Lina Mirimskaya: "I did not understand what our relationship is, although we already thought about marriage"


Lina Mirimskaya still a student began to go to the stage of "Tabakcoque", where her mother Olga block-Mirimskaya shone. At first glance, the actress is not at all similar to her, but, as it turned out, inside any other passions, and life resembles tragicomedia. The wines and amazing coincidences of circumstances, and the fact that Lina itself is desperate and unpredictable, continuing in this family tradition. Details - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Lina, with access to the teleecran series "Ivanko", in my opinion, you have a new stage in life. I myself got a tremendous pleasure and heard a ton of good words and about the film, and about you. What did you experience after the show, the more shot after the break?

"Of course, I liked it, but at the same time I thought:" What are they, fools, do not understand how to play you really need?! " "And then it was uncomfortable:" No, everything is right, we turned out a beautiful series, which means that I made my contribution. " I have not had such a big job for a long time, such responsibility. And something in me has changed after the birth of children, I played earlier on other energies. I was really hard. It seemed that I learned the text, I know the scenario, I had an approximate image, I came to the site and ... I understood that I was not ready at all. The feeling that you did not study anything, I did not work anywhere, but you are told: "Let's play." And the worst thing, it pursues me all my life, because of what I should not be happy to be happy - it seems to me that everything I did is not truthfully.

- But after all, the joy and pleasure at the site also received?

- Sure! We met and immediately made friends, as if each other were waiting for all life. Although, I repeat, there was a lot of heavy, take at least shooting in the skirt and in a thin sequence in a very cold autumn, even in the rain with a hail. But for me, all this is not important if I am passionate about the work. For a very long time, I played Katyusha Maslov in the play of Yuri Butusov "Resurrection. Super »in" Tabakerque ". In order to strengthen the change that happened to my heroine, I came to the dressing room in an intermission, took someone a cigarette and shouted into an open closet to not scare anyone. I broke my voice and in the second action I went out to play Katyusha-religion. I have always been dedicated: if necessary, breaking into the chips, but I will do it.

- And your mother could also sacrifice himself, his health for the role? In "Tabakcoque" she was very bright in all roles ...

"I don't know, maybe once she walked to physiological sacrifices, but if I didn't do this. Unlike me, I took skill (smiles), although she had twenty-eight performances per month. Somehow terrible heat in Krasnodar, there was a bad heat on the play "Passion on Bumbarash" she became bad, called "ambulance", put the dropper. But your body is a tool, you must understand it.

- Do you like the attributes of success?

- I calm towards it. Do not provoke recognition. Until Ivanko lived a quiet wonderful life - and I was very good. (Laughs.)

Lina Mirimskaya:

"I was offered to play Bruce Willis girl in the militant. The role was small, but not an episode, but in the final also with a passionate kisses"

Photo: Vladimir Myshkin

- Well, a quiet, unrecognizable life in principle, if successful in this profession is impossible. And your mom, it seems to me, loves attention, communication with people ...

"She's just like me, loves peace and silence." In this sense, she is a single wolf. I and Dad was the same, although he did a famous architect and did a lot for Moscow. And now my mother has no smear just to play. She periodically comes from the theater and scenario, she looks and refuses. She no longer want to exchange, she says that all the roles of the world repertoire beat for all his life. Still in the Crimea became the star of the peninsula, then in Moscow and it seems to be already Gestalt closed as an actress, now only if you jump above your head.

- How with such love for the profession ten years ago, did you leave the theater and almost not shot?

- It all started when I was twenty-five years old. I got suddenly to get it, everything was given: money, roles. But despite this, there was no something important inside, probably that it connects us to the creator, from the universe, some radar, and everything else: airplanes, steamboats, Hollywood - everything was, choose what you want! But I stopped receiving joy and pleasure from work. And I was very critical to what I was doing: "Did Mark Anatolyevich Zakharov taught me?" (Laughs.) An incredibly high plank was set. After a year I left the theater.

- You mentioned Hollywood. What are you talking about?

