Sex without relationship: Is it worth starting?


The question of whether to join the sexual relationship without permanent relationships and obligations, always worried about both sexes. However, women and men approach this is different. Therefore, it is often this option to communicate with the object of lust for representatives of the fine floor does not work. Let's try to figure out what the problem lies?

First, I would like to remember the popular series "Sex in the Big City". Four heroines are four different approaches to life and to sex. One of the bright heroines is Samantha, who lives on the principle of "Nobody I am looking for, I sleep, with whom I want." Throughout the entire TV series, her life is shown in very good light. She lives on a full coil, builds a career, earns well and can drag into the bed of any handsome in the city. It would seem not life, but a dream. But is it possible in reality?

The psychologist Alena Al-Ase believes that sex without commitment in the life of a woman should be present only in some specific periods

The psychologist Alena Al-Ase believes that sex without commitment in the life of a woman should be present only in some specific periods

Even today, despite all that sexual freedom, which has every adult, society is not ready to allow the same opportunities for men and women. It allowed us to manage aircraft, international corporations and almost entire continents, but continues to impose a certain scheme of relationships. Therefore, a woman in this kind of relationship faces certain difficulties. For example, when sex without commitment offers a man, it is perceived normally and some even welcome, they say, it's good that a man warns about the absence of perspective in advance. But when a woman insists on sex without obligations, questions immediately arise: "Is it possible?", "Isn't it immoral?" With the fact that even medicine has long been proven that the female abstinence is not at all useful, and at a later age only speeds up the climax approximation.

The thing is that such concepts like "morality", "morality", "chastity", we still have connected with a woman. There was a traditional program in society, where on a woman, as on the "custodian of the hearth", is responsible for "purity" in all senses. It follows from this program that it should be loyal and modest, to keep the family, forgive your man and take care of him. In many ways it comes from biology. The task of a man is the development of new territories and the spread of their genetic material, the task of a woman - the creation of comfort and stability for its offspring. All this is laid by nature. Many women do not imagine sex without love and relationships. Very often, on allegedly "sex without commitment", we agree only in the hope of getting a man for a relationship and marriage. And if you even give yourself aware that it's just sex, still, after a short time, they are tied and fall in love. This is a female essence. It so happened that we often refuse to hear ourselves and true needs.

I would recommend to make decisions, relying on your feelings and desires, and not to the opinion of others. Life is yours. You do not make absolutely anything illegal, so let yourself make a personal choice. Personally, I believe that sex and relationships are completely different needs, although, of course, ideally, they must go together. But sex without relationship is possible in the same way as the relationship without sex (rarely, but also it is found).

Sex without a relationship in the life of a woman may be present, but only in some certain periods. We can argue as much as possible on the topic of the development of civilization, but our instincts, as a rule, always lead us on the desired road. The main thing is to listen to yourself. Just want to emphasize: you should not give up this only because of the fear of what someone will condemn you. Decide for yourself, which is good for you. I am for being happy.

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