14 products that need to eat if you damaged the muscles


When it comes to sports and athletics, injury is an unpleasant component of the game. Fortunately, certain products and supplements can help reduce the time required by your body to restore after sports injury. This article lists 14 products and additives, which should be added to your diet, to quickly recover from injury:

Protein rich foods

Protein is an important building material for many fabrics of your body, including muscles. After sports injury, the injured part of the body often turns out to be immobilized. This usually leads to a decrease in endurance and muscle mass. However, obtaining a sufficient amount of protein can help minimize this loss. In addition, a protein-rich diet can help prevent too much inflammation and speed up your recovery. Moreover, a small increase in protein consumption after you start to train the injured part of the body again, it will help you to restore the lost muscles. For all these reasons, be sure to include in your daily menu products rich in protein, such as meat, fish, bird, tofu, beans, peas, nuts or seeds.

Protein is an important building material for many tissues of your body, including muscles.

Protein is an important building material for many tissues of your body, including muscles.

Photo: unsplash.com.

Food rich in fiber

After injury, the mobility of the damaged part of the body slows down. So that it does not lead to the appearance of unwanted fat in the body, it is important to eat a little less. One way to reduce the consumption of calories is to stick with a diet rich in fiber. This, along with the use of the above-mentioned products rich in protein, will help you eat less, without feeling hunger. Products rich in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grain, help quickly satisfy. As an additional bonus, the products rich in fiber, as a rule, contain many other nutrients needed for your recovery, including vitamin C, magnesium and zinc. However, note that too strict calorie restriction can slow down the healing of the wounds and contribute to the loss of muscle mass, which negatively affects recovery. Therefore, people who tried to reset overweight to injury should think about postpone their weight reduction efforts. Instead, focus on maintaining body weight until complete recovery.

Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C

Vitamin C helps your body to produce collagen, which helps maintain the integrity of your bones, muscles, leather and tendons. Thus, obtaining a sufficient amount of vitamin C from its diet is a great way to help the body restore fabrics after injury. In addition, vitamin C has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can help speed up your recovery, preventing an excessive level of inflammation. Fortunately, Vitamin C is one of the simplest vitamins that can be obtained from food. Products in which it most includes citrus, red and yellow sweet pepper, dark greens, kiwi, broccoli, berries, tomatoes, mango and papaya. However, it is currently unclear whether additives bring any advantages to those who already receive a sufficient amount of vitamin C from their diet. However, a small number of people who cannot consume enough products rich in vitamin C can consider the possibility of taking food additives.

Omega-3 fatty acids

After injury, the first phase of healing is always associated with inflammation. This inflammatory response is useful and necessary for proper healing. However, if this inflammation remains too strong for too long, it can slow down your recovery. One way to prevent the slowing down of recovery due to excessive inflammation is to eat enough omega-3 fats. These fats, which are contained in products such as fish, algae, walnuts, flax seeds and chia seeds, have anti-inflammatory properties. You can also prevent excessive or long inflammation, limiting the amount of omega-6 fats, which are usually contained in corn, canal, cotton, soybean and sunflower oils. It is known that consumption of too much omega-6 fats contributes to inflammation, especially if the consumption of omega-3 fats is also low. In addition, in some studies it is reported that Omega-3 supplements can help increase the production of muscle protein, reduce muscle loss during immobilization and contribute to restoration after a brain concussion. However, the high consumption of omega-3 fats from the additives can reduce the ability of your body to restore muscle mass after you return to training. Therefore, it is possible to better increase the consumption of omega-3 from products, and not from additives.

Zinc rich foods

Zinc is a component of many enzymes and proteins, including those necessary for wound healing, restoration and growth of tissues. In fact, studies show that an insufficient amount of zinc from your diet can slow down wound healing. Consequently, the use of zinc rich foods, such as meat, fish, mollusks, legumes, seeds, nuts and whole grain, can help you more effectively recover after injury. Some people may have a temptation simply take supplements with zinc to ensure compliance with their recommendations. But zinc competes with copper for absorption, so the reception of high doses of zinc from additives can increase the likelihood of copper deficiency. In general, if your zinc level is good, additional zinc additives from additives probably will not accelerate wound healing.

