Driver against: 4 situations that you should not allow a taxi


Approximately 80% of the population of large cities are used by taxi drivers. The growth in the popularity of this type of transport has recently been due to the simplicity of use and relatively low price tag. In addition, you can choose any level of service, which allows you to cover all segments of the population. However, absolutely all passengers face problems, many taxi drivers enjoy the legal illiteracy of the client and uselessly use it. We will talk about situations that you should not "drop on the brakes".

Your comfort and security is always in the first place.

It would seem that this is an elementary rule, and yet it happens from time to time to be in a taxi with a rather irresponsible driver, who does not just do not follow the cleanliness of the cabin, but also in danger of life of his client, for example, talking on the phone. It is important to remember that even standing in a traffic jam, the driver does not have the right to be distracted by observation of the road, it is very rare to meet a person who has time to do several things at the same time. Do not be worried about informing the technical support of the company providing you with services.

Some animals are possible

Yes, today there are special Zootaxi, which serve precisely so that you can make a comfortable trip along with a pet of any kind and size. By law, you can also take advantage of the usual taxi if you carry a small dog in the salon in a muzzle, small animals and birds in cells and containers with a deaf bottom. The most important thing, the animal should not interfere with the management of the vehicle. But do not think that a big dog can be transported in the trunk - it is dangerous for the pet itself and the driver in the right to refuse you.

In taxi allowed the procurement of small animals

In taxi allowed the procurement of small animals


The driver is obliged to take you to the end point.

At first glance, it may seem absundant assumption that the taxi driver would not like the route, especially in a situation, if he has already agreed and you got into the car. It happens that already in the process of the trip, when it turns out that the road is not too good quality, the driver offers you a few hundred meters alone. Remember - you paid a trip from the point to the point and absolutely not obliged to overcome obstacles on the road yourself. Again, write in technical support.

Driver talks too much

The situation when the driver begins to be too interested in your life, alas, not uncommon. Many immediately break all attempts to chat, and someone from politeness suffers an endless monologue. It is important to remember that sharp phrases can establish a real conflict, which is especially unpleasant if the route is quite long, so no rudeness and accusations, just inform the driver that you are not tuned to the conversation, take an aggressive-defensive position right away - a bad idea. As a rule, after the warning, the remaining part of the road passes in silence.

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