Order in the house, order in the shower


Approximately a year ago I got into my hands the book Kon Marie "Magic Cleaning". Probably, you read it and accurately heard about her. This woman is the world's most successful cleaning and guidance specialist. Simple, non-liberty tongue with personal examples, she talks about the simplest household goods: how to get into the house, so that this problem is no longer disturbed, only to support this principle of order. However, the book made a tremendous impression on me and all my customers, friends and acquaintances who read it. The fact is that if you transfer it to reflections regarding the order on any other life sphere, whether personal relationships, finance or education, these principles will work there.

Since this column is not at all a lithobor, but deciphering dreams, then I will simply insert her main idea that will later reveal and in the example of the dream of our today's heroine.

The main idea of ​​Kon Marie is that the mess in the house and the eternal struggle with Him, covers some much greater mess, which is in a different sphere of life. And the physical mess only reflects the Bardak in the material world in the soul of man. Bardak is a condition that is unnecessary, it is necessary to find it difficult to find.

And now the dream of our dreamy, who has been trying to convey to her man for several weeks with whom they lived together for several years that he was time to move from her home, as she stops relations between them.

"I come home, and there is such a mess! There everything is dispersed, lying, mugs, plates, hooks ...

I think: "Well, because I was so long there was no time, and this happened!"

And the hip joint was dicked. "

Our dreamy saw in his dream in his dream, in which confusion she lives. As if she returned to his house now, finding a mess there. Her dream is a metaphorical reflection of the disorder that she created in his relationship, while they did not present in them: perhaps, it was about the desires of another person, perhaps he was on the compromises themselves. This led her home of the soul to the state of Bardak and Chaos, to rake which would have to her. Roll into the trash, unnecessary, talked, superfluous, someone else's. Its expensive, reference, resource - put in order and place it in places. Then own clarity and sobriety, the ability to see is real, it will be possible to rely. Otherwise, there are no supports for her in this mess, which is talking about the discharged joint.

We wish her good luck in this process.

I wonder what you dream? Examples of your dreams send by mail: [email protected]. By the way, dreams are much easier to express if in a letter to the editor you will write preceding life circumstances, but most importantly - feelings and thoughts at the time of awakening from this dream.

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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