Artem Bystrov: "I have a face from Sokhi, but the textured"


Sparkling temperament, the appearance of the social character and the general promise to some image outside the framework. This is all about him - the actor of MHT Artem Bystrov, who was remembered by the TV viewer on the films "Fool", TV series "Method", "Trotsky", "Optimists", "Stanitsa". He bribes his openness, self-irony and is not hesitating to admit to his own shortcomings. And also considers himself a repeater - and therefore the happiest husband. By the way, the incentive start to care for the most beautiful girl on the course became a prophetic dream, who dreamed of our hero. He told about it in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Artem, you were born in Nizhny Novgorod, and not in the prestigious part of it - in the bottom, behind the Volga. Actually, your childhood has passed there. Surprisingly, not a gangster at all. You even had an excellent student for several years ...

- Yes, until the seventh grade student did not make much difficulty for me. And in high school classes already accounted for. One day she glanced on the board and realized that I did not understand anything. But somehow coped, received a certificate without fours: with two fives - on physical education, obzh, and the rest of the top three. (Smiles.) The main thing is that I was lucky in the fifth grade to get into secondary secondary school with an in-depth study of the artistic and aesthetic cycle. There were musical, choreographic classes, painting mugs. In general, it's good that parents, people, distant from the creative environment, - Mama secretary-T-Timer, and dad driver-driver - tried to develop me, and in the future and my younger sister Nelli, now mother of two children, is very diverse. I was pretty tightly loaded: I visited a music school for six years, where he played the piano, plus on the spoons in the ensemble, also went to the Karate section for ten years. So I did not have time for a bad pastime. I do not regret it - I never sought to be a leader in a dubious company.

- If the dad is a professional driver, then you probably got behind the wheel early?

- That's just not. Father did not hurry to share craftsmanship with me, and I somehow were not concerned about this topic. He went to a driving school only at twenty-eight years, when the wife got pregnant and really needed transport. And now I am again without right: took half a year ago. The fact is that I allowed myself - as the border - a glass of beer. But in our latitudes, this does not pass. And then I got a heavy day: an early rise, shooting, then a rehearsal in the theater, play ... in a word, twenty-four hours on my feet without sleep, and here such joy.

The actor admits that close people are absolutely increable. But adores his family: Wife Ksenia and daughter Marirew

The actor admits that close people are absolutely increable. But adores his family: Wife Ksenia and daughter Marirew

Photo: Personal archive of Artem Bystrov

- somehow you do not take yourself ...

- What for? While young, the energy is much, you need to work! I am also a pleasure what I do. I still began to fool a fool at school, participate in performances, and I continue to do it.

"But in one of the interviews, you said that now you perceive the hysticiary as a ministry, but you see the conductor between the author and the public.

- This is true truth. Our task is to most accurately convey to the viewer what is laid in the work. Create such a hidden promise to come out. But at the same time, the physicalism still does not go anywhere. Without a certain ease of filing, it is impossible to do. I am not bored, even if there are performances every day and long shoots ... I live according to the principle: do what should, and be it will.

"It seems to me that in your creative biography there are several wonderful personalities that left a significant trace in it, and Konstantin Rykin is one of them. Although many about him respond as a certain despote ...

- I can't say that. We came to him on the course already adults, conscious guys who reveal a report for which we did it. We needed to get a maximum of knowledge. Konstantin Arkadyevich instilled faith in me, that everything is possible and all in our power. I learned to him differently treat obstacles and barriers to doubt victory. And about wonderful people, formed me, you are absolutely right. The first among them is Riva Yakovlevna Levite, Mama Evgeny Nerladjsky and artistic director of our course in the Nizhny Novgorod Theater School. She is a unique teacher. In fact, I can write a whole list to whom I am grateful. (Smiles.)

Girl now two and a half years

Girl now two and a half years

Photo: Personal archive of Artem Bystrov

- They will certainly be the director Yuri Bulls, in whose film "Fool" you starred in the lead role and received a well-deserved prize at an international film festival in Locarno ...

