Stars refuse bouquets of socks on February 23


Cornelia Mango Agen is able to truly please close people with pleasant surprises. Of course, these surprises and young man of the popular singer do not bypass the side. This time, Cornelia decided to manifest real care and attention to his companion and bought him ... Mobile phone. The girl knows what to be always in touch with loved ones is extremely important. Moreover, if the old device is already the beginning of treacherously to bring the owner, it urgently needs to change. "Mobile my friend is not good anywhere, constantly breaking. But he did not say that I gave him a new phone and did not hint at his purchase. I just decided to make him such a surprise, I love practical gifts! " - Shared with the readers of the singer.

By the way, celebrate the male mango holiday will be with his close friends on the mountainside. There, the guys are going to enjoy clean mountain air, and, of course, will not miss the opportunity to ride snowboards.

Anastasia Krainov. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Anastasia Krainov. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Singer Anastasia Krainov He considers the wrong gifts on the principle of "just to congratulate". The girl is confident that any man deserves a worthy gift that he really will come in handy in the future.

"Madly nice to congratulate real men in this wonderful holiday - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. Despite the slight attitude of the majority of girls to gifts, I decided to approach this day exactly not with socks, deodorants and spirits. In general, I love to present standing gifts that are really needed. And this time I decided to distinguish yourself and, knowing that my favorite dreams about backgammon, found exclusive - handmade. In addition, I made engraving with the message, but I will not tell you. I am sure he will be very happy to such a surprise. I advise everyone to give the fact that your man wants, and not a different unnecessary nonsense, "Anastasia advised.

Tatyana Kotova. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Tatyana Kotova. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Tatyana Kotova. He admitted that he loves on February 23 since small years and always tries to approach this holiday with due responsibility: "In school, all girls in the classroom usually prepared gifts on this day. I loved something original, made with your own hands. My mother and I sewed soft toys, invented various applications. And once I even gave a classmate a T-shirt on which he independently depicted an unusual drawing. "

The singer notes that every year her gifts become adult and more serious. Moreover, there are always many male colleagues around the girl, which simply can not be ignored.

"Now I am very responsible for choosing gifts. I love to present useful presents that will help men even more like us, women. For example, perfume, care products, interesting books, items for sports. This year also will not leave anyone without attention. I will call dad and all men from our big family. And I will definitely congratulate the fans through the social networks. Also, I also plan a festive performance on February 23, at which I dedicate to our defenders the song "The World for Strong Men," - Kotov said.

Lera Maskva. .

Lera Maskva. .

But singer Lera Maskva He advises to delight men with "strange" things, "and also reminds that it is not necessary to neglect the joint departures on nature to distract your loved ones from the city bustle.

"My favorite man loves rest in nature and is very tired of Moscow, so that for him the best gift is our annual trips to Lake Valdai. Of course, every person is individual, but, as a rule, men love strange things in which you need to deal with or in which you can play. Every time, when my three-year-old son gives a radio-controlled model, all my friends and relatives play with her and cannot break away, and I disapprovingly look at them, hinting to the child returned to the toy. A piece of sea rope somehow also produced a Furior, only the lazy did not try to touch him somehow, the case was over the study of the knitting of marine nodes on the Internet. As a result, three adult men so really were tied up, but it was funny, "the performer shared memories.

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