Is it true that the fabric mask pulls moisture immediately after drying on the face


Why does misunderstanding between cosmetics and buyers arise? The reason for competition, when the manufacturers of one product are fraudulent paths inspire customers that their product is better than a competitor. Approximately this situation happened to the tissue masks - they were applied to decades and loved, as suddenly it turned out that they were not so good. Most often they write that the fabric pulls the moisture back if you leave the mask on the face longer than the instructions of the time. We understand, is it or you have nothing to fear.

How skin takes and gives moisture

If you were looking at the skin under the microscope, I would notice that this is not a cavity of a cylindrical form, as we used to think. She is uneven on its perimeter, which is simultaneously filled with Seb, that is, there is little free space in it. If moisture falls into it with a vitamin complex, it is absorbed and nourishes the epidermis. Now think that even on top of the epidermis there is a rather thick horny layer, consisting of dead keratinocytes - in it "stuck" even more serum from the mask, than in the pores themselves, to which she still needs to be reached.

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And now think, as if in the opposite direction, the skin gave moisture if not from the pore and the horn layer. Evaporation? But after all, the temperature covered with a light tissue leather layer cannot rise higher than a pair of degrees, which is not enough to release sweat and evaporation from the skin surface.

Why mask breathes

Additionally thermoregulation helps the mask structure itself. It is usually made of hydrogel or cellulose, that is, breathable materials that do not delay air. Why would you suddenly evaporate moisture if it does not receive a signal about elevated temperature through the nervous system and skin receptors? That's right, there is no need, and therefore the speech about the terrible greenhouse effect, which is frightened by the shortcutologists, can not go.

Cream mask less hygienic

Cream mask less hygienic


Why fabric mask is better cream

And the last item to convince you to use fabric masks, there will be their convenience and tightness. A cellulose mask can be taken with me on the plane, on vacation - it weighs little and fit in any handbag. And the tightness will help her do not spoil on the road, giving the launch formation of bacteria. Unlike launch masks, you use the fabric foundation once and immediately throw away, and do not draw your hands every time, enjoying the bacteria into the product. As you can see, some advantages!

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