Andrei Chernyshov: "We can argue with my wife, but we are talking about the same thing, in the same language"


In the new comedy TV series about the life of five girlfriends, the actor Chernyshov again breaks the maiden hearts. And at the same time admits that in ordinary life he is far from it.

- Andrei, in the series "Girls do not give up" to your hero, just say, you have to fall out ...

- I personally sympathize with my hero, because he got off the way. Having a wife, children, he at some point, probably forgot about the oaths and promises to keep. Therefore, I began to look a little on the sides. And if at first everything went unpunished for him, then at some point, life gave him on his head. In search of another easy meeting, he really fell in love and found himself a very serious choice: there is a family, responsibility from which he cannot refuse, but there are also feelings that are also important for him. This is served in the comedy key, so I would like the viewer, on the one hand, it was laughed at it, and on the other hand it was thought.

- Do you yourself like this behavior close?

- Honestly, this story is not close to me, I hope that I will not find in such a situation, it is not my way in life. I was not so brought up.

- In the plot, your hero is a pilot. And you need to recognize that the form you really go. During the filming, did you have to study in some flight skills?

- There are no scenes in the scenario, where I lead the airliner, mostly all the action takes place in the passenger compartment. So acquire some special technical knowledge for this film did not have to. And in childhood, in general, I did not dream of becoming a cosmonaut or pilot. Of course, these were respected professions, but from the fourth grade I already wanted to become an artist. My parents are teachers, Mom led a children's theater at school. And, of course, it was my main passion. True, I then did not tell anyone about my desire to become an actor, shy. Only in the tenth grade, when it was necessary to voice where I want to do, I said that I was going to theatrical.

Andrei Chernyshov:

On the set "Margarita Nazarova" Actor quickly found contact with tigers

Photo: Frame from the series

- Your father was the director of the school in which you studied. You most likely were not easy?

"Many, when they found out that Dad is the director of the school, and Mom - the head, immediately assumed that the" fives "were provided. But parents, on the contrary, believed that I should maintain the honor of the family. If they cannot teach their child, then what to talk about the rest! And they were asked with me to be stricter, and if there were some pranks in school, it was first of all to me. Subsequently, I realized how it was right, since thanks to this, my ability to work and self-discipline.

- You probably have a lot of positive qualities?

- I have those positive qualities that parents assured me. That is, this understanding of some basic life principles and, probably, the desire to follow them. Let not always work, but I'm trying to move in this direction. I am a faithful friend, and I think I can rely on me.

- In many films you play fearless people. Do you have fears in your life?

- As well as everyone. But all this can be overcome if you take yourself in hand. Fobies, fortunately, I do not have.

- So, with tigers on the shooting "Margarita Nazarova" you have found contact. Do you have animals at home?

- Unfortunately, because of the dense schedule and constant traveling, I can not start my pet, although I love dogs very much. And now there is no such possibility. What kind of breed I started - I do not know. Maybe a poop. We probably would have chosen each other together.

- In your instagram, I read that you like to organize surprises. For example, surprised everyone at the wedding actress Mary Kulikova.

- Honestly, I was not at all on their wedding, and most importantly - I have no Instagram and I do not have any social networks! I do not know how to deal with fake pages. It turns out that it is impossible. And it turns out, people are misleading. Often, after the performance, someone suits me, brings some books, says: "Here, you asked ..." At the same time add: "We are friends with you!" And very often they are suitable for me already as a friend, I seek there for some familiarity there. You have to justify and apologize. I do not know who there and why does it, but I think it is not very smart people.

"Why don't you start instagram?"

- Probably, I still do not feel necessary, I have enough affairs. Well, maybe it will ever interest me.

- Now social networks take away a lot of time. And in your case, it just appears for some hobby ...

- I do not have anything like that. I love to walk in the movie. And what exactly look - no matter. Just go to the movies, buy popcorn, cola, sit. It is important that the feeling itself is that you can spend your free time somewhere, and if the film is interesting, it is generally great. I love to meet friends - it is also rarely obtained, because everyone is busy. And if a free evening is issued and we meet - the clock five flies as a second.

- Popcorn and Cola with your excellent form somehow do not combine ...

- Of course, you need to follow yourself, be friends with sports. At the King Ring project, I met Ashot Ivanovich Garakhany, who was there my coach. We have a strong friendship with him and in general with the entire boxing team of the Mountain Institute, where he trains. Now, if there is an opportunity, I go there for training.

- Do you follow the nutrition? Can you cook something?

- Yes, I cook well. Suddenly this talent woke up in me, I would even say. I lived one for a long time, and it happened, probably, some kind of bachelor need to do it. First, I tried to cook simple dishes, then I started to add something - it turned out delicious. I continued to experiment, it became interesting.

- Now than balving households?

- Probably, I cook pasta well. With seafood. The spouse likes, she often asks me to cook, I hope not from politeness.

- How does the spouse feel about your employment?

- Masha is engaged in the same profession as me. She understands that separation is forced, so we are fine in this regard.

In the role of Vladimir Mayakovsky in the eponymous series

In the role of Vladimir Mayakovsky in the eponymous series

Photo: Frame from the series "Mayakovsky. Two days"

- They say before marrying, you had to correct the scamped reputation of Lovelace in front of the future spouse. Where did she suddenly come from?

- a lot of yellow presses went out, I was assigned all sorts of novels. My parents live in Kiev. And, I remember Mom once called and asked: "Son, and what are you marrying?" I asked: "How? On whom?" She called the surname. Of course, I replied: "Mom, well, I would somehow informed you! Not from newspapers and magazines to find out! " Probably, it all created such an image. In general, in these publications, I was talked by enviable fiance all the time, and I had to object, I never positioned myself. What does the groom mean? What is the status of such? The groom is if there is a bride.

- But your future wife probably understood that all this is just talking?

- I hope so.

- The fact that you and your wife and colleagues help or interfere with life? What about hot acting disputes in the home atmosphere?

- We have disputes, definitely, but we are talking about the same thing, in the same language, and, I think it all greatly simplifies. Because a person of another profession is not all nuances can be understood.

- And you can criticize each other?

- Well, how! Sure! Masha - me, I am Masha. But this is not a verdict to endure, but in order to fix something, try to help. We do not always agree with each other, but criticism is constructive.

- And to the fact that you periodically play a lover hero with an abundance of romantic scenes, how does it apply?

- Such a question is probably interested in primarily people who are out of profession. Kisses on the screen or on stage - completely different than kisses in life, understand? When a bunch of people stands next to you, the operator and director above you. And if you have to play the murder? If I, for example, kill someone in the movies, it's not really! This is all part of the role.

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