Elena Velikanova: "Husband for me is a man's ideal, it has a rod"


Actress Elena Velikanova admits that the continuity of traditions, roots is very important for her. She was born and grew up in the center of Moscow. In his area, he also met a teenager with a future husband. Love came much later, although the meeting happened again in native fenats. Today Lena continues to walk in his beloved park with those girlfriends, and her son Misha - with their children. In traditions in which he grew up, he brings up and son. Practices love for reading, music, painting, and most importantly, develops a sense of internal freedom in it, and not the ability to live according to the rules. Details - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Lena, you are moving away, rehearse the concert and still have time to actively engage in the house - run in the mornings for the products, collect the Son to school, cook. How do you combine all this?

- If you get up early, you can have a lot of time. Since the son goes to the first class, then my day starts seven thirty. I am preparing breakfast, I take Misha to school, I train, I am engaged in my body, I go to the girlfriend to the ballet. I have long been accustomed to such a rhythm of life, even parents taught, therefore, even when there is a feeling that there is no work, many different things arise. And the key to everything - it is necessary to go around early and get up early, but get enough sleep. In general, I believe that the movement is life.

- What is just a rest?

- For this, I just need to be for some time one in silence. I can meditate, read, but a good movie or a game on the instrument is also a holiday for me. Every few months I try to go somewhere. New countries, new cities, new people, culture, story with immersion - all this is very strong feeding for me.

- As you manage to plan your schedule so much, the actors are subsequently ...

- There are children's holidays, I initially planning a trip. It happens that during the filming I can break out somewhere for a week, recover, and then return to work. Last year, after the end of the project "House of the Last Lonar", the same day flew to Australia. My Misha and I flew there thirty hours. (Laughs.) I often go very far. If shooting in Moscow, I try to spend the maximum amount of time at the cottage with the family, coming to Moscow to be filmed for two or three days.

On the set of this film with the director Vladimir Yankovsky

On the set of this film with the director Vladimir Yankovsky

Photo: Personal archive of Elena Giant

- Did you recently have a cottage?

- No, I grew there, it is such a generic nest. Grandfather long ago gave a small plot in the village of journalists. Cottage is in the forest, not far from the Borovsky monastery, so once a week we go there to the foil to plunge. All my neighbors-friends have now already gave birth to children, and those walk alone, walk through the forest, we only catch them, where they, who. (Laughs.) And a barbecue.

- You did not blink this occupation?

- No, but now I ride less, slightly hard, you must adapt to the time of year. In the summer I run and sit in the saddle, and in the winter there is more in the hall. Practicing yoga for more than ten years. I like to feel my body, the tone of the muscles, even through the pain, I did not throw a pregnant woman. Yoga is improving the body, and the soul, and the mind. I have a very difficult, nervous, emotional profession, and stresses easier to remove the meditation. Yoga is able to calm, restore breathing, warm up and prepare a body for work. In winter, I am physically hard on the street.

- So winter sports: skis, including mountain, skates are not yours?

- Why? I drive to ride a snowboard. We just flew from Bulgaria. I have been standing for a very long time on the board, I love adrenaline, but within reasonable limits. It seems to me that you can enjoy and without extreme as such. And I put Misha on the board. At the ski resort you get up at eight in the morning, have breakfast and more than six hours you are high in the mountains and engage in sports. It is very helpful, and for me it is a great pleasure. At least once a year I spend some time in the mountains.

"You tell all the time that I flew with Misha." What about the husband?

- Oleg works and can not afford to rest often, so now we went with a friend of friends. But if there is an opportunity, we fly in the threesome, together with Oleg too - in general, adjust to the circumstances.

Elena Velikanova:

The son of the actress Misha is a musical gifted child playing the piano. With mom in the studio, recording the song to the project "Earth Hour"

Photo: Personal archive of Elena Giant

- How much are you now dependent on work?

- I am not from those people who have a job for work. It is better to go to learn something, as usual I do that, than the catch of my energy and the strength is wasted, without receiving pleasure from this. Literally the other day I received a proposal, but I didn't like the material so much that I even refused to try. As the old saying says: "If you have a good scenario, you have a chance to remove a bad movie, and if you have a bad script, you do not have any chance at all." Money is discussed last.

- What was the biggest break between the shooting?

- year. This is normal for me. Now I have a break from the end of October to the end of May. I am very calm towards this. I have a lot of other things accumulate, and it is necessary to recover. I have not agree to take a few projects for a long time in parallel, I do it consciously. Last year in the summer, we starred with Cyril Kyaro in the "consultant", and in Minsk in the film "I believe. I hope. Love. " I'm madly tired, and the rest was just a week to spend it with my family. It is necessary to restore time, first of all it concerns the physical forces, then mental, but also mentally it is necessary to rest in order to have time to rummate. I understand that artists, as a rule, a short working period in one project, and when he falls into a jet, one proposal by one rolls on it. But I think that you still need to save yourself, no matter how difficult it was to refuse.

- Materially not suffer at this time?

