Mikhail Trukhin: "Anya younger than me for fifteen years old, but it does not feel"


Mikhail Trucin is one of the magnificent four, once conquered St. Petersburg theater Olympus. There were many turns, roads and paths in his life. But he still poured, and where, he would seem, everything collapses, albeit through difficulties and thorns, new and beautiful. So, at the thirty-three years he left his favorite Petersburg, left the family, but received a significant role in one of the best theaters of Moscow along with his open-day friends. And soon and personal life began to improve. Mikhail shared details with the "Atmosphere" magazine.

"Misha, you have already moved to Moscow for thirteen years and began to work in the MHT." And here are sad, even tragic changes - Oleg Pavlovich Tabakova, a man who strongly influenced your life ...

- I am infinitely bitterly. I really owe to him. And we are such, in whose destinies Oleg Pavlovich was directly involved: both, and advice, - figuratively speaking, a million. He understood perfectly well what to move to another city for an artist, what to be in the new theater. He generally understood everything about the artist! Of course, Oleg Pavlovich - Balb, I admire them and bowed to him. He headed several theaters and college, taught, played, starred. And in everything inserted the soul, delve into every little thing. He did a lot for my son, who graduated from a college with a red diploma and now entered the director to Sergey a woman. Egor, too, this event is much upset-ilo. I know, and Oleg Palych told me that she was gently to him, appreciates as a student and the younger actor. And I have a feeling of pride from the fact that there is some continuity: I managed to touch this great man and my son too.

"Why did Yegor decided to go to the director if Oleg Pavlovich appreciated him as an actor?"

- Probably not as an actor, but as a creative person. He was offered to work in Tabakcoque, but, judging by our conversations, he really directory brains, and they defeated acting ambitions. I did not particularly dissuade him, although I tried, but at this age they are all the maximalists, they want from life immediately and everything, I could not influence his choice. But maybe it is for the better. This year, the eldest daughter Dasha finishes school, will enter the MCAT Studio School.

Mikhail Trukhin:

Thanks to the "Hamlet", the life of Trukhina changed radically: he moved to Moscow and then met a new love

Photo: Personal archive of Mikhail Trukhina

- What kind of contagious thing is your profession ...

"And Egor, and Daria, all the childhood spent in the same place where I am, in the theater of youth creativity, tute. From there, there was a huge number of people not meaningless in this profession. (Smiles.)

- What were your ambitions in youth?

- At that time, the cinema was not filmed, we fell into a rampant, at every course there were humanitarian aid in Lntmik. I remember the five-liter American cans of dry milk, some vitamins, and in the stores everything was then on the coupons. In the pavilions "Lenfilm" sold plumbing, looked homeless dogs. It seemed that this would not be either the end, nor the edge, and it was driven into Ligitmikovsky audiences, where we plowed from morning to night, without getting out. We were very lucky with the master, with Veniamin Mikhailovich Firschinsky. We realized that the work is a buzz and that only so that terrible time can be survived.

- What did you feel when you received an offer to shoot in the "Streets of broken lanterns"?

- It was joy, happiness! I studied and secretly, not telling anyone, ran to shoot. The shooting day cost fifty dollars. Crazy money for me.

- Film, which means, did not know about it?

- Over time, he learned, but at first it was a mystery under the cover of the night, I remained a shadow of the whole fourth course, and we studied not four years old, and five, because the "Crossroads" theater was organized on a hook channel, in the house of the culture of the first five-year plan next to Marinka. Vysotsky came there on tour with the "Hamlet". Now he was demolished and built a new scene of Mariins. There we already played "Waiting for God's", "Three Sisters", "Road" Fellini, Vysotsky, "Jokes" Chekhov for its water waters "Offer" and "Bear".

Mikhail Trukhin:

With Mikhail Porechenkov in one of the earliest performances "Waiting for Godo"

Photo: Personal archive of Mikhail Trukhina

- You passed through a difficult relationship with Yuri Bucosov. He does not always forget faults and leaving, and you have a happy story turned ...

"But, my God, we did not communicate with him for six years, from my care from the theater of Lensovet and up to his invitation to Hamlet in Moscow. But in what we will work, I was practically sure.

- Why?

- I do not know. Intuition. But I did not expect at all that this name would arise.

- And Hamlet was in the list of your internal acting wishes?

- No never. I understand everything. But since Yura loves everything to turn over his head, we tried. Very long rehearsed the performance, almost nine months. But this is not the slowness of rehearsals, but the method of legal work, when he pulls out your nerves and wures their own fist. And when it continues so much time ... In general, we went out to run "Gamlet" without voices and all white. But then this performance played eight years.

- At what age did you move from Monchegorsk to the northern capital?

- In the fourth grade, I went already in St. Petersburg. That is, almost all conscious childhood spent in St. Petersburg, and not somewhere, but on the sink, 14, in the apartment Pushchina. We had a communal, now there made the hotel "Pushka", which belongs to my friends. And in a neighboring house, on washing, 12, as you know, was Pushkin's apartment. But at that age you do not realize. Understanding has come already at the Institute when we started to study with our wonderful professor Lvi-Iosifovich the Foreign Literature and Professor Yuri Nikolayevich Chirva Russian literature. Chirva could walk on Mokhovaya Street, to stay near any house, and the story about him turned into a whole lecture. There and the feeling came, what houses, what walls they surround you, what a driver flows in these rivers and canals.

