Julia Taschin: "My heart belongs to the two of my most devoted fans"


Despite the fact that the series "Do not be born beautiful" has come out many years ago, the actress Yulia Tashchina, who played the role of the fatal beauty wiki in it, still remember thousands of fans. However, since then, the star filmography has been replenished with several more tens of paintings. Recently, the second season of the series "Anna-Detective" was released on the screens, where the takachina has another bright role. Well, I talked with an artist and found out about the nuances of acting during the pandemic and the upbringing of adolescent sons.

Julia, I know that you even actively starred during a pandemic. What it waswork when everyone is sick around?

- Not without difficulty. It was terribly infected. We had a process stop. Especially in December, when all: all: directors, actors ... "Anna-Detective" in this regard a very difficult project. But, thank God, everyone recovered, stood on their feet and continued shooting. I also got a coronavirus, but I assume that these children brought from school. Fortunately, in my family, everyone got into mild, including parents who are in the risk group. My dad is 77 years old, it is a core and diabetic. We shrew him very much, but he infected. And I and my children disappeared the smell and taste, there were no more symptoms.

How did you get into this project, because in the previous season your heroine has not yet been?

- I always dreamed of filming in historical paintings, but somehow I did not have to do so. And then the producer called me and offered a role. I have a very ambiguous character, with difficult fate. I play the best girlfriend of the main character, the man of the capital. And I could not even assume that everything would be so reliably, right up to the fact that the corset of the XIX century was specifically sewn for me on all canons. It is made of iron rods. It was possible to breathe, but not very. And I needed to walk all day, I am already silent about meals and other related vital situations. It only needed to cord it was 15 minutes, if not more. We just said the costumes: "Girls, tolerate!". But I lost it, because the eating has decreased at times, to put it mildly.

By the way, I was very worried about how the team would take me, because it had already happened: until I was removed the first season, became families. And here is a new person. It is always ambiguous and exciting. But the guys were so good-natured that we immediately found a common language with them, and I became part of their family, for which they had a low bow.

I myself want to see, I am very interested, how it all happened.

In the series

In the series "Anna-Detective" Tashchka played a bright role of the best friend of the main character

Materials press services

Do you generally see the show with your participation?

- If I have a TV and I see a picture with my participation, of course, I can see. But it happens extremely rare. Sometimes I like, and sometimes I think: "Oh, here it would be possible to do otherwise: thinner." Some kind of work on errors should be. And this, it seems to me, part of the profession - one way or another to see yourself from the side. At least in order to understand, in that steppe go or not. I believe the actors should do it. But due to the lack of time, flights and movements, this is not so often it turns out.

Many artists admit that after long-term projects became hostages of a certain role. In your life did not happen like this?

- I still offer to play some lacker girls. That's how I associate for some reason. And at first, after "not boring the beautiful" train, the roles behind me stretched for a long time. But over time everything is forgotten, and now the new generation of directors and producers, which, perhaps, did not even see the series, I am perceived by unnecessary.

Did you receive suggestions that you categorically fit?

- When they offer to play negative heroines, it is always necessary to look for the depths of this person. Why did he become so? What drives them when he makes such actions? There is no exceptionally positive or negative people in our lives. And depends on us, in which direction we will turn your life vector. Therefore, in a similar role, it is important to find the director with the director: why she became such. Then the heroine is revealed. It is impossible to play the character you do not love and do not understand.

As for advertising - I will not take responsibility for the product that I am unfamiliar, and I can not afford to talk about him without trying it on myself. I do not want anyone to risk. Therefore, I carefully study all advertising proposals and rarely give advertisements in my "instagram". For me, this social network is a playground, where I share news from filming, some other events. And I earn in the theater and movies.

The actress never agrees to participate in dubious advertising projects, even well paid

The actress never agrees to participate in dubious advertising projects, even well paid

Press service materials

By the way, about earning. This year for actors has become not the most profitable. How did you experience the financial difficulties of the pandemic period?

- When Lokdaun declared a year ago, and then extended, of course, there were experiences and even became scary, because there was no airbag, like in budget workers, I did not have. The second factor that was very worried - that when you sit without work, the development is suspended. And this is especially true of creative people. The actor lives only when he has a job.

It was very hard and morally and financially. It was not known how long it would last. Rumors went different. Panic moods arising at such moments exacerbate the situation. But when he cut the light at the end of the tunnel and went predictions that something would change for the summer, the mood improved.

How did you spend this time?

"We left under Murom with children, a house was removed there, lived in nature. It seems to me that it was one of the happiest days in our lives, because the children did not see the mother for a long time. We lived together these difficulties, taught lessons who were working on the online system. We went hiking, enjoyed nature. Whenever it was still possible? Never! Therefore, in all negative points you need to look for a positive. So, dissolving each other, thoughts that sooner or later everything will be fine, we lived this pandemic. Now entered the usual rhythm.

Not everyone is happy to learn online. What is your attitude to a similar format?

