Olga Mednich: "Your half is the best friend with which stunning sex"


Be happy is a choice of man, not fate. This is sure Olga Mednich. It's nice that, unlike most "sad clowns", the actress, which we used to see in the comedy genre, and radiates a positive in life. Olga also had a difficult period, stagnation, when she did not know where to move on. But, having adopted a desperate decision to quit everything and move from his native St. Petersburg to Moscow, did not lose. Here she found not only a new job, but also a loved one.

- Olga, you said you live nearby, on Kutuzovsky. That is, moving from St. Petersburg to Moscow endily?

- Thank God, it happened two years ago. It could be before, but I was offered a role in the Telefilm "Great", where I played Elizabeth Vorontsov, Lyubul Peter, the so-called deliberate. And I spent six months in St. Petersburg, already like Moscow artist. I even removed the apartment there. And my own apartment in Moscow was waiting for me, the keys were on hand.

"Why did you choose this area - liked the place or played the role of prestige's consideration?

- There was a choice: buy accommodation more square on the outskirts of Moscow or a small apartment in the center. I have a small child, and people with children warned me that if I set up somewhere outside the city, I would not get closer closer, because we will spread the kindergartens, schools, doctors. And I dreamed: if you live in Moscow, then only in the center. I love hiking, I like to discover the city. Right across the bridge - Arbat, the theater named after Vakhtangov, the workshop of Peter Fomenko. And in terms of infrastructure, it is convenient: many shops, good schools around, and a kindergarten, where my son walks, right in our yard.

"You are with love, very peacefully talking about the city." Usually, the Petersburgers do not like here.

- I am some strange St. Petersburg. I was born there, grown, graduated from school and institute, worked seven years in the theater. But for some reason always loved Moscow. For me, Moscow is like a bad treasure milf, and Peter is a strict uncle. Here is such an association. Yes, there is a crazy rhythm, but it coincides with my inner rhythm. I am active, and I miss twenty-four hours in a day. Who does not coincide with rhythm, never move to Moscow. Some of my acquaintances say: how can you live in this madhouse, and also on Kutuzovsky Avenue? But I feel very comfortable here.

- And how comfortable to your son?

- I believe that children should live by the law of flocks. Mom bad will not advise. (Laughs.) He has a kindergarten here, in which he is happy to run. Moreover, the garden is free, the state, in which stunning teachers work, a very cute head of the head. I was frightened that in the garden in Moscow it is very difficult to get. We were taken with ease, because there are quite few children in the center. Around the houses of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are around, so in the garden, together with my son, children play children of various races and nationalities, there are African Americans, Hindus, everyone is perfectly communicated in Russian. Dima really likes there. He had a friend named Abu. (Smiles.) Children should grow, absolutely normally perceive the person of another nationality, skin color.

Olga is a very active person, but rest prefers a calm

Olga is a very active person, but rest prefers a calm

Photo: Personal archive Olga Medianich

- And for you decisive when a residence change was the presence of work, more interesting projects here?

"You know, at that moment I had a feeling that I just" hung. " I gave birth to a child, I'm thirty years old, and I did not know where to move on: nothing happened - neither inside me, nor around. For me it was so uncomfortable that I decided to change absolutely everything. Spept with the most beautiful theater, hometown, past. What is called, bleeding. That was how incomprehensible diseases were treated. And imagine - gained inner harmony.

- In one of the interviews you were asked about what films and television series you see. And you answered that the generation of thirty-year-old other interests. It turns out, you are busy in projects that you would not like the viewer?

- It's not about this, just the viewers are a completely different audience. Thirty-year-old there is no time to watch TV, we work a lot. This is a big luxury - switch channels and afford to hang on some series. Time is money. If I want to see something, I download it on the Internet. But there are other age audiences - children, pensioners, housewives. We work for them.

- How satisfied are you satisfied with the career?

- Profession is dependent on what to pretend. Satisfied, not satisfied - there is a certain given. I optimist and do not like to complain about life. There are projects in which I would like to get, but say: "Ah, I did not appreciate me," not in my character. It is necessary to thank the fate for what is given to you, and not be offended by something that happened. Moscow does not believe in tears, it is true. Not that I am lowering my hands and stop dreaming of serious dramatic roles, but if the directors and producers are still seeing me in the comedy genre, I will try to do it well. For years to thirty, I was very worried about this topic. Offended. Not for someone, but on internal circumstances. And once once on one theater banner noticed the actress - as they say, the face is familiar, and where he was shot, I do not remember. She was sitting opposite me with such an acidic, offended Mina, which was unpleasant to watch her. Then she did not like something, she was gone. And it was clear that her resentment - from misunderstanding, unclaimed. Here I definitely do not want to become! I will enjoy what I have. After all, no wonder the despondency is considered one of the most terrible sins.