In Ivanovo-Ivanovy, his character is a typical divorce of middle-aged, but kind and cute

In Ivanovo-Ivanovy, his character is a typical divorce of middle-aged, but kind and cute

- And on the Kola Peninsula was a harsh life?

- No, it was absolutely happy childhood with a reserve nearby, with a real forty-portus winter, with an amazing forest, lakes, northern rivers. These pictures still have before my eyes, you can simply write the canvas with them. "Leviathan" starred in those places, and what a powerful visual row turned out! We woke up in February, in the coldest month, in order to go to the school on the alarm clock. And on the radio reported, in Gong beat that frost over fifty degrees and we do not go to school. Then we all fled to the rink. And it was absolute happiness. I saw the northern shine every winter.

"You lived there with a grandmother, and Peter moved to mom." What sense did the changes perceived?

- I remember that it was a painful story. I lived with my grandmother, not because she did not let me go, there was no reflection. Just at some point she realized that she was already mom for me. (Laughs.) This with grandmothers happens. And on the holidays, I still went to my mother, who had already learned, asslaved, began to work and waited for me.

- Just roll call with the history of Pavel Sanaeva ...

- Yes, with "Burry me for the plinth." Although, of course, not to such an extent. But the relocation was painfully, and the tears was spilled and with the other side of the bucket, but at some point I realized that I was better to live in St. Petersburg and with Mom. And from the fourth class, after all, it was in Leningrad.

Mikhail Trukhin:

In the role of the head of the Investigative Committee in an infrequent detective "Secretary"

Photo: Frame from the series "Secretary"

- Did you have enough mom and grandmother love?

- Mother Love and Babushkina are completely different things. The grandmother kept me in his hunters, I got a belt as follows, boots on my head for wet pants or shoes, for jumping with garages at a construction site, for "Two". Although, probably, not for "twos", because until the fourth grade I had red tables every year. I remember the terrible van of the multiplication table, mistakes in the notedra, which was erased by a razor, then wrote ink handle. And so I got for it. And mom after such separation simply could not be strict. Although after each session she came to us in Monchegorsk. Probably, my brightest impressions of that time are connected to the station, where this train came from Leningrad. He was so beautiful, shone from the inside, with curtains on the windows and a car-restaurant. In general, it was something sailing out of another life into our permafrost. So I realized that there, in Leningrad, beautifully, and I need to go there.

"When you arrived here to rehearse Hamlet, Moscow immediately opened with the best side?"

- I did not like Moscow immediately. And she accepted me, only when I released the performance - and exhaled. I lived then in the Camork in the Moldovan Embassy, ​​then in Leontyevsky Lane in a service apartment, in the basement, where I looked out the window and saw a cat, who also looked at me. I went to the theater on foot, with Leontyevsky went to the newspaper, then to Tver. The route is simple, I did not turn anywhere, I went like a donkey back and forth. (Laughs.) Moscow at that time I was not fond of, it was dangerous, it could hardly end.

- What do you think, if it did not happen to "Hamlet" and you stayed in St. Petersburg, would there be a cardinal change in personal life?

- Hard to say. We have anyone already went to the rupture. The relationships were tense, and they felt the children, which is very bad. In that situation, such a number of components arose, which had to be resolved, to tear live. All coincided: Divorce, Channel Change, Theater. All together fell on me in some comormed at the thirty-three years. I understood that I could not refuse Gamlet, because at one time I refused the prince of Myshkin. It was possible then to close a profession for yourself and not to return to it.

Mikhail Trukhin:

The series "Treason", in which Mikhail Trucin played the lover of the main heroine of Asi

Photo: Frame from the series "Treason"

"Why, by the way, did you refuse Myshkina?"

- The boat crashed on life. Should shoot in "Streets ...". It was the very beginning, peak. We had no money at all, and then we began to earn money. And I existed then in conditions that are not compatible with life, - in a communal apartment without a bath, shower and hot water. But she was on Belinsky Street, four hundred meters from the institute. That is, I could walk in slippers and a bathrobe, if I wanted. Then Yegor was born.

- Lyuba is just a heroine, once came to you in such conditions.

- Yes, she is a heroine, but the other, apparently, my pride did not allow. Then, thanks to the shooting, we bought an apartment. But all this, speaking of the root cause of refusal from the role, sounds ridiculous. Now I would probably have done such nonsense, although who knows ...

- In Moscow, you at first lived alone. Is this a comfortable state for you?

"No, at that time I didn't feel that I could live alone, was afraid of loneliness." And now I understand what is possible. I even love to be alone.

- And you can make myself dinner, remove around, throw things into a washing machine?

- Sure. Sometimes it even gives pleasure. The dishes and underwear are to a lesser extent, but since I live outside the city, I like to do something around the house or on the site. Recently, when a lot of snow fell, I fixed the snow removal machine. It was proud of this for a month. In the technique, I understand something, because at school I had a two-door boat. Peter is the same Northern Venice. The stepfather had a boat, sometimes he gave me it for use, we were hooligani on the water. (Smiles.)

