Hooray, Vacations: Addresses, Passwords and Talks for those who stayed in the city


What: Annual Ice Cream Holiday

Is such a child who does not like ice cream? So, this weekend you - in the Park "Sokolniki" for the annual holiday of this dessert. The main entrance you need to get a "Player's passport", and then - choose activity in the shower. Turn into the competition and collect stickers for winning prizes. Having received 5 stickers, you can take part in the drawing of board games and refrigerator bags with a margin of seals for the whole family. And if you go through all seven tests, you will receive a guaranteed prize.

Also, all guests are waiting for giant table football, where you can try on the role of a plastic football player, an attraction in the form of a football gate, where the non-lightable accuracy will be required to get into the "nine", and other dexterity tests, accuracy and speed. Festive processions, incendiary contests, and, of course, memorable prizes and gifts - do not have to be bored. Each participant is to have enough to have fun, twist and be sure to be folded.

Where: Sokolniki park"

When: 26 and 27 May


What: Premiere of the performance of Yuri Grymova "On the bottom"

"At the bottom" of Gorky goes to school, however, we recognize honestly, few of the teenagers seriously understand what, in fact, this play. The performance of Yuri Grymov will help not only think about important issues that bitter raised, but also look at the main heroes of the play with a new, unexpected angle. That is why now, to the official premiere, this performance is called one of the most intriguing events of this summer.

"Why is the bitter? Listen, what his heroes speak, and you will understand why: they ask each other and themselves the same questions that you suffer from you. How to live? Do I need to deal with the surrounding reality or better to reconcile with it? What to hope when life seems to be thrown to us at the very bottom? - Speaks about the play director Yuri Grymov. - Gorky heroes - almost biblical archetypes, their relationship is easily recognizable, they repeated repeated in the life of each of us. "

Where: On the stage of the "Modern" theater

When: 5, 7, 13 June

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