"Women's League" made Olga Mednich popular

"Women's League" made Olga Mednich popular

Photo: Personal archive Olga Medianich

- Probably, you noticed that in Moscow a lot of evil and irritated people. Maybe it's just that they go here with certain ambitions and do not get what they want?

- Maybe. But people forget about the most important thing - you have to be happy. Life passes while we are offended at her. She care about our claims, she just goes. I am sure: Fortuna turns the face only to grateful people. And I live so much.

- Have you always been an optimist?

- Yes. I am an archer on the sign of the zodiac, and as a familiar astrologer told me: "You will cut your leg, and you will jump to the second and shout:" How cool that I have a leg! ". Not that I do not have depressive states, but I take and pull myself out of there for both ears. When there is no work, I urge yourself that it is good. After all, I can stay with my family and read the book that I have long wanted. If there is some tragedy in life, I try to perceive it as not as a punishment, but as a lesson.

- Maybe it was just not terrible tragedies?

- Were, believe me. And with health, and family problems. Everyone like everyone else. But there are people who instantly fall into depression. And I and myself, and the relatives from it pull out. And I believe that someone keeps me through life supports. If I tell myself that all changes for the better, so I will be.

- At what point did you feel that we have achieved success?

- This was not. I have all my life in the fight, I have never been easy. I did not arrive immediately at the Theater Institute, I studied in college of culture and art. I was not taken to the dramatic faculty, and I went to the division of the theater of dolls. The attitude towards us, puppeteers, was frivolous. I had to prove and others, and myself, that I am an artist. There were doubts and minutes of fatigue. Before each performance, I called my mother and said that, probably, I leave the profession. Before the launch of each new project, I do not sleep at night, because I'm scared. After all, this is a new troupe, a new director. How is our relationship, will they "catch" a role? But this is how the movement is moving forward.

- The TV series "Lightfor" very loved by the audience. And what emotions do you have this job?

- "Traffic light" is like a small life. And at first, when the pilot was filmed and invited me to the role of Olesi, I refused. Just ending shooting in the "Women's League", and here I am calling me again in the comedy project! I decided to wait for decent sentences, the so-called "call from Spielberg". (Smiles.) And now I was waiting for, in my family there was a grief - serious health problems of one of the relatives. We needed money, which at that time was not anyone. I just prayed someone over: "Give me money, very necessary, very." And then they called back from the TV channel: "We still launch the project. You did not change my mind? ". "Disabled!" - I shouted into the phone. And I still thank the fate for the fact that this series happened in my life. The shooting was five years old, during this time we all moved, cried like a family.

Olga Mednich:

In the television series "Sweet Life" Olga played the wife of the gold miner

- What did you fill your role?

"For me, a role is to observe the hero, I try to distance yourself from the character as far as possible. I do not even say: I play Oles, and just: Olesya. She is, and I have. For me, my heroine is a mixture of all stupid "blonde" problems that are present in family life. What are her endless claims for her husband! I do not cease to surprise: what kind of fool is, how can you treat your beloved? If a person say that he is beautiful, he will continue to prove it on his own example. And if you firmly: you're no, it over time will turn into nothing. And this is her upbringing the punishment: ah, you act like this, then I'm like this. Is Olesya seriously think that you can remake a forty-year-old man? It can only be taken and loved. I already understand this, because I'm a boy's mom. When I gave birth to Dima, I began to adore men even more. I am imposing it, I'll go from all sides - of course, he will later want to be the beloved woman as much as he treated him.

- This is some Maternal instinct in relation to a man.

- This is the best instinct in the world!

- But do not men relax, do not become infantile from this?

- Do not confuse affectionately with a man as a man. In his three years, Dima helps me to carry a handbag, inferior to women a place in the subway. We are not talking about male qualities, but about affection. My child is kissed from all sides. A woman should give a man's feeling that he is beautiful, as it was in his childhood, from Mom. And I notice that the more often I speak my husband, what's wonderful, the better it becomes. (Smiles.)

- But every person has shortcomings. Apparently, you just do not notice them.

- Of course, I see the shortcomings, but not pedaling them. I am not ideal myself, I'm just terrible, chaotic in everyday life. I constantly lose things, I do not turn off the light, check for ten times before going out, did not forget what, and still forget. I know all this, but I can't do anything. And I am not preparing. If I got such a spouse, like my dad-military, who is used to dinner there is the first, second and compote, we would run out a month after the wedding. The husband forgives my shortcomings and gives me me to understand that these are little things compared to my advantages! Updes my attention to the fact that I am a beautiful interlocutor, loving mother, caring wife. He himself is quick-tempered by nature, and if I see that he is not in the mood today, I will not argue, I'd rather go to walk. And returning, I will find the same pleasant man for whom married. We have a chip: When something is wrong, I say: Evgeny Ivanovich arrived to us. This is a collective image - so I called the negative qualities of a person who love. I do not associate them with him. Same and son. When he runs around the apartment, hysteriate, yell, I say: "Our guest is a bad boy, let's call Dima." And the son is lost, goes to the window, shouts: "Di-Ma!" And then returns, begins to laugh. He has already understood that it is not him bad, every person has such a mood when he annoys, angry.

