Master Class: Family Training


"Someone from the Great said that education is imitation," says Evgeny Mazur. - A good example is also infectious! If the father regularly goes to the gym and monitors, the son can easily take an example from him. Joint with a dad training under the supervision of an experienced instructor help develop a male start in the boy, male dominance. And this means that we are brought up, fixing, develop all the physical capabilities donated to everyone at birth. Special exercises, taking into account the individual constitution, are able to "hold" a person's support - a strong bone-muscular apparatus, which is relevant for a man at any age. "



1. We start with basic exercises: we make push-ups with a partner. A little later, a complicated option can be included in the training - using unstable simulators.



2. Making push up with a partner.



3. Excellent exercise to stabilize the support device using a partner.



4. Steam acrobatics. Making your legs up. Father helps son.



5. Do deep squats using your own weight, partner weight and shock absorbers.

Evgenia Mazur: "Modern men need much more regular training, as they are subject to constant stress of everyday life: in everyday life, at work, on the roads. As you know, any stress changes the hormonal balance of a person - in large quantities the hormone of stress is produced, due to which the synthesis of testosterone is reduced. And this leads to an increase in adipose tissue in the region of the middle part of the body. Sports compensate for the lack of movements and support all the functions of the physical assets of a modern man. Well, when sports are becoming in the family tradition and create additional opportunities for communicating with loved ones. "

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