- Oh, this is a funny story. I dreamed, so that I appeared to some rich uncle. (Laughs.) It takes time, and suddenly calls one friend and asks to help his son to enter a very respected Foreign Academy of Arts. He wanted to be an actor, and need a letter of recommendation. And such an authority was seen by Evgeny Knyazev, the rector of the Schukinsky school. I could help, and came out very good for everyone, because the Schukin school as a sign of gratitude received repairs, equipment, equipment. And that person just took up with producing in Hollywood. They had a project, and I was offered to play Bruce Willis girl in the militant. I had to make a visa so that I immediately flew out. The role was small, but not an episode, but in the final also with a passionate kiss. I have already dreamed of Bruce, I thought I was lucky. (Laughs.) But ... I come to get a visa with multicolored nails and a confident glance, and in front of me closed the window with the words: "Sorry, it seems to us, you are a unreliable person." And all ... I flew out the land from under the feet and together with her Bruce Willis. (Laughs.) Then I had a period of relationship with one person (he held a serious position), and he helped me emerge from depression.

- How? Love?

- No no. Already when we broke up, he gave me a reality transserter book. And this book, and she is just instruction for life, pulled me. The first part I would advise everyone to read, it says about how to listen to everything that happens to you. The second talks about how to achieve their desires.

Lina Mirimskaya:

"My friend saw my sufferings, loved me and supported me. But I understood that I don't need to return me: I am mad and behave aggressively"

Photo: Vladimir Myshkin

- And I did not try your beloved to get your beloved?

"My beautiful friend saw my sufferings and loved me very much and worried, but I understood that I didn't have to return me to return, because I was mad, very critical tuned towards everything and behave aggressively.

- And where and how did you meet him?

"He saw me on the play, where he came with his girlfriend, with whom he began his novel. She told him: "Let's go to the" marriage of Belugin ", I want you to see this performance and this actress, it is just incredible." And ... he saw. (Laughs.) For a long time I was afraid to approach me, acted through other people. At that time he was in thirty, handsome man and amazingly worked. We were together for about two years.

- But why the radar did not turn on? Or was it not love?

- Yes, I realized that it was not that we can only be friends with him. But I myself could not live with me and precisely by the end of our relationship I realized that I don't know what was happening to me. I remember this feeling, I stood and thought: "What kind of people around me, why this man is near?" And he had friends in America, one of which, producer, had to deal with my acting career there. He specially came here because of me. But a month-another passed, and I realized that I had nothing pleases, including plans for Hollywood. I did not understand what our relationship with my man we had, although we already thought about marriage. I spoled until I got married and did not leave in Hollywood and left everyone from everyone at home: from the house, from the theater, from all the relationship, even friendly. I called assistants on actors, invited to the samples, and I said: "Sorry, no, I do not work more actress." I took myself an apartment, and there I had such a rehabilitation center, where there was a white bed and a white closet. I went into a completely ascetic lifestyle.

- And long the "center" served the patient?

- year. In general, these processes are very slow. Until complete healing, I took it almost ten years.

- What practical steps did you perform by reading the book? After all, soon you met the future of the first husband.

- Yes, the book really started to influence everything. (Laughs.) We met him, and he made a proposal at the same evening. And I immediately agreed. I was still in that way, the year plunged into my senses, and became quietly to go into people.

"It reminds me of fortune telling:" Let's go out, the girl, for the Occolic, who will first meet, he will be devoured. "

"You are visiting the root (laughs), because then I have already remembered how my girlfriend in the eight-year-old age in Simferopol for the new year went outside, the flakes fell snow, and we decided to ask the first passerby as his name. I went to a man, and he was Sergey. So everything came true. We met at the party with friends, there was a bunch of actors, directories. I sat on the windowsill and everyone asked: "There is love in the world or not?", - I then came the stage of questions. Everyone was clever on this topic. Serezha came up, looked at me and said: "Yes, of course. If it is inside you, then it is. " And it was so easy that I was amazed. At the same evening we appointed a meeting, but I did not come, not run right away, I still a noble girl. (Laughs.) Although I really liked it, I went crazy. I thought about him all the time, about the fact that we would ever meet, but I did not want to look for him. And in a month we accidentally saw in a cafe. He had a business dinner, he noticed me, we mad to each other. He discussed something with someone, and then I went to him, recalled for a minute and said: "I want to pick you out from here." (Laughs.) He asked: "For a long time?" - I replied: "Forever." That evening we decided to get married and in a month signed. But then something went wrong.

Lina Mirimskaya:

"We got married, were happy, I quickly got pregnant. But one day suddenly did not understand why I was here that we were tied up"

Photo: Vladimir Myshkin

- Why and when?

