Ivan Okhlobystin: "Recognition, if you need, will come. Work"


Ivan Okhlobystin always surprised us with rapid acts, and Okhlobystin himself said that he had never done anything specifically to hit someone, and sometimes he himself was surprised by his steady interest in his personality. But nevertheless, his actions are constantly commented, his life is discussed, an example is taken from it. And how can be different if Ivan Okhlobystin constantly experiments, it changes, looking for something new. Probably, so it is always revolutionary in creativity. Now, for example, "took" a fashion.

- Ivan Ivanovich, what style is you closer yourself? What do you like color? Have you ever listened to the opinions of stylists, fashion designers?

- I listen to the tips of stylists only at work, whether it is shooting or some advertising campaign. In everyday life, I listen only to the advice of my wife and children. In general, I love simple clothes very much. I have a whole collection of all sorts of t-shirts that most often buys Oksana. Also, I possess a large collection of narrowed jeans, which lies with me at home with stacks. In addition, I love bright shirts and all sorts of accessories. And your favorite color is yellow, he is sunny, cheerful, close to me in spirit.

- Recently you have become the creative director of the new brand Baon. Do you think, in the Russian market love new ideas or are we still conservative people? What do you think it takes about us?

- Now people want to dress comfortably, but at the same time bright, and stand out. We learn to have taste, own, individual style. What's bad about it? I think the Russian market has long been ready for new ideas. The problem is that in our country new ideas are poorly presented to the audience. This is especially interesting to me to engage in the role of creative director.

Ivan Okhlobystin:

"Being recognized for any artist is very important. Sometimes, praising a child for a simple drawing, you generate creative abilities in it. " .

- Do you personally, what exactly attracted in this brand?

- I am close and the mission, and the company's strategy, they inspire me the projects that we will implement together and, most importantly, I like this clothing. I tried, appreciated, it is very comfortable, functional and inexpensive clothing, an ideal option for residents of large cities. Now, when Mark has ceased to be an exclusively sports brand, I am especially interested in nontrivially develop the marketing direction and participate in the creation of new collections. I already have ideas about the launch of a special clothing line.

"You will not surprise the public if tomorrow is a successful fashion designer and sweat well-known names. But seriously, why do we have young fashion designers in Russia, and sometimes it is impossible to break through?

- In fact, there are a lot of young young, talented fashion designers who are not inferior to Valentina Yudashkin and Vyacheslav Zaitsev. But in order to become a really famous person in this industry, unfortunately, only one talent is not enough. To make your way into this sphere, you need to have good partners, but this means that young fashion designers should simply sell. Not many are capable of such a step.

- Are you talking sincerely or pretend now?

- I do not know how to pretend, probably, so, when I play in the movies, I try to imagine myself on the site of my character. I think that it is the inability and unwillingness to portray something and helps me in life, I am what I am. Someone likes it, someone is not very, but for me the main criterion for success and freedom is just in the ability to be ourselves. I speak the rest: "Whether. No matter who you are a fashion designer, actor, engineer, teacher. Recognition if you need it will come. Work".

Ivan Okhlobystin:

"My advice to everyone who is unhappy with something in life - raise children." .

- Is it really important to be recognized?

- Being recognized for any artist is very important. Sometimes, praising a child for a simple drawing, you generate creative abilities in it, and it is subsequently projected onto all areas of life. Projection can be displayed in any area of ​​life. I will not say anything crazy, but the creative potential should be in any person, it is a divine beginning. Society should recognize the merits of any creative personality. And there is always time and the opportunity to prove it. If it does not work immediately, you need to prove gradually. Even if you were obsessed from all sides, you need to wash and go ahead.

- In addition to great ability, you are constantly surprised by new bright actions, ideas. Is there any special technique? What inspires you?

- I have no special technology, I just love what I am doing, and I am very glad that I feel good to do what I do. I will reveal the secret: in order to be a happy person, you need to have a big family that always supports you and which inspires new discoveries.

- Some people who have achieved success say that today the family is outdated, the archaic element is not as important to achieve career and personal happiness? It's true?

- This is a complete nonsense. I feel sorry for these people. Just without a family, a person has almost no support. Each person should have close and reliable people who will always support him in a difficult moment. My main defense has always been and will remain my family and my children. Children are the only important thing in our lives. You look at them and you understand - here he is, my pass in eternity. Therefore, my advice to everyone who is unhappy with something in life - raise children. The more children you have, the more happy you will. On my experience I can say that if not my family, I would not achieve what I have to date.

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