The most scandalous movie files


"12 years of slavery" (2013)

In a number of Italy's cinemas on posters, announced the film "12 years of slavery", a close-up was depicted by Brad Pitt or Michael Fassbender. And the Contractor of the leading role of Chisvelal Edzhiofor on the poster took a little bit of place. At the same time, Pitt, and Fassbender played in the picture about the free black man Solomon Northape, who was kidnapped and sold into slavery, episodic roles. And even the fact that Brad also made a ribbon producer, does not justify his image close-up on a poster. A part of the indignant bloggers even accused the roller company in Rasism. Italian distributors immediately removed all the controversial posters, brought apologies and promised to conduct an internal investigation with the subsequent punishment of all those responsible for the scandal.

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Old poster film "12 years of slavery."

"Tor-2: Kingdom of Darkness" (2013)

The audience of one Shanghai cinema was quite surprised, seeing the poster of the film "Tor-2: Kingdom of Darkness." And all because on the poster were depicted Tor and Loki in a very spicy posture: the hero performed by Chris Hemsworth gently hugged his damp, played by Tom Hiddleston. In fact, this picture is a fan art laid out by someone on the Internet. And the staff of the cinema mistakenly placed on the poster it is this "folk creativity". On the original poster, the Tor is depicted with his beloved Jane Foster, whose role to performed Natalie Portman.

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Poster of the film "Tor-2: Kingdom of Darkness."

"Cops in deep reserve" (2010)

On all posters for the film "Cops in the deep reserve", police officers in Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg were depicted with pistols, which fully corresponds to the profession of main characters, and the content of the paintings. At all, except San Francisco. According to local laws, advertising weapons in the city is prohibited. Therefore, the rims had to be inserted into the hands of the main characters depicted on the posters, police certificates and gas cans.

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Poster of the film "Cops in deep reserve".

Coco to Chanel (2009)

Posters to the film "Coco to Chanel", oddly enough, the most disputes were called in France. On the posters, the main heroine performed by Audrey Tutu was depicted with a lit cigarette. But even the fact that Coco Chanel was an avid smokers and rarely, when he fell into the frame of the lens without cigarette, did not affect local censors. And due to the fact that in France it is forbidden to smoke in all types of transport, in the subway, buses and trains, these posters were replaced by others. But even Roselin Basl, formerly the Minister of Health, recognized that it was stupid and ridiculous.

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Poster film "Coco to Chanel".

"Lara Croft-2: Life Cradle" (2003)

Angelina Jolie was very upset when he saw his image on the posters to the film "Lara Croft-2: Life Cradle." And all because the authors of the poster counted that heroine nipples discovering from under the tight costume look somewhat defiantly. And in order to avoid any possible complaints from the overall chaste citizens using computer graphics, they removed them from the picture. Jolie rejected: "How could they smell my nipples? Just look at it! It looks strange and ridiculous. What is bad in the nipples? Nothing! In my opinion, they are beautiful. " But even indignation of Angelina did not make artists return everything in place, and the posters were located everywhere in the edited version.

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Poster of the film "Lara Croft-2: Life Cradle."


The Ministry of Transport of London had a post assistance to the authors of the horror movie "Crip", launching cinemas in the tunnel and at the subway station. However, placing posters in the metro wagons, announcing the image output, categorically refused. Representatives of the ministry said they did not want the film to be associated with the famous London pipe.

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Poster of the film "Creep".

"Formula of love for bristers of marriage" (2009)

In the plot of the film on a tropical island, four married couples are sent to participate in the program to strengthen marriages. However, on the billboard in the UK, artists contained only three pairs, eliminating from the image a dark-skinned and indigenous American. It was regarded by the British as racism, and after the whole pile of angry letters to the authors of posters had to redo them and return the "renunciations" on the posters.

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Poster of the film "Formula of Love for Brothers Marriage".

"Cops in skirts" (2013)

Claims to bills to the picture "Cops in skirts" were caused by changing the appearance of one of the performers of the main roles Melissa McCarthy. It is known that the actress is a lady with magnificent forms. And Melissa itself is proud of its rounds. However, on McCarthy posters, thanks to computer graphs, somewhat lost. Especially her face. The most meticulous counted that the star had a little more than 10 kg on the posters. At the same time, "artists" so stopped, which changed the expression of the face and even the color of the Eye Melissa. However, the actress itself reacted to this with humor.

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Poster of the film "Cops in Skirts".

"Girl with a dragon tattoo" (2011)

Fans of the book "Girl with a Dragon Tattoo" saw in the billboard to the American shielding of the novel provocative context. The indignation caused not that the actress Rooney Mara is shown nude. And the fact that her nudity covered completely dressed Daniel Craig. The fans of the novel claimed that this image was dissenisled with the story of the book and gives the wrong idea of ​​the heroine of Mary Lisbeth Salender. All others indignantly due to the fact that the poster demonstrates the superiority of a man over a woman.

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Poster film "Girl with a dragon tattoo."

"Sex Rules" (2002)

Poster to the Comedy Drama "Sex Rules" with the image of plush toys in unambiguous poses, according to a number of surveys, was recognized as one of the funniest posters. However, the American Association of Film Company banned these posters to accommodate in the United States, calling these pictures "Kamasouter for children."

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Poster film "Sex Rules".

"Mermaid" (1989)

Telling viewers managed to see in the billboard to the cartoon "Mermaid" obscenity. In their opinion, in one of the towers of the underwater palace, a phallus is clearly seen. There was also rumors that a kind of artist, for some reason, tormented by Disney, decided to revenge in this way. However, the representatives of the studio denied the suspicions that it was done intentionally, calling the annoying disassembly. And immediately released a series of new posters.

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Poster cartoon "Mermaid".

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