Julia Kovalchuk: "I do not adhere to some kind of clothes"


"November - a month when Kandra can overtake you at any time. It is clear: the sun is already rarely coming out due to clouds, and sad rains replace no less dull snowfall. And in this situation the best is to go on shopping.

What principles are I guided personally, going shopping? First, the thing must be comfortable. Secondly, she must come to me - never buy a supermodic thing if she doesn't care about me. Well, thirdly, the new thing is simply obliged to create a space for the experiment. I can not say that I adhere to some kind of style in clothes. I like to mix, it would seem sometimes incompatible things. And complement them with unexpected accessories. It seems to me that in the selection of outfits need to be fantasy. And to know exactly where you will go in this outfit. Everything should be to the place. For example, when I participated in the project "The Last Hero", I was not at all disappeared due to the lack of fashionable outfits, and clothes in general. And instead of jewels, I wore "Fuenches" from seashells, which whipped herself and gave other participants. Everyone was glad! "

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