Notes of Thai Mommy: "Many Thais are afraid to try Russian chocolate"


Almost all Russian-speaking forums dedicated to Thailand are actively offering to treat Thai Russian chocolate - and will, they say, such a gratitude to glow in their eyes that any cases can be solved at times faster. Well, we are used to believe written. Therefore, the owner of the language school, in which the whole of our family study, we from time to time presented the Russian "Alenka". And once - in honor of some holiday - handed a serious such box of chocolate Russian chocolates. Because in response, Taika made us discounts and in general, in every way fagoles to our family, then for some time I rather rubbed my hands: Thanks forum forum for the valuable advice!

But further came unexpected. After some time, we found almost the entire gift set ... our Russian girlfriend (living, by the way, at the other end of the island). I immediately recognized the set of chocolate chocolates in a bright box, to which several tiles "Alenki" was attached.

After the accurate "interrogation with the addiction", the secret was admitted that she didn't eat chocolate. As a fact. "He is very calorie, you get fat from him, and he can call sugar diabetes," she answered honestly. With her, as it turned out, solidarity and all its households. Of course, I doubt that her husband so much cares about the width of her waist, however, he does not use such hotels. "But we always transmit chocolate to other Russians. And they are usually so glad, so happy! " - smiling secretly.

So now I try to pick up gifts more carefully for familiar Thais. And usually focusing no longer on the forums, where everyone writes that he will make up his head, but on the opinion of one of our Phuket friend, not so long ago married Thai. I can not share one of her stories - just about a sweet hotel from Russia.

In short, this our friend decided to surprise her husband and brought a real Russian Honey from Russia - several varieties at once. As I have already told, the local Thai honey (one species) looks like a sweet driver - it is even sold somewhat in bottles to be more convenient to pour it. So, seeing honey Russian, the husband at first did not even understand that this is actually for such a strange dense substance. And decided that before him - balms with different additives. Then I tried, I realized that in fact - honey, only thick.

I liked the taste, but one he could not be in a sense: why in different banks honey different? "I joked," I remembers our friend. "They say, this is because in Russia the bees are different, so honey is the same."

And the funny thing is that the Thai husband did not doubt her in her words. And just accepted as a fact: there, in Russia, the bees are several species - by the number of different varieties of honey. Our friend is still experiencing that it badly joked. Because now say that bees, they and in Russia bees, it seems uncomfortable. So suffers, amazing that children's naivety, with which her husband took her joke. But honey nevertheless continues to properly bring from each of his trips to Russia ...

The same our friend told that more than food, anyone will be happy to a more material hotel. For example, some t-shirts with an inscription in Russian (for boys) or beads-earrings-Pavloposad chalk (for girls) will lead them into a state of wild delight. Because Thais - big mods. Dress up they sometimes very creative. And the purchases are often not going to large shopping centers, but for small markets, where there is an opportunity to buy something really unusual ...

Continued ...

Read the previous history of Olga here, and where it all starts - here.

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