How to combine Palela with Dragon Khan


"Let you dream of Palma de Mallorca" - these lines of Schufutin's song are particularly relevant in the midst of summer. With the arrival of real heat, many begin to dream of Spain resorts. Holidays in Spain Multiple and diverse. There are also numerous islands here with the names of the tourist world - Ibiza, Tenerife, Palma de Mallorca. Here and the wide hot beaches of Costa del Sol with their fashionable five-star hotels, here and the rocky rocks of the Costa Brava with cozy lagunies. In one material we will not tell about everything, so we will focus on the resorts by all the favorite Catalonia, which is respected for a democratic and at the same time a very comfortable stay.

Where to rest?

In Catalonia, the center of which is a fabulous Barcelona, ​​two main resort regions - Costa Brava and Costa Dorada. Yin and Jan Spanish beach holidays. "Yin" Costa Brava - as an impregnable cold beauty, which, however, can easily be crazy for those who will open their face. Rocky shores with sweathed white sand lagunies, fir and drink, descending on the slopes. Costa Brava coast is a continuation of French Riviera. And therefore lovers of Cannes, Nice and Saint-Tropez - you need here. Unlike the Cote d'Azur, the price of hotels here is significantly lower. At the same time, they are even lower than the rest of the coast of Catalonia and in general Spain. All because because of the more northern location, the season lasts here from May to September just. But in the midst of the summer, these places are salvation for those who are so afraid of Spanish heat.

Small resort towns - Lloret de Mar, Tossa de Mar, Blanes scattered along the coast. Lloret de Mar hid in the spurs of the Pyrenees Mountains surrounding it from all sides. "Stone defense" protects the resort from the winds and makes the climate here especially soft. And with all at the same time on the coast of Lloret de Mar more than a hundred hotels and two hundred restaurants. Rest - I do not want.

The visiting card of Tossa de Mar is the fortress city of Vilalla XII century, a crowned central city beach. The citadel is restored, inside in the interlacing of medieval streets can be stumbled upon the ruins of an ancient city with a magnificent outdoor mosaic. In the city of Toss, in general, the old part is well preserved. And those who love small Mediterranean towns with narrow cobbled streets, descending by cascades to the sea, will like it here.

Fans of expanses and wide beaches need to go to the Costa Dorada resort. Sandy beaches stretch here from the old town of Tarragona to the city of Cambrils. On the Costa Dorada love to relax families with children, as the beaches here are gentle, you need to go to depth. But the main thing - it is here that one of the most famous fleet parks in the world - "Port Aventura". Getting to it easily from Salou - the most popular resort of Costa Dorada. And also from the resort village of La Pineda, whose beaches are especially wide and spacious. Those who have never been to Spain remind: hotels with private beach, such as in Turkey, Egypt, partly Greece, there is no. All beaches in the country - municipal. They stretch with a solid line along the entire coast of Spain, sometimes interrupting the mountains. And in the central part of Catalonia, the track is still running along it. So the beach on the one hand, and the resort is across the road. Beaches are free, but for sun beds and umbrellas you need to pay. And a lot - 7 euros per set. Therefore, many vacationers simply buy in numerous coastal tents their own umbrella for 5 euros and two litters of 2 euros. And enjoy this good all vacation. And then often leave the hotel - to the inheritance to the next guests.

What to see

Let's go back to Port Aventura. Families with children often come to Salou and La Pinede because of this amazing park. Yes, what park is the whole city! And not the city even - meetings of countries and continents. The city of entertainment with an area of ​​117 hectares is divided into six zones: Mediterranean, Polynesia, China, Mexico, Wild West and Sesame Street. Each zone corresponds to their attractions, their restaurants and souvenir benches, their concert programs and shows. The Mediterranean sector is the most closest to the entrance - the souvenir shops and fish restaurants. The most famous attraction here is a horizontal catapult "Furios Bako", developing speeds up to 135 km per hour, and even with a spiral coupling over the stuck water. After this attraction, the hair stands end - not from horror, from the strength of the oncoming wind. And the sandals are better to remove in advance from the bag so as not to walk later in the park barefoot.

In the Polynesia zone, the most beloved attraction is called "Tutuki" - for adventure lovers Indiana Jones. A small raft with the seats first travels peacefully along a tropical river, and then hangs over the waterfall and ... with a huge speed drops down. A bunch of splashes, all alive, but wets to thread. For those who do not want to dry for a long time, a raincoat is sold in a shop - 5 euros for sale. But in the city you can buy in advance in the store and 2 euros. Just think about buying in advance ...

In the China sector - the entertainment for extremals, the attraction "Dragon Khan" - American slide with the highest loops. We find out about the approach to the attraction on screams and screams, which is coming from the insight. Not everyone risks experience this pleasure. But if you really risen, then you will get the feeling unforgettable. In the Mexico sector, just as powerful sensations can be obtained on the "free fall" statometer tower called "Flight of Condor". But in the wildest West area, attractions are calmer - mostly various alloys on "rivers" with adventures. From here, through the entire park there is a stylized "cowboy" train. And in the sesame sector - entertainment for the smallest: carousel, swing, cute familiar heroes ...

