Return freshness: fight the first signs of wilting


Primateonna fans are perplexed why their favorite artist looks like that aged. According to Aesthetists, it is impossible to forget that the Pugacheva is not 50 and not even 60 - already for 70. And at this age, it is very difficult to hide signs of aging, and there is no need.

Cosmetologists argue that Alla Borisovna looks good for his years, from obvious signs that give age, you can note the neck and hands that need to pay special attention when careing.

Of course, it is impossible to infinitely to hide the age, however, we decided to figure out how to deal with fading already at an early stage.

Dark circles under the eyes

The skin around the eyes is the most gentle on the face, and therefore it is thinned before all. With age, blasting vessels become more noticeable, dark circles appear, even if you slept perfectly.

What to do?

You will come to the rescue cream with hyaluronic acid. It will improve the condition of the skin and contributes to the disappearance of dark circles, and with a grid of blood vessels perfectly struggle with caffeine content. However, you should not wait for an instant result - be patient.

Extended pores

If you have oily skin, you will probably have enhanced pores that you try to clean with various masks and gummages. The advantages of the oily skin can be attributed to the appearance of wrinkles, however, instead of this pore, which are expanded, becoming even more expanded with age, which spoils the mood, probably any woman who faces this problem.

What to do?

First, get rid of alcohol products - they will only once again irritate the skin, which will react with additional moisture, and the pores will reveal even more. Secondly, do not ignore steam baths and peelings by type of your skin. In addition, the narrowing of the pores will help the procedures like darsonvalization and professional peeling in the cabin.

Heavy eyelids

Due to the loss of elasticity, the skin weakens and first of all it is reflected on the centuries, which are becoming gravily difficult with age, especially this is noticeable if the structure of your century was initially "hanging." The muscle stretching also affects the sagging of the thin skin of the century.

What to do?

You can drastically change the situation with the participation of a plastic surgeon, but if you are not ready for such measures, try means with a lifting effect. The main component for collagen stimulation is vitamin A, which is perfectly struggling with many skin imperfections, including can help make a look open. Pick the remedy with vitamin A along with a specialist, otherwise you can cut the skin and get other troubles like dermatitis in addition to the hanging age.

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