Cashmere: Why so expensive and how to choose


If you have reached a certain material well-being or feel like a prosperous person, regardless of the state of your bank account, sooner or later, a product from Cashmere will appear in your wardrobe. Cashmere carries all the signs of the "modest charm of the bourgeoisie." It is comfortable as a block of shoes made by referring to a famous shoemaker. It is reliable, like the Swiss watch made on the oldest factory, noble, like a Cra classic English costume, and it is consistently expensive. However, in recent years, cashmere has also become extremely fashionable material: they are interested in all the leading fashion houses on both sides of the ocean. This fact may be somewhat spoiled by its flawlessly strict reputation, but in no way will change its social position, and certainly is a high cost.

Cashmere things are called second skin

Cashmere things are called second skin


How much is in grams?

The first thing that is usually interested in the buyer, who has never come across Cashmere has never come across, is why so expensive? Answer this question, without deepening in the details of production, it is impossible. A significant part of the capital is "buried" in particularly valuable raw materials. It is received only from a certain breed of goat - Carpa Hircus. These goats are catastrophically a little, and they live on Tibet, in Mongolia and in the inner Mongolia, which is part of China. True, Carpa Hircus still has in Afghanistan and Iran, as well as in the Indian state of Kashmir, but their fluff does not have such value as the one that can be obtained from their Mongolian and Chinese relatives.

The thing is that relatives much more lucky with the climate. The main requirement for the weather in this case is a strong temperature difference in winter and summer: it is necessary that the thermometer column falls to the forty degrees below zero in January and rose above forty in July. If, for example, winter is issued not enough, the year knowingly can be considered a lack of town - the fluff will be less, and its quality will decrease. And for the buyer, the lack of town year is the right sign that Cashmere prices will jump percent for twenty-thirty.

Goats have two undercoats: the top rude and the finest bottom. For the production of cashmere, only thin bottom downs are used: ideally its thickness should be 15-16 microns. If it is thicker at least one micron, it will noticeably affect the quality of the product. Only with the primary processing of raw materials, half goes to waste. Then the sorting along the floss length begins. As a result, no more than 200 grams of fluff receive from one goat. And in order to associate one male sweater, you need to fade and grow about eight goats.

Cashmere is the Pooh (undercoat) of high-mountain goats

Cashmere is the Pooh (undercoat) of high-mountain goats


Of course, precious Mongolian goats, meditating on mountain slopes, periodically cause envy in foreign dolts. Goats have repeatedly tried to take out to other countries - Scotland, Australia, New Zealand. But all violent migrations have invariably ended with the failure: far from native places animals mutated, and their fluff with a catastrophic speed lost all its valuable properties.

Star Material

So this is the properties, thanks to which the pop stars, prime ministers and ordinary owners of factories, newspapers, steamboats "are planted" on products from cashmere in the literal sense. Explain. Cashmere is almost six times the warmer of ordinary sheep wool - despite the fact that it is much thinner and more tender. And a fat cashmere sweater is like sweeten with sugar Astrakhan Watermelon: it may well replace the drape coat. At the same time, the expression "second leather" is suitable for cashmere as it is impossible: it has an extremely useful properties to regulate heat exchange and not cause allergic reactions. In winter it is not cold in it, and in the summer - not hot.

It would seem that the material ideal in all respects should require extremely respectful circulation. In fact, cashmere is friendly temper: it condescendingly refers to machine washing (though, it is better to use gentle modes), not deformed, does not roll and serves at least ten years. They say Brad Pitt, having learned about this characteristic of cashmere, right in the store could not resist exclamation: "So long? Yes, I will not live so much! "

Madonna is among Cashmere lovers

Madonna is among Cashmere lovers


How to choose

When it comes to such an important investment, as the purchase of cashmere, refer to him with full responsibility. If cashmere is too fluffy - this is a pretty serious reason to think. It is also worth considering that products from a lightweight or loose cashmere, despite the spectacular appearance, have a property gradually lose form. In general, the quality of cashmere is most often determined by the name of its manufacturer. Now almost all fashionable houses include in their collections of products from Cashmere. But still Cashmere is best to buy from those who specialize on it.

The most famous Cashmere processing and manufacturing production is based in Italy and Scotland. Moreover, in recent years, the palm of championship still moved to the Italians who are famous for high technologies. In addition, they say that as soon as Cashmere got into his hands to the Italians, he became slowly, but it is right to turn from the "noble classics" into fashion. Although this is not a fashion in its usual understanding. The philosophy of brands that specialize in Cashmere is to be comfortable and cozy to man. Things from cashmere are not frightened, as well as things from a fashion designer, but be sure they are always visible for the mile.

Start with small

So, how to join the unlawful society "Cashmere lovers", in which Madonna, Mind Tourman, Brad Pitt, representatives of the political elite and just subtle connoisseurs of comfort? To begin with, you can buy a conventional turtleneck or sweater. And then you yourself will not notice how "underdend" to Cashmere. Your collection will be replenished with new copies, and you will start with enthusiasm to tell that nothing else is wearing.

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