- I earn good, and my fees are enough, despite the downtime. I am not a provincial girl who came to Moscow and she has nowhere to live. Everyone has different needs, I try to live by means. I am much more interesting than the book that I want to read than new homes. And there is enough money for travel. (Smiles.)

- When did you get the script of the film "The Groom for Fair", immediately saw that it was your heroine?

"Gunn Slutski is a very good playwright, and Volodya Ustyugov is a theater director, he puts all the time performances with my beloved Tatyana Grigorievna Vasilyeva, an excellent artist. Of course, the script was knocked out from the stream of the material that I read in large quantities. Volodya said that he had a Dream Cast in this picture, because he really wanted to play Ekaterina Sergeyevna Vasilyeva, Marina Esipenko and Alexander Yatsko. And it all happened. He also rummaged to take me in the process of filming, from long hair to make a short square. But I threatened to do without it, suggested to stab, then he said Marina Esipenko: "Marina, hare!" (Laughs.) And she obeyed. We then laughed very long that Volodya had definitely wanted to cut someone.

Equestrian - one of the favorite Hobbies Helena

Equestrian - one of the favorite Hobbies Helena

Photo: Personal archive of Elena Giant

- What happens to what is happening in the relationship of people in recent years?

- Yes very! And in our film, we say that a person who sincerely loves, selfless, devoted to the edge is now called a fool. This is a kind of "Chamber No. 6", around the ambulation, distrust to each other. We argue about the relationship of close relatives, parents and children, men and women, husbands and wives ... And we have raised the topic of emigration: a person will never be happy in a foreign country. I am very glad that the second show passed well, because the first was in an unsuccessful time, and I thought that no one would notice this film. And now I got a huge feedback, many called. It makes me very happy.

- Shooting were without cinema extreme?

- Well, what about it?! (Laughs.) In one big scene, when I'm on the street in one dress, and Roma Polyansky - in a sweater, was minus twenty. In the work on this film there was always some kind of superfold. It was not important what breaks between the filming, what you live, because there is an idea for which you work, what you want to pass people. The way we with Catherine Sergeyevna rode in a sleigh on the rink was fine, and even what she fell, it was not important for her. We wanted to convey the feeling of love, make sure that the children care about parents, about grandparents, so that we understand that we need this concern after some time, so that relations between native people are preserved, and not even relatives, as happened Between my Katya and Polina Sergeyevna.

- What are your relationship with Catherine Vasilyeva?

- We all spent together when they were on the site, having lunch together, although we had separate trains. She always invited me, and I heard a lot of stories, as she worked with Smoktunovsky on stage, for example. We still communicate, call up, she is waiting for me to visit, but, unfortunately, I will not dare. I met her last year, she led me to church, introduced me to her family. She has a son priest - Father Dimitri. We are in a very warm relationship now, seeing quite often. I was far from the church, although I believe in God. But she said: "I will enlighten you," and enlightened. We stood next to, prayed, and it passed on a thinner level.

Cruise on Norwegian Fjordam

Cruise on Norwegian Fjordam

Photo: Personal archive of Elena Giant

- You came across what they were told you that you were not mercantile at all, stupid in this sense, how is your "fool"?

- If you take my filmography, then all my heroines are sincere and, of course, in something like me. And "fool" is just a quintessence of all images, if you recall the "Vanechka", "Popsu", the "happiness time". But I played and bitch in the "Nobody" citizen. There lives a lot and good in us, and bad. It all depends on the fact that you are broadcasting more, this is the choice of every person.

- sincerity in combination with emotionality is a beautiful, but dangerous mixture. Have you ever had any problems with this?

- Probably, at school and at the institute there were moments when it was not necessary to sincerely express your opinion, and somewhere should be silent, not going to provociate. Now it became more restrained, I try to analyze: whether this honesty is needed at the moment.

- Now fashionable position: its territory, personal space, shipping problems - almost a bad tone and in love, and in friendship ...

- No, I somehow all in the old man. (Laughs.) There are favorite "ears". And mom is my close girlfriend. I love and surround myself with loved ones. We must try so that if possible, there were those who are pleasant to you. I knew my friends and in trouble, and in joy. And many times saw in their eyes that they were glad for me, as for themselves. It is most important for me, valuable in friendship. Other relationships need to be immediately cut off.

- And what else, except envy and insincerity, is annoying you in people?

- I really do not like nonsense. I can forgive any late, the mistake, but I can not stand when a person is stupid, unconsciously makes things that may have terrible consequences. And when it happens more than once a month, and regularly, it is very annoying. I don't like naked people. Unspitable. I am not about etiquette, but about the feeling of tact. I do not accept when they say: the goal justifies the funds. This causes me a feeling of rejection.

Elena Velikanova:

"I do not accept when they say: the goal justifies the funds. It causes a feeling of rejection."

Photo: Dmitry Bunling

- Do you know yourself well or sometimes surprise something?

- I know quite well, but I will surprise too. (Smiles.) I remember how long ago, in the series "River-Sea", jumped from the ship to the water, and before that, even with a bridge in the pool never dived. And when this scene was filmed, everyone asked: Well, scary? But I felt that I should do it. I felt some power unknown. Or when we remove more than twelve hours, myself was amazed, as I have a second breath, how long can I work, do not sleep. Or a difficult scene, I think: how to do it? I can not". And suddenly Hop - it turned out. These are such pleasant discoveries.

