Black, white, green: recipes with radish from


In the black radish, the highest content of vitamins, but because of the bitterness, many do not risk buying it. Before cooking radish, it is necessary to pour cold water or milk and leave for 20-30 minutes, and bitter will come out of it. You can grasp the radish to pour boiling water and leave for five minutes. Or entered with radish as with eggplants: cut into slices, salt and leave for half an hour, merge bitter juice.

Black radish chips

Kitchen: Eastern European

Category: Snacks

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Dish cleared on: 5 people (a)

You will need: Black radish Several small rootpotosol on tasteful oil to taste

Cooking method:


Radish clean and cut into slots. Radish mugs salt and pour vegetable oil. Leave for 20 minutes.


Heat oven to 200 degrees. Little baking sheet with foil, put the grille on top. Put the slices of radish on the grid.


As soon as the slots change the form, will become wavy, it means that chips are ready.

Green radish is rich in vitamins. In addition, it improves eyesight and soothes nerves, and due to antibacterial properties affects the quality of the skin. And also removes toxins and heavy metals from the body. It is not recommended to eat radish for the night.

Green radish with meat

Kitchen: Eastern European

Category: Hot

Cooking time: 1 hour

Dish cleared on: 4 people (a)

You will need: Green radish 2 styling bow 1 shkurin fillet 200 grared Highnessmetan 2-3 Loopeshelen in taste taste

Cooking method:


Boil meat, cut into cubes and fry on vegetable oil.


Radish cut into thin stripes, Redish - on Slices, onions - half rings. Mix ingredients. Salt.


In sour cream squeeze the clove of garlic. Fill the salad, sprinkle with chopped greens.

White radish has a beneficial effect on vision, helps with cough and is an excellent antiseptic. White radish is best in the fresh form. When processing, taste and fragile texture of the root are lost. Radic need to cut in advance, leave for 15-20 minutes and then merge juice.

White radish salad

Kitchen: Eastern European

Category: Salades.

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Dish cleared on: 4 people (a)

You will need: White radish 1 Skpomidors 2 Cleet 1 Stluk 1 pieceus (9% or apple) 1 tbsp. L.Zelen on the taste of taste-grinding black pepper on tasteful oil to taste

Cooking method:


Radish cut into stripes and leave. Gorky juice merge.


Cucumber and tomato cut into straw, bulb - small cubes. Ingredients to mix. Salt, pepper.


Fix with vinegar and vegetable oil. Sprinkle with chopped greens.

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