Starting: What changes occurred in the rules for passing the rights of rights


Despite the fact that today all over the world is celebrated by the day of laughter, from today in Russia, quite serious changes have been introduced into the rules for holding the exam for the right to control the car. Let's find out what to be prepared if you are planning to get a new document in the near future.

Changes related to the site

Probably the most important thing from innovations - combining the site with a city landscape. Experts considered that the immediate surrender in the context of the city would help future motorists approach the passage of the practical part as much as possible. Therefore, to memorize the route on a safe closed platform will not work.

Changes in routes

As we know, in every traffic police station there is an approved route, which all employees use during the exam with a trainee. Of course, it is convenient, however, from April 1, 2021, the route climbed along and across across the past, and he comes to the replacement list of prospectuses and streets, where it is possible to spend the exam, so finding out in advance which route will be used, now it is impossible.

The phone driving can cause immediate completion of the exam

The phone driving can cause immediate completion of the exam


Changes related to other types of transport

Quadrocycle lovers are also encouraged to familiarize themselves with the new rules for obtaining rights. For them introduced new exercises. Special attention instructor draws to braking at different speeds, and also carefully checks the skills of driving on the complex route.

And again fines

In the preparation of the new regulations, there were several subgroups for which the trainee errors are separated. Now you can get one, two or as many three penalty points. It is worth getting five points of the fine and the exam ends. Also provided a block for gross errors. By the way, if you immediately not fasten the seat belt, the exam will end at this moment.

With the full regulations, from today, you can find on the official traffic police website.

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