Weling silhouette: how to reduce the volume of the waist


The concepts of feminine beauty in different times were very different, but a narrow waist was always in fashion. She was thrown by corsets, emphasized with the help of a special dresses silhouette. Today, when the corsets and crinolines went into the past, only special exercises and plastic surgery remained in the arsenal of struggle for the thin waist.

Diet, hoop and oblique muscles

All studies on the theme of the waist show that much more important to achieve not so much "aspen" the waist, how much is the right and most attractive ratio of the volume of the waist and the hips, which is 1 to 0.7. It is this figure that makes men dreamingly turning around to you. It is not necessary to be a thin, the said ratio is quite achievable for those who do not have a thin body.

The first thing to do those who dream of a thin waist are to adjust the diet. Less flour, sweet and no sweet carbonated drinks! More fiber, whole cereals, and 15-20 minutes before meals, eat well to half a grapefruit. Two liters of pure water per day - axiom for all who craves harmony.

If we talk about the exercises for the waist, then the first to the mind comes to the hoop. This is perhaps the simplest, accessible exercise, however, as experts say, not the most efficient. Much more effective are various options for oblique twists. If excess weight and "sides" are presence, you should not neglect cardiotrans that help burn excess fat. Add to your weekly schedule two hours in the pool, and you will set two legs to the road leading you to a beautiful and healthy body.

It is important not centimeters of your waist, but the proportions in relation to the thighs

It is important not centimeters of your waist, but the proportions in relation to the thighs

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Once - and ready!

If there is no big desire to change the usual diet or lifestyle, or if you need to lose weight urgently, you can resort to the services of plastic surgery. The most popular methods that help to acquire a beautiful figure are liposuction and liposkulface. In the case of liposuction, excess fat is simply removed from problem places, with a liposkulption, the fat extinguishes are transplanted wherever it is more likely (most often - in the area of ​​the buttock or chest). Both ways are not suitable for girls that do not have beautiful body proportions are not due to the excess subcutaneous fat layer, but by virtue of the body structure: heavy bones, medium or low growth, short and wide (hyperstaten) chest. No exercises and liposuctions of a thin waist in this case do not achieve. However, there is a way out of this position.

Weling silhouette: how to reduce the volume of the waist 8704_2

Overweight and "Boca" will help to remove cardiotrans and pool

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

In recent years, the operation of complete or partial removal of 11 and 12 pairs of ribs to form a narrow waist is gaining increasing popularity. Pop stars (and not only girls) are often resorted to such an operation. For example, Brazilian Ken Rodrigo Alves, known for the fact that there were 58 plastic operations, reduced his waist in this way.

However, many experts with caution relate to such an opportunity. The fact is that the lower pair of the ribs is used to protect the internal organs, softens the blows and protects against damage, and if they are removed, kidney, spleen, the liver will remain without natural protection. The minuses include fairly long and painful rehabilitation period.

Kazbek Kudzaev came up with an alternative to the removal of ribs

Kazbek Kudzaev came up with an alternative to the removal of ribs

An alternative to the removal of the ribs came up with a plastic surgeon from Vladikavkaz Kazbek Kudzaev. The essence of his technique is that the ribs are not completely removed, but is reduced, due to which the shape of the lower edges is changing, due to which a narrow waist is formed. After the operation, it is necessary to wear a corset with a belt within 2 months, to the fits of the ribs in a more aesthetic position. Such an operation is less traumatic, it is better tolerated, but it allows you to achieve a cherished goal - a beautiful proportion of the waist and hips.

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