Food rich in vitamin D and calcium

Calcium is an important component of bones and teeth. It also participates in the contraction of the muscles and the transfer of nerve signals. That is why it is important to always get enough calcium - not only when you restore after injury. Calcium rich foods include dairy products, leafy greens, sardines, broccoli, bumia, almonds, seaweed and enriched with calcium tofu and vegetable milk. Vitamin D also performs no less important function, because it helps the body to absorb calcium contained in the products you eat. Together with Calcium, he plays an important role in recovery after bone injury. In addition, obtaining a sufficient amount of vitamin D can increase the chances of good recovery after the operation. For example, studies have shown that a good status of vitamin D can improve the restoration of forces after the operation on an anterior cross-shaped bundle. Few products naturally contain vitamin D, but your body can produce vitamin D under the influence of the Sun. Those who live in the northern climate or conducts a limited amount of outdoor time, additives may be required to obtain a sufficient amount of vitamin D.

Few products naturally contain vitamin D, but your body can produce vitamin D under the influence of the Sun

Few products naturally contain vitamin D, but your body can produce vitamin D under the influence of the Sun

Photo: unsplash.com.


Creatine is a substance that is naturally contained in meat, bird and fish. It helps your body to generate energy while lifting weights or high intensity exercises. The human body can also produce it in the amount of about 1 gram per day. Creatine has become a popular additive, commonly used to increase muscle mass and improving results in various sports. Interestingly, she can also help you recover from injury. One study showed that creatine additives increase the set of muscle mass and strength lost during a two-week immobilization period, more than placebo. Another study showed that people who took creatine lost less muscles at the top of the body during the weekly immobilization period than those who received placebo. However, not all studies have shown these results. In both studies showing positive results, the creatine additive was introduced in four doses of five grams every day. It is important to note that at present there is no consensus about creatine and recovery after sports injuries. Nevertheless, today the study did not reveal any negative effects. Creatine remains one of the most studied and safe additives, so it is possible to try it.


Glucosamine is a natural substance contained in the liquid surrounding joints. He participates in the creation of tendons, ligaments and cartilage. Your body naturally produces glucosamine, but you can also increase its level using additives. Supplements are usually manufactured either from mollusc shells or fermented corn. Studies on people with arthritis show that glucosamine can be useful to reduce joint pain. In addition, research on healthy people show that adding 1-3 grams of glucosamine per day can help reduce the deterioration of the state of the joints. One recent study on animals also showed that the daily intake of glucosamine after a fracture can accelerate the reformation of bones. Based on these conclusions, some people take glucosamine additives to reduce pain after the injuries of joints and bones or speed up recovery after fractures. However, additional research is needed before you can make convincing conclusions. It is worth noting that glucosamine additives may be dangerous for people suffering from allergies or molluscs or iodine, pregnant women and people with diabetes, high cholesterol, asthma or high blood pressure.

Other products useful in injuries

In addition to obtaining a sufficient amount of calcium and vitamin D, good consumption of the following nutrients can contribute to a faster recovery after bone fractures:

Magnesium: Increases the strength and elasticity of bones. It is contained in almonds, cashews, peanuts, potato peel, brown rice, beans, black-eyed peas, lentils and milk.

Silicon: Plays an important role in the early stages of bone formation. The best sources are whole grain and cereals, carrots and podcol.

Vitamins K1 and K2: Send calcium to the bones and help improve bone strength. The best sources include sheet greens, Brussels cabbage, prunes, sauer cabbage, natto, miso, offal, egg yolks and dairy products from cows of herbal fattening.

Bor: Promotes the health of bones due to an increase in the holding of calcium and magnesium and amplifying the action of vitamin D. prunes - the best dietary source.

Inositol: Helps to improve calcium suction in the bones. Contained in melon, grapefruit, oranges and prunes.

Arginine: This amino acid is necessary for the production of nitrogen oxide, the compounds needed for healing fractures. The best sources include meat, dairy products, birds, seafood, nuts and oatmeal.

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