- Have you changed your eyes on shooting in frank scenes?

- No, all the same. (Laughs.) I keep my body and have not yet seen informed offers about this. I believe that the most passionate thing that can occur between people is silence, maximum look. For me, this is much more sex than in the physical touch of a partner, undressing in the frame. I have long been lobbying my position. And until he met the director who convicted me.

- Your novel with her husband started ten years ago, but did you meet you even at school?

- We met when I was fourteen years old. We had one common company, I live where he grew up, on a falcon, this is an old Moscow habitat, near the village of artists. And Oleg learned here. We have a lot of common acquaintances, as they say, "on the area". Oleg older than me for two years. We sometimes crossed, and at the age of twenty met away, and it was love at first sight. (Smiles.) After some time began to live together, consciously build their home. Now our house is in the same area. My child goes to school here, and we still walk with girls together in the park. And our children are already walking together. This is such a continuity of space, roots ...

- You somehow said that a man should be worthy ...

- Yes, if you respect yourself, appreciate, it is definitely a decent person should be next to you. I do not understand when they say: closing his eyes to it or overpaying through something, we still go further. Why then all this? Favorite in a certain sense still must be your idol, causing admiration. In this, it seems to me that there is a notion of dignity. For me, the husband is the very ideal of a man. It has a male rod, strength.

Elena Velikanova:

"The most passionate thing that can happen between people is silence, maximum look. For me, this is much more sex than in physical concern partner."

Photo: Dmitry Bunling

- You have a younger brother Alexey. What does he do?

"Yes, Alexey for twenty-one years old, he studies in England, did not go to the side of art, but plays a guitar virtuoso, a very good musician. Just when dad is Meloman, music sounds in the house twenty-four hours a day, it is impossible not to be a musical child. At fourteen, he was given to the instrument, and it was immediately clear that he would succeed.

- And Misha is engaged in music?

- Sure! Playing the piano. We have a violin, an electric guitar, but while we decided to start with the key and learn solfeggio. Love for music is transferred from parents. It is enough to recall many great composers. Misha, as soon as he learned to sit and walk, was already his synthesizer. And not because Mom wanted so much. It was just necessary to see these deposits on time and maintain with good teachers. And five times a week he is engaged in sports. He has a yellow belt on karate, and he plays for a school football team.

- Are you friends friends?

- We have a good relationship. And with the dad they have their boyish stories, their time to communicate. I want him to grow with the maximum feeling of inner freedom, and not according to the rules. I try to develop critical thinking so that he has his own feeling of peace. We read a lot of books for the night, look at the encyclopedia of art, on history. He speaks well in English. This year I slightly dragged him on the museums, I love it very much. (Laughs.)

- Did your female self-take after birth changed after birth? Previously, you said that you feel the woman by and large, only when you dress up in a beautiful dress on the way out, shoes with heels ...

- With self-determination I have no problems, I am a girl to the bone's brain. (Laughs.) Of course, when I go out to the events, I put on the evening dress, some family jewels, heels, this feeling is enhanced. But the fact that I am fully a woman, I understood ten years ago, when it began to live with a man and take care of him. The man is satisfied with the naked walls, and the woman fills the house with energy, tasty food and comfort.

Elena Velikanova:

"Favorite in a certain sense still must be your idol, causing admiration"

Photo: Dmitry Bunling

- Do you like cooking?

- Yes, I love, but not when cooking becomes the necessary part. Although this is life. And the fact that you have a plane regularly, in the fact and there is a big love. You get up and fill in Morning Music, Kettle's noise, Fish feeding and a delicious breakfast smell. It is very important how morning it is built.

- for yourself, beloved, except for sports and yoga, what are you doing? Are you a suitcase of creams with you?

- For me, traditions are very important and what I loved for a long time. I have a thin, leather-leaked to allergies, so at some point I was forced to look for an alternative to daily care. And found her, Japanese, cosmetics. The problem is only that these creams do not produce in small jars, and my whole bathroom is clogged with them, and you have to fly with a suitcase cosmetics everywhere. (Laughs.) I am very careful about myself, as it is simply obliged to follow his appearance.

- Now almost since childhood makes beauty injections, pumping Botox, not to mention other cosmetic procedures ...

- Yes, it is fashionable, the whole industry works for it. And I physically fear I am physically afraid, I'm afraid that I will be given some drug - and because of the allergies, something will happen to face. I make masks, massage until I have enough, and soon, maybe new wonderful opportunities will appear in cosmetology. And then I think: "Well, well, make me a rejuvenating injection, and what? Again, at thirty four years, play twenty-year-old girls? " I am an expression, and I like that other roles began to come. I really love Meryl Streep and Innu Mikhailovna Churikov, they are beautiful at their age and in life, and on the screen. Of course, you need to care for me, but without fanaticism. In general, to everything, in my opinion, you need to approach without obsession.

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