5 rules when cooking kebab


Rule number 1

You are ready for a kebab from the store or you marinated meat yourself, it's chicken, or pork is a matter of taste. The main thing is not to spoil it during cooking, and it is very easy if you ride pieces tightly to each other, which prevents the root. Do not save space on the skewers, leave the distance of half acemeter between the joints.

Do not save place

Do not save place



Rule number 2.

Do not mix vegetables and meat - the cooking time is different. While lamb is thriving, as it should, tomatoes and onions burn. It is more convenient to cook them on the grille, separately, when the heat from the coal is not so strong.

Meat and vegetables are not compatible

Meat and vegetables are not compatible


Rule number 3.

Having rolled the pieces on the Shape, make sure that they were one size, otherwise the big remains raw, and small dried. Marinuy meat alone, put it with the same cubes about 4-5 centimeters, then you will not need to "try on" during cooking.

Different products are more convenient to cook on the grille

Different products are more convenient to cook on the grille


Rule number 4.

It only seems to be frying the meat on anything. Although fir branches in the forest of Naliai or the old fence will burn. The quality of firewood plays great importance for the taste of dishes. "Right" is birch lamps or deciduous trees, dry, without branches and leaves. In the store you can buy ready-made coal, but you should not buy a selling nearby liquid for ignition. Otherwise, your meat will not work with the aroma of the haze, but chemistry.

Hollow coal will become gray

Hollow coal will become gray


Rule number 5.

It is not necessary to water the coals in the case of ignition neither by water or wine nor marinade. You eh just carry and reduce the heat. Finding on meat, the cold liquid interferes with a uniform cheer. To knock down the flame, remove the skewers for a few seconds from the mantle and mix the coals. Just shifting the kebab to the side is not worth it, dust will be asced to it.

Do not bother flames

Do not bother flames


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