Second Family: Celebrities who hid a lovelie


The new issue of the program "In fact" appeared actress Alena Gallihardt, recently learned about the treasures of his spouse with a fan of his work. The mistress stated that 6 years ago, Alexander Daughter gave birth to Alexander - since then a man paid money to the girl for the maintenance of the child. As a result, the DNA test was denied paternity, but it happens not always - here's a few cases when the stars started the family on the side.

Steven Seagal

On the account of the director already four marriages! Moreover, it is interesting that with the second wife he married, not having time to divorce from the first. And with the third began the relationship and gave birth to a child, without having received a divorce from the second - surprisingly, right? According to the biography of the star, you can make a movie with an interesting story - every extramarital child he admitted and provided, hiding in touch from the real wife.

Valeriy Meladze

In marriage with the former wife, Irina, the singer lived 18 years old - a couple before the latter was considered exemplary and did not want to believe the rumors of the yellow press. Later, everyone learned the truth: in the early 2000s, a stormy novel was established in the beginning of the 2000s between Valery and Albina Janabayeva. The girl became pregnant and gave birth to the son of his son, and later presented another heir. Roman Artists thoroughly hidden from strangers, and the man really lived in two families until he accepted the final decision on the divorce.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Fans in one voice admired the family of a bodybuilder and journalist Maria Shriver - a couple raised three children and happily lived side by side. And everything would be fine, if Maria had not suspected Nelden: The Son of their housekeeper was amazingly similar to Arnold. As it turned out, the couple hid a long-standing loving relationship for debts × 14 years old - the man sponsored the extramarital son, which the housekeeper's husband brought up, not suspecting anything. Maria immediately gathered things and filed a divorce with the famous spouse, although he begged him to forgive him.

Denis Klyaver

Relationships began between him and Evoi Pollen while the singer was married. The artist gave him the daughter of Evelyn, which Denis immediately admitted and wished to raise in marriage with a new chosen. However, the spouse for a long three years did not give permission to divorce - during this time, the passion of dull and former lovers remained only with good friends.

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