Hollywood Trend: Why Robbie, Ivakova and others use closets for lips care


Hollywood actress Margot Robbie in an ELLE interview admitted that she has a conspiracy theory that producers of lip balm producers are specially added to the drying skin of the substance. The star believes that they increase the sales of funds, and therefore it does not use them. But what does Robbie replace the leaving agent? Cream for nipples!

What is the cream?

Do not scare the names - special cream for nipples do not exist, it is written by manufacturers to explain the purpose of using a non-receptible drug for rapid healing and skin softening. The composition of the nipple cream contains a high concentration of Lanolin - this is an animal wax, obtained by oily wool sheep. It works as a NUF - a natural moisturizing factor, creating a thin wax film on the surface of the lips, under which the skin is restored. In addition to Lanolin, vitamins A and E, natural oils, glycerin, silicones can be vitamins A and E, the composition varies depending on the manufacturer.

In addition to Lanolina, the cream will be vitamins and oils

In addition to Lanolina, the cream will be vitamins and oils

How to use the tool?

The easiest option was advised by Star Makeupist Yuri Stolyarov: from time to time to apply it on the lips and leave for a couple of minutes to absorb. If everything is especially bad with lips, your lips can be covered on top of a small piece of food film - the skin is slightly warm and the tool is easier to absorb. You can also apply the cream, and on top to close it mask for the lips - you can buy it in any cosmetic store.

What can be side effects?

Dermatologists advise to be neat girls with allergies on animal wool and protein. When applied to the lips, part of the product is in itself directly in the stomach, which can cause allergies. And although on the lips you need to apply a negligible amount of cream, still it is worth staying attentive. If you understand that they moved away with the means, rush it under running water and clean the lips with gel for washing, and then drink several glasses of water.

Otherwise, dermatologists have nothing against the use of this means on the lips. And it is not the only one - in this material we said, what other cosmetic products for body care will be suitable on the face.

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