Not "Oscar" one: the most interesting filmmakers


"Selection of the people"

January 8

Feature: The "Selection of People" award was invented in 1975 in order to give fans a chance to express their opinion on movies, television and show business. Until 2005, the winners were determined using various surveys. Now voting passes on the Internet, and any person can give his voice to his beloved artist.

Figurine: initially was made of crystal in the form of a flame language with engraved applauding hands. In 2010, the design changed a bit, although still resembles a flame language. However, the new statuette caused a storm of indignation, as, according to the majority, the reward became similar to the female genitals.

What I remember: One of the most memorable moments of the ceremony was the speech of Julia Roberts in 2000. "I'm so glad that my armpits shaved today," said the movie star, taking the reward as the best actress.

Whoever distinguished himself this year: the best actress people called Sandra Bullock, actor - Johnny Depp, Pop performer - Britney Spears. Among the films won the Iron Man. From the comedy TV series, everyone liked the "Theory of the Big Explosion", and from the dramatic - "The Walking Dead".

"Golden Globe"

January 12.

Feature: For the first time, the ceremony, noting the merit not only in the cinema, but also on television, was carried out in 1944. The award is awarded to the Hollywood Association of Foreign Press, that is, about 90 international journalists living in Hollywood are chosen from the best. Unlike most other ceremonies, guests are sitting not in the auditorium, but at the tables where they can enjoy food and drinks.

Figurine: The award is a globe, wounded by film. Since 2009, the globe is put on the marble pedestal. Zinc frame is covered with 24-carat gold. Figurine height - 27 centimeters, weight - 2.5 kilograms.

What was remembered: the greatest number of statuette "Golden Globe" was awarded Meryl Streep, who won eight victories in personal nominations. It is ahead of only Barra Streisand, who has nine awards, but among them three honorary. Strip also belongs to the record in the number of nominations for the Golden Globe - 28.

Whoever distinguished himself this year: the best dramatic film was the tape "12 years of slavery", comedy - "Afraire American". Among the actors in Drama, Matthew McConaehi was gave out to the leaders, among actresses - Kate Blanchett. And in the comedy genre, Leonardo di Caprio and Amy Adams won. Alfonso Quaron ("Gravity") received a prize for the director. The best dramatic series was recognized by "all grave", and the comedy - Brooklyn 9-9.

BAFTA (Prize of the British Academy of Cinema and Teleceptions)

February 16

Feature: One of the few premiums, the ceremony of the presentation of which is not in Hollywood, but in London. Films of different countries are allowed to the competition, if only they were in British box office for the previous year. Since its foundation in 1947, the award was usually handed over in April or May. But in 2002, the ceremony was decided to transfer to February to precede "Oscar".

Figurine: The award is made in the form of a theatrical tragicomic mask invented by the American artist and the sculptor Mitzi Califf in 1955. Mask keeps secret. On its back side, around one eye is a symbol of an atom (in the form of crossed orbits of electrons with a core point in the middle), and around the other - the screen symbol. They symbolize the relationship between dramatic art and television and cinema technologies.

What was remembered: the most outstanding moment in the history of the premium occurred last year. And it happened not even on the ceremony itself, and after. The famous British actor and director Kenneth Brahn, calling Elizabeth the second "best girl James Bond", handed it an honorary "gold mask" for her many years of support for the development of film and tele-industry in the UK.

Whoever distinguished this year: British academics did not originate and gave the main awards of the film "12 years of slavery", director Alfonso Quaraon, actors, Chisvelal, Edzhiofor and Kate Blanchett.

Premium Guild film actors

January 18.

Feature: The premium was invented in 1995. It is awarded exclusively to actors both cinema and television. The actors also vote for them, but only those that enter the guild of film actors and the Federation of television and radiots. The most important award ceremony is a premium for the best cast in the game film and the series.

Statuette: made of pure bronze statuette high 41 centimeter and weighing 5.5 kilograms called "actor" and is a figure of a naked man who holds the masks of tragedy and comedy in the hands.

What is remembered: Alec Baldwin and Julianna Margulis boast the biggest number of awards: they received 8 figurines for his work on TV. And the 2012 cerembrary itself became the ceremony, and thanks to the director Martin Scorsera. Then the cast of the film "Hisner in Vegas" offered his version of the popular alcohol: "Drink every time in your chatter with friends is mentioned by the name Scorsese. You will be surprised how often it happens in the most ordinary conversation, "the girls said and immediately drank right on stage.

Whoever distinguished this year: Matthew McConaja was named the best performer, the female - Kate Blanchett. Among the acting staff defeated the ensemble of the film "Afraina American". Television drivers, in turn, celebrated the game Michael Douglas and Helen Mirren. And the cascaders awarded the group of their colleagues who distinguished themselves in the painting "Surviving".

"Golden Malina"

March 1

Feature: A premium, also known as anti-Oscar, is awarded since 1981 a day to Oscar and celebrates the worst films of the past year. That is why the overwhelming majority of nominees do not come to the ceremony. In addition to members of the Golden Raspberry Prize Foundation, any person who paid $ 40 per membership may take part in the vote. The reward was obtained thanks to the widespread English jargon expression "blow to raspberry", which means sniffing in a sign of ridicule, blowing on the tongue surrounded between her lips.

Figurine: The premium is a raspberry ber size with a golf ball on a pedestal, made in the form of a coil with a film of 8 mm. The statuette is made of plastic and covered with ordinary gold paint from the spray gun.

What was remembered: "honorable" award for the worst contribution to the development of cinema in the entire history of the award was handed over only five times, including Ronald Reagan in 1981 and Shark Bruce (the rubber-mechanical model of sharks from the Jaws film) in 1987 .

Whoever distinguished this year: it will become known only on March 1, but in the nominees this year, Johnny Depp, for the first time in the entire career, was hit by the film "Lone Ranger", put forward in 5 nominations. A good chance to "win" is also at Will Smith with the film "After our era" (6 nominations) and the entire cast of the paintings "Odnoklassniki-2" (9 nominations).

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