Staszy: Build relationships with a modest man


Modest girls cause lunizing in men, the opposite Paul seeks to surround such a girl with care and protect against trouble, but if the man himself is shy, the situation is completely different. A man who is difficult to show the initiative is hardly involved in relation to the relationship and most often the initiator is the initiator. However, this does not mean that the shy man needs to be written off: a modest partner is capable of truly deep feelings and, as a rule, is devoted to his half, you just need to know how to approach it.

How to establish contact?

The most important thing is not to move the man, and if you alone the powerful girl, suppress a lame-man is easier than simple. Typically, shy guys stretch to women with pronounced leadership qualities, as to build relationships in which both partners are inconsistent, then even pleasure. Also, obedient men choose women who are difficult to control the gusts of jealousy, that's why a consuming man who will not look for adventures on the side - the perfect option.

So, the main rules of communication with a sensitive guy:

Such a man surrounds you care

Such a man surrounds you care


No sharp tones

If you are just starting to meet, your main goal is to achieve his trust, so try to avoid categorical and power notch in my voice: a man simply closes and may begin to avoid you. And you need it to be completely opened.

Do not cheer over it

Remember that no one is born shy, all the fault of certain circumstances in the past, so your mockery about behavior or appearance guy can make a man change the opinion about you, and it is not worth counting on building further relationships. Be indulgent.

Give him to "breathe"

Girls, prone to all control and keep a hand on the pulse, can simply "strangle" with their care and thirst to find out where and with whom the partner's time is spent now. A man is not your property, he should have the right to decide how he wants to spend time - with you or with friends.

Give him a chance

Give him a chance


Do not be too frank

Yes, men excite talking to intimate themes, but it all depends on a particular person. If you know that your stainlessness is easy to confuse, you do not need to put it in an awkward position, if you want to do it, do it carefully and definitely not in the presence of outsiders - there is nothing worse than to put a modest man in an awkward position in humans.

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