Notes of Thai Mommy: "In Thailand, you can treat children without drugs"


In Thailand, of course, warm and sunny. However, from viruses, alas, no one is insured. My husband and I brought a banal ORVI from Kuala Lumpur, where they flew to ventilate on the weekend (I also know about our journeys too). So, in the hotel room, quite a cozy hotel, the air conditioner was arranged in such a tricky way that the next morning we together woke up, sneezing, coughing and sickling local grief-designers.

In short, as I tried not to breathe on Stephen, I did not succeed. A paper mask on the face (you can take in the hospital in any quantities) he tried tritely. And here is the result: a couple of days after our return to Phuket, the Son, like we, began to sneeze and cough.

The first reaction: to rush to the hospital. But on the courtyard, as discharged, Saturday, only the duty officer, who, confess, does not really trust. And here the folk remedies came to the profog.

Thai-neighbor told about the local miracle.

These strange laughs are able to put on her feet for three days.

These strange laughs are able to put on her feet for three days.

It is called Matum and, as it turned out, it is his first-wing of Thais with any twigs (apparently the same thing that we have a glass of vodka). At least he helps:

- when cold;

- to remove the cough;

- with rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillites (what is - I do not know, but Matum treats it too);

- in gastrointestinal diseases - as a binding and antiseptic agent;

- To strengthen immunity.

This miracle means are known everywhere in Asia, however, under different names. If Thais know him as "Mother", Laos is called "Mackum", and Indians are like "Baile". It is also called a stone or marble apple, although in the usual, not dried form, this fruit looks like a lemon and does not differ at all with a special fortress.

We used it for medical purposes even in ancient times, even in some scary old scientific treatments, they say there is a mention of "marble apple". In India, it is grown in temples - it is believed that Siva himself rested at the Bael-Bailel. Therefore, the monks relate to every village (although we and my husband, having drove a lot of kilometers in India, did not hear about this tree).

Brewed Mother as whom will want. Who throws one slicker and after ten minutes it takes about it. Who to start cools. There are originals that add milk or even condensed milk. Well I do not know…

Thailand we try to do without drugs. If Mother takes off cough, then marine water instantly kills any runny nose. Therefore, traveling to the sea in our family is obligatory!

Thailand we try to do without drugs. If Mother takes off cough, then marine water instantly kills any runny nose. Therefore, traveling to the sea in our family is obligatory!

To taste, Matum resembles herbal tea - I can not say that it is particularly exotic, quite pleasant. At least when I added honey, then tea went on a bang.

What is interesting, the cost of Matum in the usual supermarket turned out to be exactly ten times (!) Less than in the tourist laveque. I bought the entire existing reserve of dried mat 14 baht per steamed packaging (in rubles it turns out as much). And on the trading street, where all merchants are already calmly talking in Russian, for the same packaging (however, with annotation on the "great and mighty") asked 140 baht. But!

... And the cough passed on the third day. As the neighbor-Taika promised. Later I advised the same tea of ​​my friend who came down here on our Phuket. It seemed to me that she took the packaging with strange laugh in the supermarket to not offend me. However, after a week later sent me a message marked "urgently": "If there is an opportunity to transfer Matum to Moscow, do it, please. Checked the remedy on the Son: You will not believe - he recovered in three days. "

Well, why, very really believe. Well, went to pack the parcel. Fortunately, the guests go to Phuket again, with whom you can send tea back to Moscow. But while we all have to receive numerous gifts. What are you going to Phuket as presents? What does the soul of Russian on a foreign shower? Try to guess if it is not vodka, not buckwheat and not black bread ...

Continued ...

Read the previous history of Olga here, and where it all starts - here.

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