Stars congratulated men on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland Day


Irina Techieva ("Happy End"): "On February 23 I will become an ensign"

"I am always enthusiastically treating not only for possible roles in the movies, but also to role-playing games." Do you understand what I'm talking about. (Laughs.) On February 23, I cook my husband Vita Surprise - just do not tell him! We recently gave a concert in the military unit (Irina also sings in the group "Size Project", approx. Womanhit). So, after the concert, the head of the part recalled me aside ... I first frightened that he would start to pester me, and he, it turns out, decided to make me a strange gift: presented the form of the ensign! I laughed for a long time, but the gift accepted. And now it's time to arrange a show with changing clothes specifically for her husband.

And on the day of Defender of the Fatherland, I will definitely congratulate my partner in the project "Happy End" of Roman Bogdanova. He, although he did not serve, but his acting career is closely related to the military. First, he is a veteran of the series "Soldiers". And in our test, he was often starred in the role of the military - "beautiful, hefty".

Julia Zakharova. .

Julia Zakharova. .

Julia Zakharova ("Anecdotes-2"): "Socks and panties My boyfriend buys himself!"

- Previously, I thought that every decent woman on February 23 should give her man panties and socks, preferably with a margin. But when my ex-husband's socks and panties have accumulated a whole closet, terrible happened. No, the cabinet does not fall apart. I just needed to move urgently, and my husband had a spin. I started to spoke this bullfin, scorched by its underwear ... And what did I hear? "Julia, native, I can not watch you move this wardrobe! Let me go better in order not to fluff my nerves. " And he left. For rehearsal. And after a while I went. Forever and ever! And 2 years after the divorce met the guy of my dreams - Sasha Doronin.

Unlike "Some," he passed fire, water and copper pipes of the army service. And after the army, he went to music. And now he lives under the motto: "We change guns for guitars." Therefore, on February 23, I will give him silver strings for his favorite guitar. Do you think I'm so romantic? Nothing like this! Just socks and panties Sasha buys himself! ".

Karina Zvereva. .

Karina Zvereva. .

Karina Zvereva ("Jokes-2"): "I will spend February 23 with the best men of the country"

- Many people think that February 23 is a holiday for men. Well, I do not! In fact, it should be a holiday for women. Every year I try to meet this day in the company of men who respect, which is proud of or at least with those who are sympathetic to me. Let them prove to us, women that are worthy of warm words and congratulations! But this year I was very lucky. The best men of the country will come straight to me! The fact is that I will spend all day at the TV: I will watch the Olympics and root for our. I can't even imagine what adrenaline emission takes place on all these snow hills. I, the usual Moscow blonde, like surfing in Sri Lanka. So I even come to the horror on small waves! In general, I am sick for our men who, I am sure, worthy of defending the fatherland and the Olympic medals from foreign athletes.

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