- Almost immediately. We got married, were happy, thought it was true love. I have become pregnant very quickly, but one day suddenly, like that, I did not understand why I was here that we were tied up, between us in common. I doubted doubts, I collected things and gone.

- And you did not scare you, what are you waiting for a child?

- Not. I do not bother me with such things.

- What did you feel to find out what is pregnant?

- Smella Bulgaria: "My God, what to do?" (Laughs) because I understood: my life will absolutely change. But my thoughts did not get rid of the child. A few days later I calmed down, took the situation, and the pregnancy became happiness for me.

- And my mother did not persuade to stay with her husband?

- No, she is all his life on my side. Apparently, because of her, everything is fine with me. I moved to my mother. And somewhere on the fifth month of pregnancy went somewhere near the house, and I became bad on the street. I stand and understand that my head is spinning, in the ears the ringing, everything floats ... also the weather was disgusting: to slush, cold, I thought that I would drop right on the garden ring, and people would not immediately understand that I was bad, the stomach was still Almost invisible, decide that drunk. I raise my hand to stop the car to get to the house of five hundred meters. The car slows down, and there ... Yura, my current husband.

- At that moment, did you probably not see him?

- No, no. Yura, apparently, my fate, because it was not our first meeting. We were familiar before, we had a novel, very passionate. (Laughs.) It was even before the beautiful serious young man who has changed my life. And so I stop his car.

- Incredible meeting ...

- Apparently, all his time. I sat down to him ... and I forgot about everything, I was no longer bad, my head was not spinning. I felt something bright, kind, he drove up so on time and was so beautiful. (Laughs.) And we immediately went to the restaurant. But I realized that I love him after the birth of Aleshenka. And on that day we sat in the restaurant hugging, ate and four hours told each other about their lives.

- What does Yura do?

- He calls himself "manager of our family." He has an economic education, is mainly engaged in real estate. He also plays the piano and guitar, he has the perfect rumor.

- Have you ever been jealous of him?

- What are you! We have complete trust. If I were afraid of something, it would not be next to me. Yura female attention was spoiled from school. And although he is a little younger than me, he had so many novels that he was already killed. For us both the most important except for love - spiritual proximity.

- Moma both your husband liked?

- Yes! And we have an excellent relationship. We are all going, friends with families. Seryozha and Yura periodically drink somewhere without me. (Laughs.) We really managed to get around all stupid corners.

Lina Mirimskaya:

"Yura, apparently, my fate. We were familiar before, we had a novel, very passionate. And here I stop his car"

Photo: Vladimir Myshkin

"You have already been asked about the unusual names of your children many times: Alesha-Caprin and North. How did parents react to this?

- My wonderful daddy, when I brought a birthday testimony, where Alesha-Caprin was written, ran out of one room to another, clapping the doors and said: "How can it be?! Yes, what is it?! How I will come to the planer now, everyone will congratulate me with his granddaughter, and the foreman will ask how she was called, and I will tell them that she is lech?! ". He was shocked. Mom, honestly, was also shocked, but tried to put out the fire with the words: "Well, nothing, look, there is still a Caprin." And he shouted: "I don't care, the first is Alesha!". The son was born in Italy, because we wanted to encourage in a warm European country. And when the husband called his mother and said that the baby called the north, she threw the phone. I dreamed with a trembling hand, said that my son was born, and on the question about the name, having an already previous experience, almost a whisper said: "North". And he shouted so nervously: "How, how?" "I repeated and heard:" What a beautiful name! ". I have unpredictable parents, so I have all the actions in life are unpredictable.

- Twice becoming mom, did you feel happy and without profession?

"Yes, I perfectly lived in a new status, but I confess, in the depths of the soul still knew that someday would definitely return to the profession, however, I thought more about the theater, since he loved her more. I was literally pulled out of my state with a suggestion of the role in the pilot of the series "Poor People". And then there was the role of faith in the "Paradise Kushchi" from Pokhin ...

- And most recently you returned to the scene ...

- My entrance to the play "Batman against Brezhneva" in the theater on a small armor was both complicated and joyful. I dreamed work with director Sasha Denisova. And suddenly Konstantin Yuryevich Bogomolov invites me to participate in her performance! Such a gift! I am otherwise looking at the profession, to work, for everything ... everything should come within the law of the Universe, because if you make something "illegal", for it will have to pay.

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