"The Korolev - Poultry Poultry": whims, quarrels and love


Preparation for the TV series lasted a month and a half. The main storyline of the creators of the modern "Rabbit" was preserved, but the characters of many heroes were played differently than in previous screening. So, if in the original version of the film, the whole life of Feride was presented in the dark colors, in a new reading into it, on the contrary, added fun and ease. "I thoroughly studied Kamrana, trying to understand his attitude and devotion to the family, work, his philosophical inclinations. And, of course, his difficult relationship, love for Ferida, "says the actor Bukrak Ozchivit." It was thanks to Ferida, my hero was able to carry his feeling in many years of their random and ridiculous separation. My Kamran is a real secular person, good-bought and tactful. In certain situations, he may show a character of character, but at the same time it is idealist and very emotional. Meeting with Ferid and her perseverance was forever entered his life. Only thanks to this meeting, he became in life independent. "

Full Bukrak Ozchivita became popular in Turkey after entering the local version of the series "Gossip", where he played one of the main roles. Before the start of the acting career, the burata successfully tried herself in the model business, participated in the Turkish and American realistic show "You are supermodel", and at 20 years old (now the actor - 29) held the second place in the list of the most beautiful men-models of the world. His starry hour was the work in the series "Magnificent Century", in which Burak played the role of Bali Bay. In the wave of this success, the actor even opened his restaurant "Bali Bay Dener" in Turkey, and the drawn mustache of his character became the logo of the institution.

"We did not consider Kamran's characters and Ferid individually: they are for us - a whole. Their actions, whims, quarrels, love, sharing the actress Fakhria Eugengen, who played Ferida. - We tried to find interesting moments in their lives and reveal their attitude to each other in detail. I hope we managed it. And I generally look like my heroine: Send me, a city resident, to teacher in the village, and I will have exactly the same feelings and difficulties as Ferida! True, I, unlike it, I will not run from love from fear of suffering. On the contrary, I will catch up with my love! It seems to me that it is wrong to reject your loved one and erase it from my life. "

In order to better understand his character, the actress Fakhria Euczden tried to mentally move at the time in which the series takes place. "Then the rules were more valued, decency - they constituted an important part of life. Therefore, whatever Ferida is bold and reckless, when it is necessary, it becomes tactful and tolerant, "says Fakhrie.

Fakhryie Eugengen is 27 years old, and she already starred in 11 films. The actress was born and grew in the German city of Solingen, and the education received in Dusseldorf, after graduating from the Department of Sociology of the Humanitarian Faculty of the University of Heinrich Heine. A trip to Istanbul was a turning point in her biography, where in 19 years Fakhria went on vacation with his mother. There, the girl first decided to try himself as an actress and received the first small role in the TV series "Never forget." Now she receives the second higher education at the Bosphorus University, where he studies at the historian. In addition, Pochrya sings well and plays a piano: the Turkish folk song "In the Green Chinara Garden" in the TV series "The Korolev - Poultry Poultry" sounds in its performance.

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