- Have you had a good relationship with my stepfather?

- Unfortunately no. I arrived at the age of eleven, and this is already a mature man. (Smiles.) At first, some kind of contact was, and then he crumbled finally. Now the step is no longer, and Mom lives in St. Petersburg. And the sister of Anya is there. It works in a very famous St. Petersburg restaurant network art director, it always drawn well.

Daria's daughter and son Egor from the first marriage (photo below) also chose an acting profession

Daria's daughter and son Egor from the first marriage (photo below) also chose an acting profession

Photo: Personal archive of Mikhail Trukhina

- In Moscow, Fortune turned back to you again. At first, you received a role, work in the theater, and then met Anya, your future wife ...

- Yes, I was lucky. We are wonderful together, although Anya younger than me for fifteen years. But it does not feel at all.

- Sonya was born soon. What new feelings did she give you?

- I re-open the world with her. Now, at the end of winter - the beginning of the spring, when I have a performance on the release, Sonya suddenly peelled the fried rooster, and she was carried away by all winter sports at once, and it shows incredible successes in skiing and skating. And all ... red face, energy through the edge, not to remove it from the mountain, do not pull out from the rink ... Such happiness took at the end of winter. (Laughs.) I remember how it was with me: wet mittens, pink cheeks, swam glasses. The smell of the battery was smelled with wet woolen veasions and beats the nose with some special sharpness. I remember many things from childhood, deeply buried inside you.

- Anya is not jealous of such strong love for her daughter? It is clear who is the main person in your house.

- The main person from us is still me. (Laughs.) But Anya is not jealous. We are divided with her and love, and the responsibility is equally. Now Sony has such age that you have to have time to offer some classes and guess what to develop. She draws very well. We have been littered with her paintings the whole children's room. And she is absolute humanitarian. So far, maybe a daughter is not strong in the declaignation, but for your age it gives just paradoxual things.

- With her, there is now easy, no problems?

- She is an absolute infant. Problems are only that there are no mathematicians for us, and there is no perfection in the classroom, while Sonya is absolutely free, hear in two inches above the ground. (Laughs.) She is a very kind girl. If an unfamiliar person is suitable on her, she will leave with him without thinking. This is alarming us, of course. Abroad, she manages to find friends within a radius of twenty meters five minutes after it turned out to be in this place.

Son Mikhail from the first marriage Egor

Son Mikhail from the first marriage Egor

Photo: Personal archive of Mikhail Trukhina

- You are already almost ten years old country resident. Wanted a healthy, quiet life?

- Yes, after the birth of Sony, we shot a house in the writing village Peredelkino. And then they bought ready. I wanted to move for the city, because it became clear that in the center of Moscow it is impossible to live: neither dogs or children go for a walk.

- It was possible thanks to the "Streets ..."?

- Of course, the "streets ...", it is a golden calf. (Laughs.)

- And in recent years you are filmed in high-level TV series. What are the "treason"! And "Ivanovy-Ivanov" is a great project.

- Very rarely get a script that you want to read. And in the cases mentioned, it was wonderful literature, dramaturgy. Naturally, the company in which you work are important. In these projects, the stars agreed so that they were lucky with everyone without exception - and with partners, and steering. Vadim Perelman is a very interesting director, a real artist. And Anton Fedotov on "Ivanov" is also absolutely prepared for work, knows what he needs from artists.

- Your hero in "Ivanov" - a divorce, but charming and good man ...

"I tried to make it warm, because such a company we gathered: Anna Ukolova, Sergey Burunov, Alexander Florinskaya. I am happy with such a partnership. I did not expect that Sitkom could be a warm, home and mental history, resembling old films from childhood. And it shot, the project turned out to be a huge audience, including young.

- You confessed what you like when and in life we ​​speak emotions. Many in forty already want calm ...

- Live, probably, I do not like that. I want to calm down a little, and I try to choose the material.

With the second wife Anna and Sonya's daughter

With the second wife Anna and Sonya's daughter

Photo: Personal archive of Mikhail Trukhina

- And in a relationship with Anya, you said, you have such hot disputes that just "Wow"!

- Here just everything is still (laughs), there must be a small volcanic. Otherwise, you turn into some santa. And I do not want it.

- Anya - actress, but since 2011, in my opinion, she has no paintings ...

- She left the acting profession, realized that she was not vital. Anya is absolutely devoid of acting ambitions. She is an investor, and in his case very succeeded. From the children's birthday can create a whole performance. Most recently organized an extraordinary holiday to the son of the bone of Khabensky. And for Sony, in particular, does it every year.

- You say that it is necessary to live and work so that time for something is missing, then there will always be plans, and most importantly, desire ...

- Yes! I want to work. The other day, looking at the night, ran into the old man Oleg Palycha from Posner (the program was repeatedly repeated) and rightly felt that he had blushed when he said about something connected with the series as a bustle. It is necessary to work fruitful and meaningfully, and not dust.

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