- It's surprising that this picture has been removed for a long time, and people still fit me and thank you for it. I, honestly, only quite recently realized that in this work we hooked such deep layers ... We still meet that our film crew, just like native people. Of course, in many ways it is thanks to Yuri Bivkov.

- Apparently, today your Social Hero type is pretty in demand, right?

- I did not think about my type. But it is clear that I have a face from Sokhi. But the textured. Selfaronia always saves. (Smiles.) You know, I actually have been satisfied with everyone: and by those where it was born, and how it was gone, and what experience I had acquired. I hope, with its nature I will receive the roles that I want to play, unfortunate, patients, mutilated.

- Why choose pain, not laughter?

- I think I'm not a comedy actor. To cause laughter is much harder to me, rather than tears.

- You are a hero on the screen, and what is the hero in everyday plan?

- Very completely. For example, the day before yesterday, I was late in the subway late in the evening, I read the script, completely plunged into it, and when I raised my head, I saw a drunk with a knife that fell to the girl. It seems not to attack her, but somehow it was dangerous. I will be frank: fear was fed, I barely waited for the next station and the bullet flew to the peer. At the same time, nothing said neither by the machine, nor the police, but waited for another composition and went quietly home.

Artem Bystrov:

Dad considers his crumb "endless euphoria"

Photo: Personal archive of Artem Bystrov

- This can happen with each, most importantly, you find courage in this admit ... What is today in your schedule?

- A few performances in the MHT, and the other day the filming of a full meter begins about the blockade of Leningrad with the working title "Creek Silence". In addition, the four-steria television film "Overtaking Time" will soon be released, about the constructor engineer Rostislav Alekseeva. In it, I play this person who invented "meteors", "comets" - courts on underwater wings, which developed a huge speed. He also constructed the screenoplan, which is no analogues in the world. His bust, the only one of the citizens of Russia, is in the US Congress, in the Hall of Fame. And I, pure humanitarian, entered the role of a brilliant tech. (Smiles.)

- Do you have direct ambitions?

- Something to put yourself, naturally, I want. It seems already matured, there is something to say. I hope in the future I will implement the conceived. There are three directions to whom I intend to move: theater, cinema and cartoons.

- Are you curious an animation?

- Including. As a producer and author of the idea. The kids are needed by the cycles of fairy tales, like an immortal "hedgehog in the fog." And I also dream to revive our good ribbons for children. Remember the "Adventures of Electronics"? This is a miracle! From the novelties, only the "Last Bogatyr" somewhere approaches the best samples.

"You have twelve performances in MHT, three of which put Alexander Milochers - a young man, twenty-five years old. How did you work under the guidance of such a young creator?

- With Alexander I have known for a long time. At first we played together in one formulation of the "suffering of young V." Vasily Barhahatov, with which the Milkonov took to the theater. And then together read another plays in the kitchen, which Alexander wanted to put. He is undoubtedly gifted, energetic director. And we have a very warm relationship with him. Although with other colleagues, they are friendly ... I came to the awareness that I could have worked in a hostile environment, but why? Usually, if I feel the rise of the conflict, Hasha His by all forces. Of course, I am not ideal and, depending on the situation, too, and quick-tempered, and aggressive ... Especially when I see a complete reluctance to hear someone else's point of view or when it covers the anger that you are not able to convey something important to person ... But I will face something important People. And with the outside world, I am exclusively correct. (Smiles.)

Artem Bystrov:

Film "Fool", where Artem played a major role, received a lot of prizes, including international festivals

Photo: Frame from the movie "Fool"

- It is clear that you are not a gift in the family ...

- And the family is generally difficult. (Smiles.) But I'm just four years old as a family and still not felt all the nuances.

- My wife has a colleague and beauty Blonde Ksenia Teplova ... Where did your ways crossed?

- Ksenia is my goddess. (Smiles.) I realized this immediately, as soon as I was met at the Studio School MCAT. We have the difference with her at the age of just a year, we studied at the same time, and she somehow participated in one of the cabbagers, where I saw her. It was an incredibly bright impression. She was surrounded by fans. Who did not see for her! I will not even call the names of these famous men. Then I even thought did not bother about such a girlfriend.

- Obviously, you are not loving. Not even risked ...

