Natalia Medvedev: "I am an inappropriate girl and I do not advise anyone"


- Natalia, you were born on March 9 - you can say a gift to mom to the International Women's Day?

- More precisely, I decided to arrange a holiday the next day for the whole family! (Smiles.)

- Have you been a "golden child" or "not a gift"?

- I was a "golden child" for years to 10-12, and then suddenly became "not a gift"! Being a little, I never capricious, I did not require buying all the toys liked, did not scream, did not scream. In general, it did not interfere with anyone. "I want", "Dai" - it was not about me! And then there was a transitional age. And as it usually happens with all adolescents, youthful maximalism appeared, the desire to do everything on the contrary, and sometimes called adults. It seemed to me that all around the enemies. (Smiles.) I did not like the control of parents - after all, in 14 years I wanted to feel free! Hence the conflicts were born. Well, of course, any youth informal trends did not go around me. I remember, then it was fashionable to walk in raven clothing of acid color. (Laughs.)

- Have any actions for which you still have a shame?

- Of course, there is if you dig. Each person has its own "skeleton in the closet"! But I will not tell you. (Laughs.)

- Your parents live in the suburbs. Often visit them?

- I try to visit more often. Fortunately, they live not in the far near Moscow, but very close. Therefore, on holidays and weekends, I call them, or they - to me. Sometimes in the country we meet all together.

- With your husband have good relationships?

- Beautiful! Each time parents bring him gifts from recreation, congratulations to all holidays. Sasha in debt does not remain and also comes up with different surprises.

- You have been married to Cavanecher Alexander Spherian for a year and a half. They say the first year is the most difficult. Do you agree with that?

- In fact, we are together much longer than married. The first year after the acquaintance was quite difficult. When the candidate and bought period ended, we inevitably encountered everyday difficulties, with some ordinary things that have nothing to do with romance. Then you needed to get used to see your half not only in the high spirits, but also in anger, and in irritated condition, and in fatigue. Therefore, the first year is such an experimental, essentially. Immediately becomes clear, you can or can not live together.

In two months of 2014, Natalia managed to go to Israel, India and America. The actress loves to travel, but often gets into all sorts of pollocks. .

In two months of 2014, Natalia managed to go to Israel, India and America. The actress loves to travel, but often gets into all sorts of pollocks. .

- On stage and screen, you often depict a wrinkled woman. And in life you, too, with a crazy?

- Yes, I am with a madman, but tolerant, easy and kind. (Laughs.) Hang songs, a little to entertain someone, dance on the street - this is please! But I will not jump along the hoods of expensive cars and curb the stallows of the graffiti stores. In my environment, by the way, a lot of people who are much more awesome than me!

- You can remember the situation when you yourself understood that they moved away?

- It happens that I will joke unsuccessfully or inappropriate. But it is extremely rare. All the same you feel the face of some.

- Husband tolerate your whims?

- Not always.

"Judging by your interviews, you often get into non-standard situations: then Belyash beat someone, then a little bit burned for the new year. And this year did something unusual happened?

- The year just started, and I already visited Israel, in India and in America. And what the most interesting thing happened without excesses! Although usually it is unusual for me, and I always get on trips to some pollarms. Then the aircraft will sleep, then the luggage is confused. And then everything is smooth! This is very unusual for me. (Laughs.)

- It is said that it was Mother who dissuaded you to enter the theater institute, and you graduated from trade and economic. She does not regret that once pressed for you?

- She did not press. I would say: she did not insisted that I do to the theater Institute. We did not even think, honestly, about theatrical. They opened a reference book for entering universities, looked that it was necessary to write an essay on the entrance exams, and immediately rented the page. (Laughs.) In the writings I was unfulnna. On a free topic could write as much as possible, but as soon as the framework appeared, a stupor was occurred. I was strong in mathematics, so I filed documents to trade and economic. And the presence of the guilt here is not here. The solution was mutual.

- And you do not regret that they did not enroll in the theater university?

- I do not regret. It's just curious that it would be if I did, where would I be listed?

- You play in several performances, you are comedy woman star. Parents are fans of your creativity?

- Well, I would not say. They like other transmissions. "Ural dumplings", for example. And Comedy Woman can skip and then watch the recording somewhere on the Internet. But honestly. (Laughs.)

- Parents still have a strong influence on you?

- I am generally an ongoing girl and I can't boast that the word of parents for me is a law, as it happens, for example, in many Eastern countries. I will not lie, I accept all solutions myself. Mom often criticizes, but knows that it is useless to argue. I advise I only with my husband. And with the parents somehow did not start. Since childhood, everything is self-sama.

- Parents presented you with very sonorous surname. You have never been interested in: you or not our premiere? Never use that you are named after?

- never used. Although at times you need to make me fun on this topic. Especially many subskings were when Dmitry Anatolyevich was president. Constantly asked: isn't your daughter randomly? What I answered: Yes, if I were a daughter of the president, I didn't go here now. (Laughs.)

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