What awaits us in 2020: forecast for every month


2020 is approaching - the year of the rat - and, of course, many are interested in what is expected from him. You can answer this question by contacting the ancient art of Tarot.

January 2020.

January - the first month of the year, half of which falls for festive and postprasnial days - New Year's holidays. At this month we will swim downstream, you should not build serious plans and expect some global achievements. But new acquaintances and novels may well take place.

February 2020.

Festive January is inferior to February weekdays. This month carries us hard work, success in career construction, new important business dating.

March 2020.

The beginning of spring 2020 is a period of romance and love dating. March and from a financial point of view will be successful, providing many businessmen to develop their projects in the best possible way.

April 2020.

In April, adventurous proposals and risky enterprises must beware, but in general the month will be stable and even successful financially. The main thing is not to climb the rags where it is not necessary. Risky projects are also better not to start.

May 2020.

On this last spring month, you want to rest more. But it is not worth relaxing, otherwise you can nourish serious financial problems and troubles for work. Try to keep yourself in your hands and continue stable career.

June 2020.

The first summer month of 2020 can many of us bring global changes. For most, they will benefit by opening new horizons and career, and in terms of financial prosperity, and in personal life.

July 2020.

Nothing good. Material problems, difficulties at work, family quarrels, parting with loved ones - this is what July 2020. Knowing this, it is necessary to behave in such a way as to eliminate the very likelihood of conflicts at home and at work.

Tatiana Khol

Tatiana Khol

Photo: instagram.com/tatyana__tar0/

August 2020.

The continuation of July, only somewhat softer. In August 2020, we can expect problems with leaders and colleagues at work, but they will be able to solve them in most cases.

September 2020.

The beginning of the fall, the time of the offensive "Autumn Handra", which should be driven away and not to relax and leave the working tone. It is also worth refraining from quarrels.

October 2020.

Activity is the credo of this month. If you are a targeted workaholic, then luck will smile exactly, but if not - you need to work on yourself!

November 2020.

This is usually the most busy month of the end of the year, but you need to find time and for the family, for friends, for relaxation. Then you will feel comfortable and harmonious.

December 2020.

So 2020 comes to an end. This month should not be particularly active and starting new projects - it is better to wait until the new year on the onset of the new year and then to take the case.

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