Natalia Zemtsova: "Inga from the" eighties "pursues me"


Actress Natalia Zemtsova stands out against his colleagues. For example, she recently admitted that he wants to seem older - after all, the most interesting roles are written for those who are for thirty. "

- Against the background of the desperate struggle of stars for eternal youth, your desire seems older perceived as a strange whim ...

- I dreamed of adult dramatic roles from the Theater Academy, and gave playing girls from Ostrovsky. I hate them, these bolties are amazing. (Laughs.) I do not like Juliet. But since my appearance is a little nursery, even on the course with his peers, I still played small. For a very long time was experienced. Only now I start playing what I want, what I like. I am shooting in the project, where I have an age role. At first, my heroine is 15 years old, it matures in the process of developing the plot, and we will end in 37 years. And then I realized that I was much more interesting to play adult women, especially those who have children.

- But you yourself are now Mom. Son Ivan is growing up ...

- Yes, in August he will have for four years. Time flies very quickly. By the way, I always dreamed of a girl. Even the name came up with Sonya, although now I do not like it. Doctors at the time of the ultrasound confirmed this. And only before childbirth, they stated: "You will have a boy!" I remember, I thought: "OPA! So what to do?" Missed up first. But now I like that I have a boy. It's just fine!

Natalia Zemtsova:

The role in the series "The Eighties" brought Natalia considerable popularity. In the photo with a colleague by project Alexander Yakin

- By today's time, the name of the son you chose very old-fashioned ...

"This is all Seryozha (Natalia's husband, Sergey Crysto," Uma2Rman bassist. - V. B.), I did not want this name. I had many different options. And these options changed every day - literally until the day of birth. But a funny thing happened. It was summer, very roast, it was hard for me, I already wanted to give birth. I remember, said Seryozhe: "He is not born, because he does not want to be Ivan, he wants to be seed! If it is born today, there will be a seed! " Serega agreed. But he was born the next day. (Laughs.) And now I understand that he is very suitable for the name Ivan. Highly. Although we call him a bagel.

- Why?

- I called me that Serega when I was pregnant. And somehow smoothly the nickname flowed to Ivan. Now he is already, of course, not a bagel. Now Ivan is straight! Such a business man. It is very active. Does not sit in computers and phones. In Spain, where we spend the summer, he goes to golf. And he gets very good. Now we learn to swim. You need to swim, you never know what. Vanya has already fell into the pool. And so at least falls out. I am for the children to prepare for adulthood. No need to fold them with pink wool.

- How did you meet Sergey?

- At the concert. I was on set in Minsk. And the guys were touring there.

- Did you like the music of the Uma2RMan group?

- I will not say that I was a fan, but I liked something definitely. With Stas Mikhailov, I could not meet. (Laughs.) It is important that you like that your favorite person does. You can't tell him all my life: "Oh, cool!" And about yourself: "Oh, horror!". And if I don't like some songs, always speak honestly.

Now Natalia is filmed in a new project, whose script is built on the adventures of people with extrasensory abilities. On the set. Busy and popular actor Kirill Kyaro

Now Natalia is filmed in a new project, whose script is built on the adventures of people with extrasensory abilities. On the set. Busy and popular actor Kirill Kyaro

- Many, when they write about your union, still make an emphasis on seventeen-year-old difference in the age ...

- Well, by the way, sixteen. (Laughs.) It seems to me that this difference is spoken, because you need to create some kind of intrigue. Maybe want to show that I am some kind of insincere towards him. But it is nonsense.

- Do you have a serge brother?

- Yes, we communicate well. We often travel together. We always spend the winter in Spain, and this year the guys flew the whole family, succumbed to our persuasion. They liked it. We spent a lot of time together. I am friends. Since childhood I love family holidays. My mother and dad went away. The dad appeared family - wife and daughter. But my mother talked very well with a father's wife. And I, when came from Peter, also met with them. All holidays we celebrated together. Such a big family. And it was cool. Relatives are those people for whom you should hold.

- So you do not mind if Sergey communicates with his children who was his wife?

- Well, where are you? But I love more when children come to us. (Laughs.) I tried to somehow make friends, but ... Life, she is long, some resentment take place over time, forgotten. It is not known what will happen next. Everything is possible. Cannot be made.

"Indeed, you never know where life will lead." I heard you did not even dreamed of being actress.

- in childhood there was no prerequisites. My admission to theatrical turned out to be a complete surprise for everyone. After all, I studied in good language special school. And all of our then went to INAZ. But not me.

- As you know, theatrical Moscow did not give you immediately ...

- In the first year he did not. Although I received everywhere and like everything: Gitis, Pike, Slice, Studio School MCAT, VGIK. A year later, I decided to try to enter the St. Petersburg Academy of Theatrical Art. I already knew more, prepared. And not as the first time - I found the address on the Internet and went.

In marriage with musician Sergey Crystovsky Natalia, three years ago there was a son. For Sergey, this is the sixth child. Five born in his predicted marriage

In marriage with musician Sergey Crystovsky Natalia, three years ago there was a son. For Sergey, this is the sixth child. Five born in his predicted marriage


- I wonder why Omsk ride to live and work in St. Petersburg?

- I do not even know why so. There really is a lot of oomic. And in the theater a lot of countrymen studied. But personally, I always wanted to live in Moscow.

- And it happened. One of the first bright roles is an inga from the "eighties." Does she pursue you so far?

- We have people if you fell asleep, then no longer want anything else. Friends are quenched by me, healthy: "Oh, hello, Inga! When the next season "eighties"? " It is necessary to break this vicious circle, because everyone is looped on this inge. Although I do not understand why. After all, the Inga is a confusable bitch. Looking at the first series, I was frightened that everyone would think about me the same. And really thought so. This moment was rather long. I came to shooting for magazines or some other things, and then they said: "Oh, you are so good, and we thought that you ... not like that."

- What new projects are expected?

- Saga with the working name "Others". The history of one family. About women who have extrasensory abilities and which they consider witches. And I play the only one who does not have these abilities. Such a marriage in production.

- This project has many famous actors. How to work with them?

- A good partner is a buzz. Do not need to do anything, invent. Cyril Kyaro just work perfectly well.

- Are you still paintings, say, write?

- Yes, it is always with me. My grandfather drew and taught. And I draw since childhood. I already had an exhibition "Koshkin House", on which I put thirteen paintings with cats. Bought almost everything. Now I was drawn to nature, draw scenery. I do not know what to do about it. I have nowhere to hang them. Probably, I will make another exhibition if there is a time between the film projects.

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