Sometimes we all useful to become a little Jews


Almost every of us has a teachy list of cases pending for tomorrow. From him dust, act and at the end of the week enjoy the result: the energy of the next seven days has a successful completion of very many life "shortcomings."

November 7th. This Monday requires you special responsibility. All that you have done today should be carefully thought out and planned. The more important thing, the more seriously preparation. Otherwise, the collapse of the plans cannot be avoided ... Do you know that in Chinese there is no concept of failure, but there is a term "good luck", "bad luck". In my opinion, this is an excellent approach to life - he makes a person almost invulnerable, maybe that is why the Chinese today ahead of the planet all. But no matter how ended today, remember that in essence, everything that happens to you is or useful, or pleasant. The day is categorically not suitable for any sales.

November 8. Today you can try to start a new thing. But provided that all preparatory work is completed and the smallest remains - to realize them. In the US, for example, today will choose the president, all the preparation remained in the past, you just need to come and vote.

November 9. The ability to complete affairs is special art. In 60 percent of people, inspiration initially replaces complete apathy at the exit. In the Astrological Map of Human, by the way, there is a factor directly to this indicating. What if you do not enter the number of 40% of the lucky ones, equally exactly leading your affairs throughout the distance? It is not worth a despair, remind yourself that "Likha trouble - the beginning", and start ... Complete things. Be sure to fix each, even the smallest, victory. Enter the lists - strike out done. When you see how much you have already done, encourage new victories. People tend to quickly forget their achievements. Energy of the day helps the completion as you understood.

10th of November. Today it is easy to negotiate, you can easily move the project from the dead point for a long time, productively solve the protracted dispute, especially money. If there are people in your environment with whom you have not communicated for a long time, but I would like, Thursday is the time to resume communication, explain, clarify misunderstandings. Dates scheduled for this day promise to be especially harmonious - because people are on the same wave and are configured to each other.

11th of November. Remember when the last time you laughed from the soul. If it was a long time ago, scheduled for this Friday any joyful event: a holiday, a comedy watching, communication with those people who raise your mood. Spit on all unresolved problems and smile more often. Angry people twice as much often sick cardiovascular diseases. In everyday life, psychologists have the so-called feedback hypothesis. She says that sometimes it is enough to smile, and you will feel much happier. A simple smile today is the key from many doors. Good day for planned operations and visits to the dentist.

November 12th. Imagine yourself Jew today. In the sense that this Saturday is all the case to postpone into a long box. By the way, on Saturdays, Jews can not only work, but even think about work. This is just a wonderful rule. Many do not know how to disconnect from service problems: in the evening, on weekends, on vacation, they continue to mentally scroll through production tasks. Remember, the full reboot allows you to take a look at everything that happens to you.

the 13th of November. Sorry to skip such a day. Energy of this Sunday is so good that it is simply unforgivable to fill this day with banal divids. I will reveal a little secret: the cases started today, waiting for enchanting success.

Zhanna Wei, Master Feng Shui

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