simple. We know how to prepare this dish correctly when it can be, and most importantly, we are engaged in sports, without departing from the stove ...

Carbonara linguini with forest mushrooms:

You will need : 4 bacon slice, 250 grams of mushrooms, 1 garlic clove, 250 grams of paste - I prefer linguini, - 1 \ 4 cups of white dry wine, teaspoon of crushed thyme, 5 tablespoons 40% cream, tablespoon parsley, salt, pepper and Terched parmesan to taste.

Cooking: Put the pasta to the condition of the semi-prepared. In a well-warmed frying pan, fry finely chopped bacon to a crust, add chopped mushrooms, fry minutes 10 to grasp. Add crushed garlic and thyme to mushrooms and fry another minute. Pour wine and cook for some time until the wine is slightly evaporated. Remove the sauce from the fire and add cream and parsley. Scroll (salt can not be added, because bacon and so salty). Add a paste to the pan and remove a few minutes until the pasta is fully prepared.

A little secret: do not pour the broth in which pasta was cooked. If you see that the sauce in the pan is thick, dilute it with starch broth.

Serve, sprinkling with parmesan.

Pasta, high-quality and properly cooked, does not harm the figure. It is important to eat it in the first half of the day, as well as to follow the total number of calories. That is, if you have breakfast porridge on low-fat milk or water, and have dinner with a light vegetable salad, then from dense, but there will be no such delicious dinner. Of course, you should not eat every day, but several times a month deteriorate yourself.

And one more advice, important! Every time I cook, I don't just stand near the stove, but, watching water boils or smoothes something, I am engaged in my figure.

Great option - make squats. While you are waiting for the moment when the broth boiling, take 3 approaches of 10 squats.

Exercises You will finish approximately by the time the paste can be served on the table. Drink a glass of water, wait 5 minutes, until the dish cool down and ... a pleasant appetite and beautiful appearance! "

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