Johnny Depp will receive a reward for makeup


This year, the Guild of Vizazhistov and Hairdressers Hollywood decided to establish a new nomination in its annual award - "For outstanding skills." It was awarded this first in the history of the award will be Johnny Depp. According to President Juicean Cabral-Ebel, Depp is one of the most worthy candidates for the award, as more often than others resorts to the services of makeup and hairdressers in order to brighter the images of their heroes on the screen. "Johnny has always very fruitful cooperation with the members of our guild. He always refers to their work with respect and gratitude. Being a great actor himself, he allows others to show his skills and skills, "says Cabral Ebers.

The movie star premium will hand over the make-up of the makeup of Depp Joel Harlow, who worked with him on the films "Pirates of the Caribbean Sea", "Lone Ranger", "Alice in Wonderland" and "Gloomy Shadows". But, of course, the guild representatives did not leave the earlier work of the actor, in which he also demonstrated miracles of makeup: "Edward's hands-scissors", "Sleepy Hollow", "Fear and Hate in Las Vegas", "Charlie and Chocolate Factory "and others. The premium presentation will take place on February 15.

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