How to build your own career route: Tips from HR Consultant


Over the past few years, we have noticed major changes in the labor market. Get career growth It is extremely difficult in modern realities.

Today, being a young specialist, you should be aware of all the latest news and changes in the labor market. Knowledge of the most sought-after professions can significantly save time, as the needs of the market are known in advance. Based on the information received, we must adjust your skills for the interests of employers.

Successful career reveals a number of possibilities in front of people. In particular, Financial stability to which almost everyone seeks. But how in modern conditions to prepare yourself for a long and thorny road on a career ladder?

Some will name this list of goals, others - ambitious plan. In any case, a strategy is needed to start building a career. This strategy will help you determine your skills, needs and your potential future.

Here is a list of important factors that will need to add to the tasks to achieve the goal and begin to build your career.

1. Determine your career goals

It is impossible to start building a career if you do not know what you want to see it. The establishment of goals and stages of its achievement will be the first step towards building the future.

Once the goal is defined, we begin to build your way to achieve it.

Remember that this is an important step, since the setting of goals is the choice of what you want to do in your life, and what career you will eventually choose.

Remember: little feel satisfaction from your choice - you need to enjoy them.

All this is achievable, provided that desires will be the most rational for you, and the goals set themselves.


Education is extremely important for creating a career. When most young people think about education, they think about university, MBA, which they could get, and so on.

Pay attention - there is no limit to perfection, which means that the knowledge gained is sooner or later will not be enough. Always strive to study something new and interesting for you.

Visiting webinars and seminars as often as possible, you improve your knowledge, you improve your current skills and, of course, develop new ones. Fortunately, at this stage, people are not limited to choosing online courses, as there are many online schools and even academies.

Find courses to which the soul stretches. Free versions are great, but you do not have to forget that some paid options can provide you with more qualitative and extensive material. For example, my personal blog @ can be a great way to start learning various approaches to building a career, and you can also learn about the psychology of management and influence. Believe me, these are important skills that will decorate the portfolio. Think about it as an investment in yourself.

3. Develop your career experience

Visit seminars and webinars to increase your professional level. Also stay well and explore everything unknown. Try to focus on the part of the work that you like most. Examine it as deep as possible.

You can conduct online studies of popular articles, find scientific work on them, even learn statistics and apply the described methods to see what works, and what is not. By doing so, you can begin the development of your methods and strategies that will help you better do our work and bring more efficient results.

Business owners are always looking for talents that will bring their business to a new level. You can show this talent.

4. Consider the internship

Internship is a great way to develop your skills and find yourself in a working environment. After becoming a "apprentice", you get the opportunity to learn from professionals, learn more about workflows and much easier to determine their strengths. The passage of internship can bring a lot of benefit.

However, the most important advantage is the environment.

5. Create your network

As a novice employee or future entrepreneur, uniting himself from his work should be one of your main priorities. You already know how good your results are, and you can properly prove yourself. How are you going to do it?

By creating a network of acquaintances, mentors and potential future employees, your experience will begin to grow. You will learn new methods to promote your work and realize what is best suited for you.

Most importantly, you set conjunction with people who can promote you and help you climb. Of course, you will need to start with a small one, but if you save and strengthen your contacts, you will get a permanent growth in both personal and professional levels.

6. Be responsible for your life

Many qualities are characteristic of professionals. Responsibility is one of them. As a professional, you must be responsible for everything that happens in your work.

Everyone has bad days, and quarrels will arise in the workplace. As a professional, you should be ready to take responsibility for our share. If one of your projects does not give the necessary results, be prepared to take responsibility for your work. The next time you will succeed.

It is important to remember - the responsible professional inspires others and instills confidence in them. Do you want to be such a professional?

7. Be prepared to face problems

In addition to responsibility for their workplace, as well as in real life, you will be in bad situations that arise from different circumstances. Unfortunately, this cannot be avoided.

If you want to build a career, you need to be prepared for similar situations. You can not evade your working problems. You must refer to them responsibly and honestly. As soon as you do this, you will feel strong and ready for the next call.

So, how can you use this Motivation tool to challenge yourself at work?

8. Consider your work as a series of individual tasks.

Instead of considering your work as a working marathon from 9 to 18, break it on separate elements and tasks.

Maintaining a daily list of cases and crossing each task as it is executed - a good way to track your progress.

9. Enter the Decience Diary

They offer to allocate only 5 minutes at the end of each day to list the events that occurred during the day. This practice can help you see both small victories and failures. Thus, it will be easier to overcome difficulties. Thanks to the analysis of the made, you can see real achievements during each day and small mistakes will not spoil the mood.

10. Mark little victories

Try creating a way to record or reflect on your daily achievements. Find a minute to enjoy the feeling of victory. This will help maintain your motivation to build a career in the future.

Remember: career can not be built in one day.

There will have to make a lot of effort, time and patience to achieve success. On the path of promotion through the career ladder, you will have to sacrifice something from the comfort zone. However, all this only temper a person. Show perseverance to achieve the desired results.

Your devotion to yourself and goals sooner or later will pay off!

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