Call things your own names and ... divorced


To reveal the sleep metaphor this time, I'll tell you a little about a woman who sent him. At this stage, with her husband, she talks about divorce. It passed an important, deep process of self-knowledge and research to finally admit to herself that relationship with her husband is a certain compromise. Escape from yourself, from passionality, from the brightness of life. Their silent agreement The last few years were to create a quiet existence on the future together and without shocks to create a quiet existence: to build a cottage, to organize leisure and joint comfortable life, to share each other quite calm and for all standards a decent life together. That's just this agreement implied a refusal of personal truth: from risk, from finding new truly satisfying and welcome projects in a career, traveling, in communication. Now our dreamy is aware of the fact that it does not suit it to move to their real desires, it even slows down. Their silent contract was founded on the refusal of part of its aspirations and drenards, but now she gained and ready to make themselves more, including its storms, passions, searches, impulses.

Often for marital couples is a serious check of the Union. When, in a pair, someone takes the function to develop personally, the second, as a rule, occupies a rigid position of the preservation of the already created, creates an opposition to changes that allegedly ruins their marriage.

In general, the personal searches for one of the spouses are often perceived by others as a threat to the past joint experience. And these fears and threats are the brighter than the stronger the couple hidden their true desires, intentions, aspirations and aspirations. From there and fantasy that the personal growth of someone will destroy anyone, since most likely the more affected by the spouses will begin to say something that they still did not want to watch long and stubbornly. By the way, it is not always the threat of parting and rupture. Leaving someone is a powerful and often undeveloped experience. Under the fear of parting, many still retain their compromise relationships, continuing to walk past those and areas that break the fragile balance.

However, awareness and love for their search for personal happiness and meaning is a challenge, this is a lesson in which each of the spouses can stop holding off for another and start holding themselves, take care of yourself and meet primarily their needs for development, knowledge and research. . Then another partner becomes not an enemy of the whole process, but by a viewer and a partner. Or does not become, but this is his choice.

About this dream of our dreams:

"Whose train (another) came up with the rail. It can not continue to go, as the land is crumpled under it (I remember something like a foundation from bricks or blocks under the rails, and they cracked, settled and collapsed) and collapse. I look from the side and simply state that the train can not go further, it will be stuck indefinitely. At the same time, my train is somewhere nearby, and everything is OK with rails

Previously, I often dreamed that I was late for the train, run, hurry, some things collect, I forget, and I do not have time ... I also happened to the plane, but for the train more often. Now I have not been running for a long time. "

Sleep is transparent. There is no guilt, there is only a statement of the fact that its train is on the rails, while his train is stuck while stuck. And she does not need to save him and restore it, it is not her responsibility. Her task is to have time and sit down in your train and go on their own way, no one else for her will do.

If people were married, in relationships, or even alone, they knew how to hold themselves, follow their vision and their tasks, as much as the number of empty drams and suffering would be reduced. However, this is the path that everyone does in its pace. We wish good luck to our dream.

I wonder what you dream? Examples of your dreams send by mail: [email protected]. By the way, dreams are much easier to express if in a letter to the editor you will write preceding life circumstances, but most importantly - feelings and thoughts at the time of awakening from this dream.

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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