Winter on the nose: Your skin is ready for minus temperatures?


In the yard - still autumn. However, winter has almost seriously declared its rights. And then, they promise to us, it will be even colder. Therefore, preparation for serious minus temperatures should be started now. And we will tell you how to do it right.

The result is obscured

In winter, our skin is faced immediately with several problems. First, it is dryness and dehydration. After all, on the street - cold, the wind is often blowing; And indoors where heating or air conditioning is available - dry air.

Secondly, we are confronted with the nutrition of the skin cells due to the narrowing of the vessels (the temperature differences are to blame on the street and indoors). Thirdly, the skin in the cold season is more prone to irritation and inflammation.

Therefore, before the arrival of cold weather, it is necessary to conduct a revision of your skin care products. Alas, with some of them will have to part. For example, the creams of light textures that are ideal in the warm season, it is better to replace to more dense. And moisturizing creams - on protective. If in the summer the main principles of the care were such: cleansing-moisturizing-protection, then with the arrival of cold weather, you must proceed to the following scheme: Cleansing-power-protection.

Carefully learn the composition of the tools that you purchase. It is better to choose those products in the composition of which - natural extracts and vitamins E and A.

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The cream for dry and sensitive skin from the Russian brand "Triumph of Beauty" contains exclusively vegetable components. The complex of herbs extracts with natural antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial substances helps to remove dryness and irritation, such inherent in our skin in the cold season. Also, cream enhances the regenerating properties of the skin, stimulates the update of the epidermis, tones, rejuvenates, protects against the negative environmental impact - wind, rain with snow, dust.

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To restore the quality and protective properties of the epidermis, creams with retinol have proven well. The Neo Retinol line from Eveline Cosmetics is an innovative cosmetics with a clinically confirmed highly efficient rejuvenating action of retinol. Can be used to care for sensitive skin. As part of the funds - the triple concentration of the innovative component LOX-AGE ™, a rejuvenating protein obtained by the engineering and biotechnology method from the extract of chicory leaves (Cichorium Intybus). The line has creams for any age leather. Only, for example, in the means for those who are 35 plus, focus on moisturizing, and for the category 55 plus more importantly, the regeneration of skin cells.

Like oil

In winter, it becomes more relevant content in cosmetics of oils, which will help restore or create artificially barrier, which prevents the transpledermal loss of water to the skin.

The Brand of Natural Cosmetics from Morocco Huilargan offers a whole collection of oils - avocado, argan, aloe vera, cocoa, mango. All of them are prepared through the ancient recipes of Berber, but using modern technologies. As a result, we have ideal means that are useful for your skin, and also have an instantaneous and long-term effect.

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Materials press services

To prepare the skin to the cold, try the butter from Huilargang. In its pure form, it should be applied on dry areas of the skin, hands, lips as a protective bliss. The cosmetic advantage of Shea oil is that it is a rich source of essential vitamins for skin - a, e and f.

Shea oil is also used with very dry skin and for treating problem skin. It is safe and for sensitive children's skin. Perfectly prevents stretching during pregnancy and restores brittle hair.

Conversation is thinking

Special attention should be given to purification. It in the cold season should be more gentle and delicate. Fully give up alcohol-containing cleansing agents and tonic, even if you have oily skin. Prefer gels and equipment with essential oils. When washing, try to make water not too hot - it strongly dries the skin, leaning all the fat from it.

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A soft cleansing milk for removing makeup from Himalaya Herbals, like all the cosmetics of this Indian brand, has extremely plant components in its composition. Soap nut and mandarine gently clean and refresh the skin, the cucumber moisturizes, makes it purity and soft. The tool is ideal for dry and sensitive skin.

By the way, in winter, due to the effects of external factors, oily skin is becoming closer to normal or even dry, and normal can become dry and sensitive. It is very important to notice these changes and enshrive adjustments to the daily care. If you want to independently determine your skin type in this time segment, you can do this test. Clean your face carefully (preferably not to use tonic), then wait at least an hour (the skin calms down), and then bring and literally stick to the face thin palilation paper. If there are at least some traces on paper, it means that your skin type is fat. If there are no traces - the skin is normal or dry (the last option occurs more often).


Decorative cosmetics should also pass a revision. In winter, it is better to abandon liquid tonal means, because they contain the microparticles of water. It is better to start using either tonal cream-pencil, or compact powder.

Also, some makeup artists in habit are advised to replace lip gloss on lipstick. However, today's brilliance can be used in the cold season.

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Lovers Ultrashine Lipgloss lip gloss from Eveline Cosmetics is characterized by a tender texture and an innovative formulation that contains argan oil. This wonderful component is intensively and carefully cares for the skin of the lips, having an intense moisturizing effect. An excellent option even in the harsh winter cold!

Body - in business

Many believe that our body hidden under numerous clothing in the cold season does not require special attention. And in vain! The skin on the body suffers even more than on the face. In addition to the same temperature drops, it is still due to a permanent contact with a pile of clothing is injured and overwhelmed. Therefore, 30-40 minutes before the exit to the street, apply a moisturizing cream onto the body. And try at least once a week to allocate on yourself, your beloved, couple of hours to do SPA procedures. Fortunately, you can now arrange a SPA interior right in the bathroom.

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Chocolate body scrub with cocoa oils and carite from Gloria is the perfect choice for the gray November days. The scrub contains cocoa oils, carite and coconut, which in the complex are intensively moisturized, and the hammer of the husk of cedar nut in a tandem with a sea salt has a powerful peeling effect. The chocolate charming fragrance makes it an indispensable for "delicious" SPA-bachelides or romantic SPA for two. But even if you accept procedures alone, this in any case will raise you the mood and leave a pleasant aftertaste.

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And it is possible to finish the SPA-ritual, comfortably setting up under a warm blanket with a cup of burning delicious and helpful tea. Brand Queen Pharmacy specifically for such cases presented a collection of organic tea for beauty and health Mad Thai Tea Party. Each of the products is a real work of art. The tea "Wings of the Blue Motilla" has a bright blue color and characteristic, no matter what the taste is not like. At home, in Thailand, this tea is considered to be a drink of royal persons. And we understand why. The miraculous jiaogulan, confirming its name, improves the delivery of oxygen to the tissues, destroys the fibrin flare, is actively struggling with all signs of aging. The tea "Slices of a wooden apple" soothes, eliminates fatigue and stimulates the activity of the immune system, cleans the bronchi, treats a cold, cleans the intestines, strengthens immunity. If suddenly you snapped (that in slakmed November days are not uncommon), then it is enough to brew yourself this tea so that it is no later than three days later to return to the system. Well, if you tie your eyes and pour the "Red Milk" tea, then you will be in complete confidence that you drink milk - with the addition of Vanilla. But the effect is amazing. This drink promotes longevity, activates mental activity, improves the memory, slows the aging of the skin, strengthens the immunity, reduces the level of cholesterol, tones, invigorates, has a strengthening effect on immunity, rejuvenates every cell of the body, improves performance.

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