- Two years before the pandemic, I had thoughts to translate children to home learning, because I heard so much around, as it perfectly and that the child began to study on one five and became calmer. I wondered about it. And then the moment came when we were forcibly transferred to such a form of learning, and I realized that it was not our story at all. Children were tired, sitting 10 hours in front of the computer. Not only are the lessons in front of the computer, you still do homework on your computer. And I saw that it is much harder to this process. I realized that we would never have home learning. Now we are happy to go to school, we communicate. It's fine.

Well, besides study, your children do you like to do?

- My younger son Fedor extremely fascinated by volleyball. I did not expect such a zeal from him. In our area there is no section of the volleyball in any way. And Fyodor really caught fire with this sport, every day I told me that I find him school, coach. I found a sports school where children learn from a general education program, and the priority is volleyball. Nevertheless, Fedor took there, not forcing the school. So he walks just to workout. He lives only a volleyball, and I like it insanely, because I had the feeling that now modern children are so in the prosperity and its computer worlds that they do not want anything, they have no desire for them. It was very saddened.

And the senior what is he fond of?

- Ivan engaged in drawing. He is self-taught. As he feels, so he writes. Draws only with a pencil. My taste is masterpiece. And what I was struck by Vanya, so it was what I told me that next year he wants to go on a physicochemical profile at school. We have all the humanities in the family, and both on my part and from Grisha! Son looks at the lessons on Youtube, he really likes. I say to him that, of course, the lessons on the Internet and school, and then the Institute is very different, and here none of us will help. Because in Russian and literature, we would still help, explained, and then he will take responsibility for himself. But he is still on his.

The actress brings up sons: Ivan and Fedor

The actress brings up sons: Ivan and Fedor


I understand that the acting abilities do not have to talk about your children ...

- No, although it is very strange. But I want them to be glad to be the profession, which will choose, because I see people who are mistaken with the choice, and they really suffer, for them it turns into a certain hell. They do not do their own business. I want my children to find your calling, and work was pleasure, like me.

Now how do you spend time together?

- The boys have already matured: Vanya is 13 years old, Fed - 11. We are talking to them in fact in the same language. Sometimes they talk about such things in which I no longer understand. For example, when it concerns scientific or computer topics. Here I already begin to learn from them.

I recently had a free week, and we watched movies every evening. Not just entertaining, but not easy: starting with the "Mind Games" and ending Tarantino. Then we had a parsing: I listened to their opinion, they are mine. This is such a conversation of adults. We took for the tradition of Cinep and waited for the seven o'clock in the evening.

And with their dad, Gregory Antipenko do they communicate?

- Sure. The same films are watching all together. Many more walk, our favorite place is the Vorobyev Mountains. They are small, but the childhood of Grisha passed there, and he knows everything there. He every time it shows some new places and tells the stories related to them. Children really like to listen. In addition, Grisha was fond of biology, and on the sparrow mountains there are a lot of vegetation, and every time we come, he tells children about plants, about birds that there are many.

It is not difficult to guess that you are thousands of fans. And someone still managed to conquer your special location?

- Oh, if you saw my schedule, you would understand that I have no chance for my personal life. But I'm not thinking about it now. I really like what is happening in my life, I like the volume of work that I have, our spiritual evenings at home. My heart belongs to the two most devoted fans: Vanya and Fede.

Heart of Beauty of Julia Takshina is now free

Heart of Beauty of Julia Takshina is now free

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Often, the girls admit that after the previous marriage they no longer pull into new relations. Parting with Grigory you did not beat the desire to get married?

- Not. It is absolutely wrong. I really hope and wish those who survived the divorce or disappointed in a relationship, in no way hack from the shoulder and say: "everything". A woman really reveals when there is a male shoulder next to her. No matter how strong and independent we are, it's still nice, when you take care of you when you can be weak, defenseless. This is wonderful! The woman is primarily full in the family. I hope that I have it ahead, and I will have a person who will give me this feeling of stability, calm, female happiness. I wish you all your readers: in no case is not disappointed! Maybe it was just not your person, maybe he was given for some experience, so that you later built real, strong relationships for life.

And of course, I can not not ask one of the brightest actresses in our cinema, what do you do to stay beautiful?

- I suffer from the fact that I have no opportunity to play sports. But I think my active lifestyle due to flights and moves keeps me in good shape. Anyway, this is a kind of movement, this is life. I try not to eat after six. And the point is not that I am afraid to recover, although it is also, but that if I'm on the night, I then sleep very badly. And for me a very important dream. If you choose between meals and sleep, I always choose a dream. Maybe, so I manage to keep yourself in a good form. I make elementary exercises at home as possible, but I do not attend the hall. Because I understand that I will pay it, and it will be just thrown on the wind money: I will visit a couple of times in a year, and that's it.

Frequent flights and moving allow the artist to constantly be in a tone

Frequent flights and moving allow the artist to constantly be in a tone

Materials press services

As for cosmetic procedures, we cooperate with one clinic, but I rarely go there. I make professional leaving and cleaning. No enclosures, suspenders. So far, I do not need it. Therefore, I woof the supporting procedures and drive with you a set of masks that can be applied, sitting in the hotel room or at home. In the morning I drink an empty stomach with lemon. It helps to run all the processes in the body. After 20 minutes, you can breakfast.

In general, I want to say that the best way to stay beautiful is a good mood, an internal comfortable condition and harmony with yourself with the world.

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