In the "Port of Aventura" at least you need to spend the whole day. And the maximum - until you get bored a permanent holiday. A ticket to Port Aventura for one day costs 45 euros, two to 59 euros, three to 79 euros. You can buy an express ticket (it is 10 euros more expensive). On it you will be allowed on the attraction without a queue, but only once on the same one. However, even if I ride at each attraction "Port Aventura" - the day is not enough. But there is still different themed shows, delicious restaurants and benches with mysterious Polynesian masks and real leather cowboy hats ...

If you think that the amusement park is not about you, go to the nearest medieval town of Tarragona. He is remarkable in that in the midst of the familiar already Mediterranean narrow streets, suddenly be stumbled upon a "piece of Roman history" - an ancient wall of marble blocks right in the middle of a cozy old square or a massive romanesque waterman supporting the medieval wall. In the center of the old town, the bulk of the Cathedral of the Holy Fekla rushes. In the coffee shop overlooking its massive steps, amazing coffee and bake fragrant buns with apple jam are booed.

And in the modern part of the city, at the beginning of the Central Boulevard Rambla Nova, there is a funny monument to the Castellars - participants in the national Catalan fun Casteles: construction of towers from people. Rambla Nova is also a shop-street. On both sides it is a whole chain of stores, and in the center on the boulevard on weekends the fair unfolds.

Soul requires cultural values? Go to the Salvador Museum of Salvador in Figueres. In the building of this theater once, in 1918, the first works were put up. Therefore, when the question arose about the creation of the museum Dali, the artist proposed to place it in the building of the theater. As a result, one of the most popular museums in the world appeared. Personality gave itself unique, and the museum to him should be - every room here is a composition of paintings, sculptures, furniture, scenery. In some rooms, the walls and ceilings are closed with huge wall drawings, including both original compositions and increased copies of famous artist paintings. Ticket price - 12 euros. For a group of tourists, the price is 7 euros.

Another attraction of this part of Catalonia is Montserrat Monastery. This ancient monastery of Benedextsev, built in honor of the Catalan Mother of God on Mount Montserrat at an altitude of 725 meters, surrounded by 1200 cliffs, manits pilgrims and tourists as a magnet. One of the causes of such pilgrimage is an amazing statue of black Madonna. According to the legend, the statue of the tree cut out Saint Luka. And in Spain, she brought Holy Peter. In 718, the statue was hidden from Saracinov in the caves of Montserrat Mountains. And 150 more than a miracle was lost. And in the 890th, it was also suddenly found - the shepherds noticed the radiance from one cave, and black Madonna was discovered there. At the site of the statue discovery later, a chapel was built ...

But the main attraction of Catalonia, of course, is the capital - Barcelona. It is located at a distance of 90 km from the resorts of Costa Brava and 100 km from the resorts of Costa Dorada. That is, it is quite real to get there. Though by train, even by bus that regularly runs. The cost of a ticket from Salou, for example, is 15 euros one way or 27 - in both. But about Barcelona needs to do a separate material - she is in itself, the whole world.

What to eat?

Sit in a cafe in Spain, of course, an order of magnitude more expensive than, say, in Greece. But dinner with Paellee for 15 euros and a jar of Sangriya for 4 can afford. It should be borne in mind that when you order Paella, bring you a whole deep frying pan. Such a person is enough for three minimum. The ribs on the grill will cost 10 euros, but the portion of shrimps is in 30. Some cafes offer tourists for lunch buffet - its value on average 12 euros. A comprehensive breakfast will cost 5 euros. The price for a variety of fruits on the markets and on the streets range from 1 to 3 euros per kilogram. And in the store in the evening, cherry, peaches and apricots can be bought in just 50 cents.

What to bring?

Many of my friends are brought from Spain Waiter, professional chambers and shoes for Flamenco. But it is the goods exclusively for those who are passionate about this Spanish dance. Other can be limited to souvenir painted aspass and souvenir bottle of Sangria. For 12 euros, for example, you can buy a wonderful pitcher, covered with red leather with a lid in the form of a bull head. Without the "frills", Sangria will cost 5-6 euros. And in general, any Spanish wines are not the worst gift. In Catalonia, the fault of the Torres family is valued. The cost of the bottle varies from 1.5 euros to 10. Do not forget about the Hamon, which is still better in the supermarket, because it is already sliced ​​and packaged there. The Iberico Hamon from the Black Pig is much more expensive than Hamon Serrano from Pigs usual. The cost of Hamon Iberico can begin with 20 euros for Kilo and reach 70 euros. Hamon Serrano can be bought in cutting at a price of 2 euros per 200 grams.

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