Zavorotnyuk, Boyarskaya, Lyadova: The most famous service novels on the set


Elena Lyadov and Vladimir Vdovichenkov

During the filming of the film "Leviafan" in the artists of the main roles of Elena Lyadovy and Vladimir Vedovickov, a service novel happened. The actors could not hide their feelings and already at the Cannes Festival, where the entire film crew arrived, demonstrated gentle relationships. Shortly after that, Widovichekov left his civil wife, with whom they brought up a daughter Veronica, and already in 2015 played a secret wedding with Elena. Now the spouses are happy and filmed together, and Elena even became an agent of her husband.

Elizabeth Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveyev

Elizabeth Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveyev


Elizabeth Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveyev

Maxim Matveyev was married when he met Elizavet Boyarskaya on the set of the film "I Will I say." Young people played a couple on the verge of separation, and they have twisted the service novel. Shortly after the filming, Matveyev made a divorce. In 2010, the couple got married, and in 2012 they had a senior son.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Sergey Zhigunov

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Sergey Zhigunov

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Sergey Zhigunov

Almost immediately after the premiere of the series "My beautiful nanny", which now can be viewed on the TV channel Love, the audience began to suspect that there was not only a scenario between the main actors in the scenario - they were so plausible. Soon the rumors were confirmed - a married Zavigunov and Zavorotnyuk really a service story. Sergey divorced his wife and plunged into a new relationship, but two years later the couple declared parting. "Not agreed with the characters," such a short comment gave the parting Sergey Zhigunov.

Alexander Petrov and Irina Star'shenbaum

Alexander Petrov and Irina Star'shenbaum

Gennady Avramenko

Alexander Petrov and Irina Star'shenbaum

Popular actor Alexander Petrov and his colleague Irina Starshenbaum were one of the brightest star couples. Their relationship began on the filming of the film "Attraction". After the premiere, rumors appeared that young people meet. They themselves refused to comment on what is happening, but the paparazzi still managed to shoot the kiss of actors. The couple existed for three years before Petrova had twisted a new service affair with Stasay Miloslavskaya.

Julia Tashchka and Grigory Antipenko

Julia Tashchka and Grigory Antipenko

Lilia Charlovskaya

Julia Tashchka and Grigory Antipenko

Julia and Grigory met on the set of the series "Do not be born beautiful", which is now, by the way, goes on the TV channel Love. A couple of long hid his service novel: only after the end of the shooting process, they admitted that they were found. Takshchka and Antipenko lived together for six years. They have two sons who now live with Yulia. Before the passage, the pair never reached.

Alexey Chadov and Agnia Ditkovskite

Alexey Chadov and Agnia Ditkovskite

Natalia Mushchinkina

Alexey Chadov and Agnia Ditkovskite

The novel of two actors began during the filming of the film "Heat". Lovers were completely given to new relations and did not hide the novel. The couple often appeared together in public and seemed very happy, but everything was not so smooth. Chads and Ditkovsky diverged and converged again, but in 2015, after the birth of the son, the couple still broke up completely.

Ilya Mlinnikov and Aglaya Tarasova

Ilya Mlinnikov and Aglaya Tarasova


Ilya Mlinnikov and Aglaya Tarasova

The bright novel of Ilya Glinnikova and Aglai Tarasova began on the set of the series "Interns". Lovers almost immediately stated everyone about their relationships and began to appear together in public. For their difficult relationships in the series and life watched a huge audience. Many believe that the main reason for their disagreements was the difference in age. The relationship of the couples lasted three years and in the spring of 2016 finally sued no.

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