In Suomi - mushrooms


There is an opinion that in Finland you need to relax in Christmas. For the winter fairy tale, they say, in this country there are everything - Yelopukki (Santa Claus), deer, endless fluffy white snow. About the autumn charm of Suomi remember less often. Although those who at least once came to the local lakes on fishing and clapped in the Finnish Forest on the mushrooms and berries, will return here constantly. Because you get used to good quickly. Well, who did not dreamed of waking up in a wooden cottage on the shores of a transparent lake under the birds of birds, open the window into which the shaggy spruce paw scoured, and feed with the hands of a curious belchonka. To drink fragrant coffee with pancakes with a closure marmalade, get into the boat, sail away from the coast, where the light morning fog rises from the water stroit, in a couple of hours to catch the puck, trout, ciga, roach ... from white fish to prepare a weld ear, and Trout leave for the evening. And then - in the forest. Finding the berry clearing, spread out on it and dial a full basket of blueberries and cloudberries. After a noon, you can plunge into the warm lake and soak on a small beach, and closer to the evening - to the sauna. How without it in Finland. Little after steam room, drink fragrant tea with berries. Walk to the forest for mushrooms. To dial a little bit away - only for dinner, and then, throwing white mushrooms on the pan with sour cream, rivet in the courtyard in the yard and cook the trout on the grill. But not on the grid, as usual, but on the board, as it should be in Finland. Fish here is preparing in a special way, pumping on a wooden tray, which put vertically next to fire. Fillet is impregnated with its own juice, to which the board does not give drain, and the smoke, and it turns out particularly gentle. And after the stars are lit in the High Northern Sky, you can stay in a fireplace with a glass of wine, and then something stronger. The fireplace is an integral part of the Finnish cottage, as well as a sauna. And if you are in a good company, then the day succeeded.

Impressed? Then I will tell you more about places where all these dreams turn into a friend. Lakes in Finland are not just a lot, but a lot. If you look at the card, then the whole south and the center of the country is an openwork "handkerchief" with an intricate aqueous pattern. The most famous Finnish lake systems - Saima, Ouluyarvi, Pyanne, Inari.

Thousand and one lake

Saima - Lake, closest to the border with Russia. Here is the most developed tourist infrastructure. And here is the most extensive choice of cottages. And for every taste. There are cottages of 200 square meters. meters for eight people worth 1300 euros per week. There are cottages on six - for 860 euros per week. There are small houses - for two-three in 52 square meters. meter for 570 euros per week. At Lake Saima, they are mostly comfortable cottages, with all the necessary amenities inside the house. The choice of cottages is huge, but it is better to take care of the booking in advance. In the season, all places can be excavated. And you still need to know that for fishing in Finland, a license is needed, which, however, can be purchased in place. And often the licenses help to acquire the owners of the cottages surrendered. No licenses do not need to collect mushrooms and berries. Forests in Finland are publicly available.

At Lake Saima there are such well-known places of rest, like Savonlinna and Mikkeli. Savonlinna town is located on the peninsula, it is also called "Finnish Venice", since more than 40% of the entire territory of the city are occupied by lakes and rivers. Parts of the city are connected to each other in many bridges, and the main vehicle here is ferries. The main attraction of the town is the fortress of St. Olava, built on the Peninsula Danish knight Eric Tote in the XV century. Another most famous place near Savonlinna - Bunkenharya. This narrow strip of sushi is 7 km long, which formed during the time of the ice age, loops between two transparent lakes - puruleues and pichlane. In the XIX century, the Finnish and Peterburger Knife was loved here. And now tourists come here for the most beautiful in the world.

Mikkeli is the oldest city of Finland. It is remarkable by a lot of unusual historical museums - there is a Museum of the Main Rate Mannerheim, the Museum of the Center of Communications Lockers, the Museum of Infantry. And from modern attractions - the International Art Art Center Artradius, located near Mikkeli in the village of Haukuvouri. Founders of the Center covering different directions of art - Danish artists Lusien de Arden and Maria de Long.

In the south of Finland, there is a second largest lake in the country - Pyanne. The lake with a thousand islands enjoys special demand from fishing lovers. There are many farms around it, but cottages under the surrender not so much as on Syme. And they are less comfortable. Often here are offered houses with amenities on the street. But they are clearly cheaper than in Savonlinna or Mikkeli. Especially since the fireplace and sauna are still necessarily present.

Another well-known and beloved tourists is a resting place - Hämeenlinna at Lake Vanaiyavesi in the province of Tavastia. Located in the southern part of Finland. Here are beautiful national parks, magnificent fishing, and plus more - just a storehouse for lovers of architectural antiquities. Haymeenlinna is famous for his medieval red castle. The fortress built in the XIII century, for many centuries visited different hypostasses: there was a residence of kings, and a granary, and from 1837 to 1952 the fortress was even a state prison. Now here are the prison museum, the historical museum and the artillery museum.

Yana Sibelius Museum, which is located in a small ampir style building, where a famous composer grew up and grew up.

Hämeenlinna is interesting and shopping lovers. On Raatihuoneenkatu Street there is a lot of boutiques with designer clothes. A unique souvenir can be found in the stone gallery.

Hämeenlinna attracts holidaymakers also because it is easy to get to the Finnish capital of Helsinki and Tampere's city. Each hour from the local bus station goes there buses. Ticket price from 12 to 16 euros. And for an hour and a half you will reach the two largest cities in Finland.

Cottages in the province of Tavastia are not the cheapest. And the prices for apartments in the city itself reach 170 euros per day. But for the proximity to the capital you have to pay ...

If you want something more secluded, then choose Yyvyvälyulya - Municipality in Central Finland near Lake Pyanne and Caitel. The place is equal to the capital of Helsinki, and from the Russian border. And on the same, from another Yyvasyul is over 270 km away. True, you won't call this place remote from civilization. Important scientific institutions and high-tech centers are concentrated in Yuyváskül. Cottages in the surrounding area on the shore of the lake are quite accessible at a price - approximately 90 euros per day for the house on the six. With amenities, sauna, fireplace ...

From the attractions, in addition to the city of Yyvyvávlyul, with his famous illumination of the streets, there is still a house of Dwarves - Kivitaska. Actually, this is not one house, but a whole village that is considered an artistic salon. Dwarves and trolls hold master classes for vacationers ...

What to eat?

Living in the cottage, you will most likely eat at home. And most often, because they caught in the lake or gathered in the forest. But in the store from time to time to visit will still have - for bread, cheese, marmalade. Cheese in Finland is very tasty, everyone knows. And it costs it is quite cheap here - 2 euros for 500-gram packaging. Bread - approximately 1.5 euros for loaf, sausage - 3 euros Packaging, milk - 1.5 euros, smoked salmon - 7.5 euros, eggs - 1.4-1.9 euros. If you want to have a snack in the city, then be prepared to pay for lunch for 30 euros per person on average. And in restaurants less than 200 euros and do not go.

What to bring?

In addition to dried and pickled mushrooms, which you get during the rest, and jam, wired from the "Forest Harvest", you can bring meat delicacies from venison - they are sold in supermarkets already packaged, - Sweets from Lacrice, Liquor Salmaiki from licorice root and liquor Cremlakka From the closure. And also the classic forest Finnish knife Pukko and Finnish doll with a hooligan child face.

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