How to teach a child there are fruit instead of potatoes fries?


As a parent, you convey to your children not only genes. Children also adopt your habits - both good and bad. Show your children that you care about them by sharing these tips on the nutrition, which they will use for a long time after:

Habit 1: Do Food Colorful

Eating in food products of different color is not only entertainment, but also health benefits. Help your children to understand the nutritional value of the inclusion in their ordinary diet of many multi-colored products. This does not mean that every meal must be multi-colored. But you must try to include fruits and vegetables in your diet of different shades. Let the colors vary from red, blue and orange to yellow, green and white.

You must try to include fruits and vegetables in your diet of various shades.

You must try to include fruits and vegetables in your diet of various shades.


Habit 2: Do not skip breakfast

If you teach children to regularly eat in childhood, it will increase the likelihood that they will retain this useful habit when they become older. Teach them that a healthy breakfast: launches their brain and energy, helps them remain strong, restrains the attacks of chronic diseases. Harvard Medical School confirms that the rejection of breakfast is four times the likelihood of obesity. And the high content of fiber in many breakfast flakes can help reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Habit 3: Choose pleasant exercise

Not every child loves sports, some may be afraid of physical education. But if they see that you are active, and find exercise that they like, remain healthy and active becomes easy. Most likely, they can postpone the love of these classes in adulthood. If your child has not yet found his sports niche, encourage it to continue attempts and show activity with him. Offer them to engage in various kinds of physical activity, such as swimming, archery or gymnastics. They will definitely find what they like.

Habit 4: Drink water, not gas

Water is useful, and drinks are harmful to health. Even if your children do not understand all the reasons why too much sugar is harmful to them, you can help them understand the basics. For example, according to the American Cardiology Association (AHA), sugar in non-alcoholic beverages does not contain nutrients. He also adds calories, which can lead to problems with weight. On the other hand, water is a vital resource, without which people cannot live.

Habit 5: Look at the labels

Your children, especially teenagers, can take care of labels on their clothes. Show them that there is another type of label, more important for their health: a label indicating the nutritional value. Show children as their favorite packaged products have labels with vital information about nutrition. In order not to overload them, focus on several key parts of the label, such as the amount for a portion: calories, saturated fats and transdury, grams of sugar.

Joint family trapez helps not overeat

Joint family trapez helps not overeat


Habit 6: enjoy family dinner

Due to the busy family schedule, it is difficult to find the time to sit down and enjoy the meal, but it's worth trying. According to the University of Florida, studies have shown that a joint family trapes means that family bonds are becoming stronger, children are more adapted, everyone is eating more nutritious food, children less often suffer from obesity or overweight, children are less commonly abused by drugs or alcohol.

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