Irina Dubtsova: "The Son is already demanding a sister"


- Irina, the other day you returned from vacation. After the sun, white sand and ocean, how do you snow and slush?

- Every time I return from this paradise, I immediately want to go back. (Smiles.) We, of course, looked at social networks, what is happening in Moscow, but after the sun and the sea did not really wanted in the cold. (Smiles.) But I love Moscow very much and love winter. Because you immediately want to wear skates, a warm hat and go rolling on a rink on Red Square.

- Artem, probably, also spoke about skis and snowboard?

- Sure! I have a very active son. Artem when he was in the Maldives, he has already agreed with friends that they will go skiing and snowboarding.

Irina Dubtsova:

"At the Maldives I rest since 2013 and I can be a guide on the island" "

social networks

- How did you rested?

- I rest there from 2013 and has already seen absolutely everything! I can be a guide on the island. (Laughs.) There you can relax, swim in the sea, to divide, free your thoughts from the bad and go to yourself. Many say that there is boring and nothing to do. I do not agree with them! I am constantly in some kind of movement. I especially love to fish there, and after - be sure to prepare what they caught.

On vacation in the Maldives

On vacation in the Maldives

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- Irina, you try to spend as much time with your son. Even on touring it ...

- Son I take with myself, unfortunately, not often. He must learn and develop, not ride with me from the city to the city. This year I took it with you to America and to Paris, where I had an ID for a radio station, whose voice was already four years. But we are constantly in touch. And my mother, Natalia Borisovna helps me in the upbringing. The best nanny is a grandmother! She spends more time with Artem than me, but it does not prevent me from controlling everything, even the lessons by phone. (Laughs.) As for the role in the family, I earn and constantly I am at work. Artem understands this and supports me in every possible way. I remember how in 2014 he went on his birthday to shooting and concert! It was very touching and remained in my memory for life. (Smiles.)

- Not tired of being strong?

"When I go out on stage," a strong woman "says immediately, but I'm not sure. I, like any girl, can cry in the pillow, ingot, I also end the strength, but I quickly collect myself in my hands and continue to go ahead. Of course, I want to rely on a strong shoulder and remove many problems with myself. But I am 34 years old, and find a suitable satellite is difficult. A older peers or men are usually married. I had Men younger than me, but it did not lead to anything. After all my past novels, I know for sure: I need partnerships.

- Press you constantly attribute non-existent novels. It is clear that you are accustomed to this. And how do they react to this native son?

"My son is very smart and tries not to upset me." I know that he reads all the news that come out about me, including the "yellow press". I have long been accustomed to great attention to myself, I knew that this is the reverse side of my profession. Therefore, let them write what they want, if only the surname would write correctly! (Smiles.)

- When you were a little girl, what kind of family did you represent?

- From my childhood, I wanted to live in Moscow and become a veterinarian. Parents, of course, responded positively on my desire, but it soon changed to the artist. (Smiles.) I lived in a private house and always wanted me to have my own home, many children and many pets! Part of my desires came true, but I also want a girl with huge white bows ... (smiles.)

- Artem is already big, you talk to him about the future, dream together?

- The son already requires his sister! (Laughs.) We periodically talk to him about it, but I will leave this little secret.

- Returning to vacation. You have now a big concert tour of Russia, plus participation in the "exactly" program, the New Year shooting will soon begin. Now you can relax only after the new year?

- The benefit of the shooting "exactly" ended in the spring, but the Christmas trees and the continuation of the tour are waiting for me. So I plan to relax only in the New Year holidays. True, half of them have concerts. And the next year I plan to make an anniversary show in the fall and release my first collection of poems. I hope everything will work out.

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