Kozlovsky and Snigar broke up?


In one of the recent interviews, the father of the famous actor Danil Kozlovsky told in detail about him. According to Valery Ivanovich Kozlovsky, Glory and money did not change his son at all: Danil always helps his relatives, and coming on business to Moscow, he necessarily calls the Father.

"I usually offer Dane:" Today I dine at Sanka Pushkin "or" Let's drink a seagull from Vladimir Mayakovsky "- I mean the restaurant at the Chaykovsky hall, the windows of which go to the Mayakovsky Square, - Quotes Valery Ivanovich Starhit. - Somehow I was waiting for my son on Tverskaya, sat down on the bench. I see the boy runs, the hair is disheveled. I managed to surprise: "What a familiar figure". And closer runs - Danka! Jumps on the neck with the words: "Dad, daddy!" I ask that with hairstyle. It turns out that the hockey training session was. The shooting of "Legend number 17" began.

As Valery Kozlovsky is recognized, the son, removing in the "legend," gave him to read the script, and he looked all night. "After the premiere show, Danka approached me:" Well, how? " - Says Father. "I am to him:" Menshikov - ingenious. " Son: "And me?" - "and Menchov - ingenious." - "And I?" "" And the Lord gives you the fishing. "

Career Danil Kozlovsky is in the mountain: at the age of 28, he managed to get a "golden eagle" for the best male role in the film "Duchless", became the "man of the year" according to GQ, starred in Hollywood blockbuster Mark Watres "Vampire Academy". But to marry for the second time the actor is not in a hurry. He lived with St. Petersburg actress Ursula Malka for three years. They remained friends and continue to play together in the play of a small dramatic "Warsaw Melody". But, according to Valery Ivanovich, the heart of the Son is free. With the actress Yulia Snikhar, about the novel with which the press wrote last year, they broke up.

"Snegiri arrive and fly away, and Danya remains. He told me that he would not marry until there was a real feeling. And he does not want to exchange, "says Valery Ivanovich.

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