- Apparently no. (Smiles.) In the same place, everything was clear without options: a regular sophomore student against already mastted actors who kept the tails with a pistol. So for the purpose of six years, our roads-roads have diverged. But then one day she dreamed. All day I walked myself not my own, I took it as a certain sign, we in the theater began to communicate more often, and then it was already rearranged into relations.

- What wedding did you organize yourself?

- Personally, I did not want such a Soviet celebration with covered tables and Tamada, so I just signed with Ksenia, and I came to the registry office with a large company of friends and immediately began to celebrate on a folding table with plastic glasses. And an hour later I was already departed for the "Kinotavr", where I was invited, and I received messages from drunk from the morning, who after our rapid wedding could not collect himself and proceed to work. And we watched a great movie in Sochi and walked along the coast. (Smiles.)

Artem Bystrov:

In the role of a young diplomat in the television series "Optimists"

Photo: Frame from the TV series "Optimists"

- Feels, your home loves guests ...

- And how! Our doors are never closed. Although sometimes you just want home comfort and peace.

- In addition to catching appearance, what spouse has character traits important for you?

- Ksenia is kind, responsible, with humor incredible. She is such a real firework. Just a clutch of positive and vitality. She knows how to dispel my melancholy in a minute. And, undoubtedly, the wife is a reliable comrade. If something promises to do, you can be one hundred percent sure that it does not deceive. And what amazing compassion it possesses! Never stay aside if someone is bad. Immediately rushes into battle, there will be a hero to save the whole world ...

- What do you think, the overall scope of activity - plus your union?

- Certainly. There is always something to talk about, you understand each other with a half-word, you can consult about projects, to suggest something. Although I would not paint anything in the world either white or black paint. Everything has both facial and the wrong side.

- I read that you have a desire to play a scene of some foreign theater ...

- So far, unfortunately, I do not make any steps in this direction. Even English I do not bring to perfection. (Smiles.)

- What are you waiting for? Who do you need a good kick?

- From wife. (Laughs.) Ksyusha is regularly engaged in my upbringing. I am a classic rebelnik, and therefore the happiest husband. (Smiles.)

- Help Ksenia by housekeeping?

- Yes, as it should be, I go to the shops with a list. And how I cook the scrambled eggs! With cheese, with sausages, with all sorts of seasoning, on slow fire, with a taking ... Believe it, it's delicious!

Artem Bystrov:

"I have a face from Sokh, but the textured. I hope with my nature I will receive the roles that I want to play, - unfortunate, patients, mutilated"

Photo: Tasha Belyaeva

- You are a young father, your daughter Marus two and a half years ...

- By the way, in what I became my father, I still can not believe it. Our croche is some kind of euphoria endless. It was not her in the world, and here she already stands on Earth, some kind of suggestions. Solid Magic ...

- Who does it look like?

"She has my only eye cut, and everything else, thank God, Ksyushino." She is a girl, should be beautiful. (Smiles.)

- Do you do a lot with her?

- If I do not work, then we read the Marius, we drapris, draw, cut out, stick, go to the dance circle. But at the same time, my wife and I fear our daughter to load overly or, even worse, to spread their subconscious, unfulfilled desires on it. Let it be better in the future itself choose their hobbies, depending on the talent.

- Are you easily treating money?

- I do not put money at the head of the corner, although the attitude towards them varies depending on life circumstances. So, we recently took an apartment in a mortgage, so today there are other priorities. But the homeland for millions I definitely not sell. (Smiles.) I am in principle unattasizing, all the necessary clothes my wife buys me. That's just a past game console could not pass - immediately acquired. I confess in this passion - to play at leisure. And so amarted that I can hang up already thirty-six hours in front of the screen. This is my personal, truth, still student, record. Knowing such weakness, the other day this prefix gave a friend.

- And what do you have such interesting played thirty six hours in a row?

- football. I am his fan. Once a week we are going with colleagues and chase the ball. On the field I on the position of the defender. And I always have an actively. First, for Krasnodar, later for Rostov, and now just for a beautiful game. Alas, to get to the stands of the upcoming World Cup is extremely difficult, so I will observe the matches on TV.

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