Miss Independence: We bring up independence


Why is self-sufficiency? Wrong in relation to dependence, financial or psychological, the woman will be much vulnerable, it becomes more often a victim of circumstances and simply manipulate it. Many women wonder: how to feel the power to stand up for yourself and make decisions not on emotions, but with a look in the future? Self-sufficiency is a foundation on four pillars.


It is difficult to argue about independence, if there is not enough money for food and decent things. All necessary women should provide themselves. How? This may be a commercial profession or passive income to the market: buying a property for renting, investing. Never miss a chance. Feel free to make useful dating and talk about where you would like to work.


Want to be self-sufficient - learn to notice your good qualities, give them more values ​​than flaws. Praise yourself as you would like to praise your parents. Be critical, but not strict to yourself.

Veronica Romanovskaya

Veronica Romanovskaya

Permanent self-development

Even behind the bag of domestic duties, it is necessary to give time to reading, creativity, sports, communicating with people. Your development yourself inside and outside is the only guarantee of preserving interest in you from the opposite sex, especially if you have already come out of the "virgin" age.

Personal borders

The ability to build them is the most important feature of an independent and strong woman. This skill must be educated in any case. If you give a slack if you allow someone to break your borders, then it will happen more and more often. It's hard to believe myself when someone else's opinion becomes more important than your own. Anyone should know: there is a trait for which you can not move, and this trait should be protected as the border guard guards the frontiers of his native country. It is impossible to show that every error will be forgiven that you are ready to close your eyes on any touch. The rules for which it will be good is understandable - how can you communicate with you and how can never be. It is important to tell about your rules and find out what the rules is it. Live in good relationships with you!

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