- Let's go back to the "traffic light". What he turned out to be so wonderful that they decided to remove the continuation, and even on another channel, on "Che"?

- This is a very funny story, we tried to close several times. We had a farewell banquet three times! We cried, hugged, then wrote each other's letters ... and again met on the set. Just enchanted project. Let him not fired as "kitchen", but he had consistently high ratings. This season has changed a lot, there are two new main characters, and I really hope that the atmosphere of the former "traffic light" will remain - when everything is easy, at ease, without pseudo-residues.

Olga Mednich:

In the new season of the TV series "Lightforward" Heroes of Olga Mednich and Jamal Tetrouashvili bred. In real life, fortunately, the opposite is

- Something interesting happens in your pair?

- All the ninth season we divorce. Yes, we are waiting for all these terrible clarification of relationships, delegation of territory, search for other people. It's hot, it is clear that Olesya and Pasha love each other, but they have already said this word: divorce, and there is no way to retreat. Some things can not sound. For example, never say a man that he is bad in bed, he remembers and will not forgive. Even if it makes the form that everything is in order. And never tell your beloved person that you want to part with him. You bite it in a hot, and the partner will hear that you don't love him anymore, and agree: the divorce is so divorce. This happened in this pair. But I still hope for Happy End.

- Olga, you are not so open person. Your husband is also a media character, but nevertheless you do not give joint interviews ...

- Yes, we do not hide that we are together, appear in secular events, but we do not want to piano at the expense of each other.

- Nevertheless, you have become a real queen instagram, you have many subscribers, and this is a window in a personal life.

- The window is quite small. Only close friends come to my house, we do not participate with your husband in joint photo shoots. And I do not put a photo of my son in instagram. Perhaps becoming older, he will want to start his page. But now how can I decide for him: suddenly he does not need such a PR?

- And you did not ask him?

- In three years?!

- Why not? Now children are very advanced in terms of gadgets.

- Yes, it is. Dimka sometimes asks: Mom, show me. I'm talking about him in an interview, I am proud of them and adore. But instagram is for me - this is an advertisement of the actress Olga Mednich, my projects - movies, performances, movies that I remove. I am pleased that people can have fun. And the number of subscribers is growing. Instagram is a way to make money. After all, if you have many subscribers, coming on advertising. But I treat them very selectively. I will not advertise low-quality products, some Chinese fakes under well-known brands. I think it is lower than its dignity.

- What is your attitude to brands?

- I am not an advertising shield, I do not like when there are labels on me, more precisely, not rushing it. In my wardrobe there are expensive outfits from famous brands, but there are also things from showrooms, where designers, young girls, sew just amazing models! For example, this is a knitted summer coat I bought in one of these modest boutiques, on a very attractive price. Look at what quality! This is my favorite thing, I just do not get out of it.

Olga Mednich:

"Youth and beauty quickly pass. Human needs human"

- Do you care how you look?

- I do not want to take a profession and publicity. When I go to the playground, I do not care that people will see me in a stretched T-shirt and ripped jeans. And even if someone from Mamash learns me. I ride my son on a hill, and I must be comfortable. I am not of those women who "bears ourselves." Another thing is secular outputs, "I can use the help of stylists here. I share these things. I do not see the point of putting on the aircraft heels, as some ladies do. But if they feel so organic, then for God's sake. The main thing is the harmony inside.

- What is your main women's weapon?

- youth and beauty quickly pass. Human needs human. Need eyes, conversations in the evenings, involvement in his problems. In my opinion, the formula of modern marriage is as follows: Your half is the best friend with which stunning sex. Here are these sex games, finding out the relationship completely unnecessary with the current already nervous life. I have a buddy, a man for forty, with whom recently we just spoke on this topic. He meets with a girl who is loved and welcome, but he does not want to tie fate with her. It is because it constantly suits emotional shakes. And he just wants to sit with her near the evening, hugging, watching a TV. It is impossible to live together if there is no harmony between people. Still, it seems to me, a big danger - completely dissolve each other. It is necessary to be a self-sufficient person who is in a pair with the same self-sufficient. If my husband wants to go somewhere with friends, how can I, an adult man, is to ban it? The same if I want to meet with a girlfriend or a friend, I will not ask for this permission. Husband and wife are not property.

- Are you attained by nature?

- You ask, I'm not afraid of losing what I have? Of course, for me it is very scary. I madly love my family. But in order to keep it, I am ready to endure something, let go through the ears and do a lot to make us together well. Love is a verb, action, not feelings. "I love, I can not without you!" - I shouted with one boy. We were eighteen years old. He kept my hand and did not want to let go. On the street Claus minus twenty-five, and I am in kapron pantyhose ... This is garbage, not love.

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