How to improve relationship with a man - Come out from 1 to 7 and find your answer


Relationship is an area in which we are as weak and vulnerable. As you pump the muscles in the hall, so here you need to pump your ability to find a common language and choose the equally satisfying way out of the conflict. When it seems that the situation is insoluble, trust intuition - select any number from 1 to 7, and we will say what you need to do. Write after in the comments, did our advice help you? We, for example, everything came out.

Figure 1. Common traditions. When you have nothing to talk about, you need to do useful things. Psychologists and sexologists in one voice say that joint classes, even the most comic and stupid, bring partners to bring partners and light the light of passion between them. Buy a desktop game, select an interesting movie, go for a walk to a new place or make a date to each other in turn. Such traditions fasten your union and make it once again make sure that next to you is the right person.

Love keeps on mutual interest and understanding of each other

Love keeps on mutual interest and understanding of each other


Figure 2. Understanding. If you do not have a congenital empathy, put yourself in place of another very difficult. Try to look at the situation through the eyes of a man and understand why he wants to go for a holiday on a fishing with friends, and not to your mom. This is just one example, there may be many situations. Finding reasons you will be easier to express your assumptions and discuss everything.

Figure 3. Balance. Do not limit yourself only family. Husband and children or boyfriend with a favorite pet is your cell of society, but not you. Do not lose personal boundaries and do not sacrifice all free time to satisfy the desires of others. Find at least an hour to walk with your favorite music in headphones, go for dinner alone or order a spa program - you need an update!

Figure 4. Self-realization. Why is housewives getting smaller? It is not only in material independence, but also in psychological pressure, which has permanent stay at your home. It is important to find your favorite business and try to become successful in it. When your eyes are burning, for a man you will always be desirable and beloved, because you want to stretch to heat.

Figure 5. Adoption. Turn the mamjean son in Brutal Macho? Alas, life is not a fairy tale and magic elixirs do not work here. A man next to you cannot be in the root to change myself, but it is able to work on the shortcomings that sees and wants to fix himself. Take this fact and do not press it: it's better to work on the home assistant if it spreads socks, and you do not like to clean them.

Do not wait for surprises, but arrange them yourself

Do not wait for surprises, but arrange them yourself


Figure 6. Relationship. No, you are not a little girl who a man must pat and pamper. You are an adult who wants to give good and get it in response, and not content with life on other people's shoulders. If you do not see the steps from the partner, but you want to bring novelty to the relationship, arrange the surprise. And there he will sweep you!

Figure 7. Hachico. Devotion to a man is valuable if it concerns the sexual component of your life and the desire to go hand in hand with common plans. But that devotion when you sit at home, waiting for him to come from work, or scandalite, it's worth going somewhere with friends, leaving you alone with me, terrible. So it is impossible to live! Diverse your day with new classes, find friends and feel independent. And on that girl, whom herself is great, always want to look close to you - the man will definitely definitely.

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