I am alone to him: why women often choose problem men


Any woman is looking for support in relationships and rarely who will say that respect in the pair is in the last place. However, it is often among the same woman from time to once in relation to a man who does not put their partner in anything. A woman begins to seem that absolutely all men behave in a similar way and there are two options here - either a woman is ashamed, or completely disappointed in men. In fact, such women unconsciously attract such men by performing a specific program. Why this happens, we decided to figure out.

Good = weaklyacharacter

One of the most popular reasons why women rarely pay attention to a man whom can be described in a word - cute. But it is just such a type that will carefully treat the life of your woman and will always come to the rescue, you can say, ideal support. In reality, most of the women who faces a man ready to rush to the rescue, but at the same time literally broadcasting the softness, perceives such behavior as weak-preciousness, which is in the root incorrectly. As a result, the woman misses a really worthy man, preferring to build relationships with a more arrogant and indifferent partner, which eventually brings one of the suffering.

He is so charming

There is nothing surprising that indifferent and even cruel partner masterfully knows how to deny, as women literally hypnotizes self-confidence, which comes from such men. In a sense, a woman associates such a man with a villain from movies or books, mistakenly romanticizing a hard man in reality. It is important to separate reality from the fairy tale and understand that the lack of understanding in the eyes of a real partner says that such relationships are doomed to failure, because it is almost impossible to change the adult, especially if he does not want to change.

Respect - the basis in relationships

Respect - the basis in relationships

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Beautiful manipulator

As we said, a man who is not deprived of women's attention ceases to appreciate this attention and refers to its partners as due, believing that a woman should be grateful to him for deigning to be with her. From here, the most unpleasant manipulations are beginning, which a woman often suffers and does not try to respond to anything, which hits a man even more, turning the relationship to this hell. The manipulator is always right, in his opinion, only he has the right to speak and make decisions, a woman should only agree. At first, such a relationship between the partner is regarded by a woman as a manifestation of masculinity and confidence, but over time, her personality is increasingly suppressed, not allowing it to be a full participant in relations.

Low self-esteem attracts "wrong" men

Very often brutal men become a couple for a woman who is not sure that he can find someone better. As you understand, the reason for the case in this case becomes extremely low self-assessment of a woman. Such a model of behavior is formed in childhood, when the girl has a strict parent who takes all solutions and enclosing the outside world. Often, a woman for life remains with the understanding that there should be a person who will solve problems, no matter how he will treat it itself.

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